mcuzone 发表于 2014-1-8 10:00:36


关键词: Freescale 飞思卡尔 Kinetis Cortex-M4 K70 MDKK70 核心板 开发板 例程 demo 低功耗定时器 LPTMR


K70-256pin      Silicon rev 1.0
Flash parameter version
Flash version ID

LPTMR Examples

LPTMR Time Counting Example
LPTMR using LPO clock with no prescale, and compare value=5000 (5 seconds)
Press a key to start counter
Current value of counter register CNR is 5000
Waited for 5000 counts
End of Time Counting Example
Current value of pulse count register CNR is XXX.
Detected 1000 pulses on LPTMR_ALT2
End of Pulse Counting Example

LPTMR Time Counting Example with Prescaler
LPTMR using LPO clock with PRESCALE=4 and compare value=250 (8 seconds)
Press a key to start counter
Current value of counter register CNR is 250
Waited for 250 counts
End of Time Counting Example with Prescale

Internal Reference Clock Example
LPTMR using fast internal ref clock with PRESCALE=0x8, and compare value=15625 (4 seconds)
Press a key to start counter

4 seconds should have passed
End of Internal reference Clock Source Example

LPO Clock Source Example
LPTMR using LPO clock with no prescale, and compare value=4000 (4 seconds)
Press a key to start counter

4 seconds should have passed
End of LPO Clock Source Example

32 Khz Clock Source Example
Test using RTC OSC
LPTMR using 32Khz clock with PRESCALE=0x1, and compare value=32768 (4 seconds)
Press a key to start counter

4 seconds should have passed
End of 32 Khz Clock Source Example

External Clock Source Example
LPTMR using external clock with PRESCALE=0xF, and compare value=7630 (10 seconds)
Press a key to start counter

Timer should have waited for 10 seconds
End of External Clock Example

LPTMR Interrupt Example
LPTMR using LPO clock with no prescale, and compare value=5000 (5 seconds)
Press a key to start counter


Timer should have waited for 5 seconds
End of LPTMR Interrupt Example

LPTMR Pulse Counting Example on LPTMR_ALT1

Testing ALT1 pin on PORTA19

This test requires a function generator, or another way of producing a pulse signal on the pin specified above. Please connect that device to the specified pin
If you would like to continue with this example, press "y". To skip press any other key

Press any key to start pulse counter

Current value of pulse count register CNR is xxx.
Detected 1000 pulses on LPTMR_ALT1
End of Pulse Counting Example

LPTMR Pulse Counting Example on LPTMR_ALT2

Testing ALT2 pin on PORTC5

This test requires a function generator, or another way of producing a pulse signal on the pin specified above. Please connect that device to the specified pin
If you would like to continue with this example, press "y". To skip press any other key

Press any key to start pulse counter

Current value of pulse count register CNR is xxx.
Detected 1000 pulses on LPTMR_ALT2
End of Pulse Counting Example

End of LPTMR Examples

mcuzone 发表于 2014-1-8 10:01:43

页: [1]
查看完整版本: K70例程019:低功耗定时器LPTMR_IAR