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发表于 2021-1-22 09:55:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


知道什么是神吗?其实神本来也是人,只不过神做了人做不到的事情 所以才成了神。 (头文字D, 杜汶泽)


发表于 2021-1-22 09:57:33 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
IEC-61000-3-2 2018标准详细规范,英文版。。。。。。

EC Ec61000-3-2 ● Edition5.02018-01 REDLINE VERSION colour inside Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) Part 3-2: Limits-Limits for harmonic current emissions(equipment input current s 16 A per phase) NTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION Cs33.100.10 SBN9782-8322-5332-8 Warning! Make sure that you obtained this publication from an authorized distributor. O Registered trademark of the Intemational Electrotechnical Commission Capynlght Inlernational Electrolechneal Comm ission Ec61000-3-2:2018RLV@|EC2018 CONTENTS FOREWORD INTRODUCTION 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 General 5 Classification of equipment ……14 5.1 General 14 5.2 Description of lighting equipment 15 6 General requirements................ 4··4·..“· 16 6.1 General 16 6.2 Control method 16 6.3 Harmonic current measurement DD口d由由如自由自电自电由垂电电电曲 17 6.3.1 Test configuration 17 6.3.2 Measurement procedure 6.33 General requirements 18 6.34 Test observation period 20 6. 4 Equipment in a rack or case. 20 7 Harmonic current limits 20 General 20 7.2 for Class a equipm 21 3 Limits for Class B equipmen 22 7.4 for Class c equipment 22 7.4.1 General 22 4.2 Rated power >25 W 22 7.4.3 Rated power 2 5 W and s 25 W 23 7.5 its for Class d equipmet 24 Annex A(normative)Measurement circuit and supply source A 1 Test circuit 26 A 2 Supply source 26 Annex-B- normative-Requirements for-measuremeRt equipment-cmemem Annex B( tive Type test condition 30 B Gen 30 B.2 Test conditions for television receivers(TV).……,…,…,……30 B.2.1 General-eenditieA6 requirements .........,.....,................... 30 B.2.2 Cenditiere fer Measurement conditions 30 B.2.3 Test report 31 B 3 Test conditions for audio B.3.1 Conditions b音。自香垂D· 31 B 3.2 Input signals and loads...... 32 B 4 Test conditions for video-cassette recorders 音垂罩垂垂 32 B.5 Test conditions for lighting equipment,………,…,…,…,……………32 B.5.1 General conditions 32 B.5.2 Lamps 32 B.5.3 Luminaires 33 Copyright international Eteclrolechnical Commission EC61000-3-2:2018RLV@|EC2018 - Belleste and-etep-dewp converters.m. B.5. 4 Lighting control gear.,. 33 B.5.5 DLT control devices 34 B6 Test conditions for independent-and built-iR-iRGandescent lamp phase control dimmers for lighting equipment. 34 B 7 Test conditions for vacuum cleaners 34 B 8 Test conditions for washing machines 35 B 9 Test conditions for microwave ovens 35 B 10 Test conditions for information technology equipment(ITE)... 35 B 10.1 General conditions 35 B 10.2 Optional conditions for measuring emissions of IT equipment with external power supplies or battery chargers 36 B.11 Test conditions for-induetiop hebs cooking appliances….…….,37 B 11.1 Induction hobs and hotplates..... 37 B 11.2 Hobs and hotplates other than induction cooking appliances 7 B 12 Test conditions for air conditioners 38 B13 Test conditions for kitchen machines as defined in IEC 60335-2-14 38 B 14 Test conditions for arc welding equipment which is not professional equipment.. 38 B 15 Test conditions for high pressure cleaners which are not professional equipment 39 B 16 Test conditions for refrigerators and freezers 39 B.16 General 39 B 16.2 Refrigerators and freezers with VsD ● B 16.3 Refrigerators and freezers without VsD 40 Bibliograph 41 Figure 1- Flowchart for determining conformity 21 Figure 2- Illustration of the relative phase angle and current parameters described in 7, 4.3 …23 Figure A1- Measurement circuit for single-phase equipment. 27 Figure A.2-Measurement circuit for three-phase equipment 28 Table 1-Limits for Class a equipment 24 Table 2- Limits for Class c equipment...... 25 Table 3- Limits for Class d equipment 25 Table 4-Test observation period 25 Table B. 1- Conventional load for arc welding equipment tests 38 pyright International Electrotechnical Comm ission EC61000-3-2:2018RLV@|EC2018 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY(EMC) Part 3-2: Limits -Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current s 16 a per phase FOREWORD ) The International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising all national electrotechnical committees (lEc National Committees). the object of iec is to promote international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. to this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications. Technical Reports, Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as " IEC Publication(s )"). Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees: any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaising with the IEc also participate in this preparation. IEC collaborates closely with the International Organization for Standardization (Iso) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement be....


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