happyandsafe 发表于 2013-8-9 17:42:58

紧急求助S3C2416 SPI无时钟输出,帮忙分析下初始化代码

//prepare Enable
        *sys_MISCCR |= (1<31); /*HS-SPI SelectHSSPI_EN2Must be set ‘1’*/
//Pin mux
        *port_GPECON|=(1<<27)|(1<<25)|(1<<23);        /*GPE13->SPICLK,GPE12->SPIMOSI,GPE11->SPIMISO; all clr*/

        *port_GPLCON|=(1<<27);/*GPL13->SPISS,all clr*/
/*Pull/down-up disable*/

//Clock on
        *clk_SCLKCON|=(1<<14); /* For HS-SPI        Enable HS-SPI_0 (EPLL) clock */
        *clk_PCLKCON|=(1<<6); /* For HS-SPI Enable PCLK into the SPI_HS0 */
#if 1
//SPI Regs
/*1.Set Transfer Type. ( CPOL & CPHA set ) CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0 (Format A)*/
        *spi_CH_CFG |= (1<<5);        /*sw_rst enable*/
        *spi_CH_CFG &= ~(1<<5);        /*sw_rst disable*/

/*2.Set Clock configuration register. */
        *spi_CLK_CFG=0x5;        /*prescale=5*/
        *spi_CLK_CFG|=(1<<8);        /*Enable clock*/
/*3.Set HS_SPI MODE configuration register.*/
        *spi_MODE_CFG|=(0x3FF<<19);        /*Trailing count refresh*/
        *spi_MODE_CFG|=(1<<5)|(1<<11);        /*Triger level*/

/*4.Set HS_SPI INT_EN register. */
/*5.Set Packet Count configuration register if necessary. */

/*6.SetTx or Rx Channel on. */
        *spi_CH_CFG |= 1<<0;                /*Tx channal on*/
        *spi_CH_CFG |= 1<<1;        /*Rx channal on*/

/*7.Set nSSout low to start Tx or Rx operation
        A.        Set nSSout Bit to low, then start TX data writing.
        B.        If auto chip selection bit is set, should not control nCS*/
        *spi_SLAVE_SLECTION_REG&=~(1<<0);        /*Manual mode,Enable SPI_CS*/

/*8. test send Byte*/
        *spi_SPI_TX_DATA = 0x55;
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查看完整版本: 紧急求助S3C2416 SPI无时钟输出,帮忙分析下初始化代码