tyou 发表于 2010-3-24 12:08:39

UCOS-II-LPC1700的BUG 官方确认

Related info:
The STKALIGN bit reset value in the Configuration and Control Register at address 0xE000ED14 has been inverted. The reset value is now 1, which means that the stack frame is 8-byte aligned by default. Configuration Control Register.

The generic uC/OS-II Cortex M3 port assumes that stack frame is 4-byte aligned, in order to be consistent
with the port you must cleat the reset value to ‘0’


   Freddy Torres.
   Embedded Software Developer.
   Email:   Freddy.Torres@Micrium.com
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查看完整版本: UCOS-II-LPC1700的BUG 官方确认