siyun-22 发表于 2011-5-24 23:18:22

quartus II 11.0问题

sopc builder是不是被Qsys替代了,我的sopc builder是灰色的?
DSP builder 在11.0中怎么找不到?
而且很占用空间很大,11.0_legacy_nios2_windows不知道还需要装不,装了quartus就已经有nios IDE了,请教大侠

yzgolden 发表于 2011-5-25 09:30:04

我问一下 楼主 ,你是直接在 FTP 下载吗? 我下载后 安装提示权限问题。郁闷啊

giftFPGA 发表于 2011-5-25 09:30:52

11.0最大的特点就是 新的sopc开发工具 qsys
号称性能是SOPC builder 的两倍
如cortex a9硬核mips软核 .....
附 what's new inQuartus® II software version 11.0

Quartus® II software version 11.0, the industry's number one software in performance and productivity for CPLD, FPGA, and HardCopy® ASIC designs is available for download. Quartus II software version 11.0 delivers the production release of Altera’s new system-level integration tool known as Qsys. The Qsys system integration tool saves time and effort in the FPGA design process by enabling faster system development and design reuse.

This version delivers expanded support for the Stratix® V FPGA family including added transceiver modes and features.

Quartus II software version 11.0 also delivers faster board bring-up with improved debug solutions. These improvements include new performance monitoring capabilities in the external memory interface toolkit and improved usability with the Transceiver Toolkit.

Download the Quartus II software v11.0 Subscription Edition or Web Edition today.
Qsys System-Level Integration Tool

Qsys further improves the productivity of FPGA designers by building on top of the success of SOPC Builder with new system development features and a new high-performance interconnect. Qsys provides many benefits to FPGA designers including:

    Faster development with automatic interconnect generation, and available plug-and-play Qsys Compliant intellectual property (IP) cores.
      Altera and its IP partners provide many Qsys Compliant IP cores including interface protocols (e.g. PCI Express®), memories (Eeg. DDR3), processors (e.g. Nios® II processor), and video and image processing megafunctions (e.g. Deinterlacer)
    Faster timing closure with the high-performance Qsys interconnect based on a network-on-a-chip (NoC) architecture
      The Qsys interconnect with automatic pipelining delivers up to 2X higher performance compared to SOPC Builder
    Improved design reuse with support for standard interfaces and hierarchy, so designers can reuse a system generated by Qsys as a subsystem in another Qsys system
    Faster verification with automatic testbench generation, available suite of verification IP and support for on-chip debug using read and write transactions

siyun-22 发表于 2011-5-25 11:59:48



siyun-22 发表于 2011-5-25 12:00:41



yzgolden 发表于 2011-5-25 15:36:49

已经安装 ,BBS里提供的破_解 好像就 NIOS ,没有其他IP 啊???? 你的LICENSE 是什么? 多个IP ?
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