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RL78 R5F100FE .XCL文件。含仿真,EEPROM等设置



发表于 2014-8-24 14:10:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
是iar 下的。xcl文件。希望大家有用。
// Project      = Data Flash Library, MF3 single voltage flash
// Module       = fdl_sample_linker_file.xcl
// Device:      = RL78
// Version      = V1.04
// Date         = 13.04.2012
//                                  COPYRIGHT
// Copyright (c) 2011-2012 by Renesas Electronics Europe GmbH, a company of the Renesas Electronics
// Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Purpose:
//              linker sample file
// Warranty Disclaimer
// Because the Product(s) is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty of any kind whatsoever
// and expressly disclaimed and excluded by Renesas, either expressed or implied, including but
// not limited to those for non-infringement of intellectual property, merchantability and/or
// fitness for the particular purpose.
// Renesas shall not have any obligation to maintain, service or provide bug fixes for the
// supplied Product(s) and/or the Application.
// Each User is solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using the Product(s)
// and assumes all risks associated with its exercise of rights under this Agreement, including,
// but not limited to the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws,
// damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of
// operations.
// Limitation of Liability
// In no event shall Renesas be liable to the User for any incidental, consequential, indirect,
// or punitive damage (including but not limited to lost profits) regardless of whether such
// liability is based on breach of contract, tort, strict liability, breach of warranties,
// failure of essential purpose or otherwise and even if advised of the possibility of such
// damages. Renesas shall not be liable for any services or products provided by third party
// vendors, developers or consultants identified or referred to the User by Renesas in
// connection with the Product(s) and/or the Application.
// Environment  = IAR environment for RL78 (version V1.xx)

//      The following segments are defined in this template link file:
//      INTVEC      -- Interrupt vectors.
//      CLTVEC      -- Calltable vectors.
//      RCODE       -- Code used by C/C++ startup and run-time library.
//      CODE        -- Code used by __near_func, __interrupt and __callt functions.
//      XCODE       -- Code used by __far_func functions.
//      NEAR_CONST_ -- Constants used by __near const.
//      FAR_CONST   -- Constants used by __far const.
//      HUGE_CONST  -- Constants used by __huge const.
//      SADDR_x     -- Variables used by __saddr.
//      NEAR_x      -- Variables used by __near.
//      FAR_x       -- Variables used by __far.
//      HUGE_x      -- Variables used by __huge.
//      NEAR_HEAP   -- The heap used by near data model.
//      FAR_HEAP    -- The heap used by far data model.
//      HUGE_HEAP   -- The heap used by __huge objects.
//      SWITCH      -- Switch tables used by near code model.
//      FSWITCH     -- Switch tables used by far code model.
//      DIFUNCT     -- Dynamic initialization vector used by C++
//      Where _x could be one of:
//      _Z      -- Initialized data (initvalue = 0 or without init value).
//      _I      -- Initialized data (initvalue != 0).
//      _ID     -- The initial values of _I.
//      _N      -- Uninitialized data, used by __no_init.

//      Define CPU

//      Size of the stack.

//      Size of the heaps.

//      Near constant location.
//      0 -> Mirrored in rom area 0x00000 - 0x0FFFF
//      1 -> Mirrored in rom area 0x10000 - 0x1FFFF
//      2 -> Writeable constants

//      Used by DLIB only
//      Define the format functions used by printf/scanf.
//      Default is full formatting.


//      Used by DLIB only
//      Define if row buffering should be used by terminal output.
//      Default is no buffering.

//      Used by CLIB only
//      Define the format functions used by printf/scanf.
//      Default is full formatting.


//      Allocate the read only segments that are mapped to ROM.
//      Interrupt vector segment.

//      CALLT vector segment.
-Z(CODE)CLTVEC=00080-000BD  //留2个字节给仿真调试用,用于跳转(注1)
//      OPTION BYTES segment.

//      SECURITY_ID segment.

//      Reserved ROM area for Minicube Firmware: 000D0-00383
//      Reserved ROM areas for OCD Firmware: 000CE-000D7
//                                           0FE00-0FFFF
//注1:仿真需要保留的ROM区域,要求是 2字节 10字节 512字节,在不仿真时,注解掉,
-Z(CODE)OCNIROM1=000CE-000D7  //10个字节,缓存(注1,注3)
-Z(CODE)OCNIROM2=0FE00-0FFFF  //512字节,仿真代码区,前0FC00-0FDFF ,512字节保留(注1,注3)//1k的块操作,所以从0xFC00-0xFFFF

// ============
-Z(CODE)PFDL_COD=[01000-01FFE]/10000  //自编程代码必须安排在4k大小的1簇

//      Near constant segments.
--segment_mirror @NEAR_CONST=NEAR_CONST_ID

//      Startup, Runtime-library, Near, Interrupt
//      and CALLT functions code segment.and near switch.
-Z(CODE)RCODE,CODE=02000-FBFF            //(注2)
-Z(CONST)SWITCH=02000-FBFF               //(注2)

//      Near data initializer segments.
-Z(CONST)NEAR_ID=[02000-FBFF]/10000      //(注2)
-Z(CONST)SADDR_ID=[02000-FBFF]/10000     //(注2)
-Z(CONST)DIFUNCT=[02000-FBFF]/10000      //(注2)

//      Far and huge constant segments and far switch.
//      The FAR_I and FAR_ID segments must start at the same offset
//      in a 64 Kb page.

-Z(FARCONST)FAR_ID=02FFF-FBFF             //(注2)
-Z(FARDATA)FAR_I=FF700-FFEDF              //2k大小

-P(CONST)FAR_CONST=[02000-FBFF]/10000     //(注2)
-Z(CONST)FSWITCH=[02000-FBFF]/10000       //(注2)

//      Far functions code segment.
-P(CODE)XCODE=[02000-FBFF]/10000          //(注2)

//      EEPROM segment.
//      Note: This segment will not be automatically created
//            and it will not be initialised by CSTARTUP!
-Z(DATA)EEPROM=F1000-F1FFF                //(注3)

//      Allocate the read/write segments that are mapped to RAM.
//      Short address data and workseg segments.

//      Near data segments.

//      Far data segments.

//      Huge data segments.添加    //(注3)
-Z(DATA)HUGE_Z=FF700-FFE1F         //(注3)
-P(DATA)HUGE_N=FF700-FFE1F         //(注3)

//      Heap segments.

//      Stack segment.

//      Select the output file format if used from command line.
//      Remove comment to select the file format if used from command line.
//注1:仿真时,用rom的空间声明,2字节 10字节 512字节,
//注2:原来的FFFF改成FBFF 是因为仿真用rom FC00-FFFF 实际使用FE00-FFFF 512字节

//      End of File




发表于 2015-4-21 14:59:30 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2015-5-14 18:04:55 | 显示全部楼层
我想把APP放到0x1000开始执行 这样做行吗

//      XLINK command file template for RL78 microcontroller R5F109AA.
//      This file can be used to link object files from the RL78
//      Assembler, ARL78, and the C/C++ compiler ICCRL78.
//          This file is generated from the device file:
//          DR5F109AA.DVF
//          Copyright(C) 2012 Renesas
//          Format version V3.00, File version V1.02

//      The following segments are defined in this template link file:
//      INTVEC      -- Interrupt vectors.
//      CLTVEC      -- Calltable vectors.
//      RCODE       -- Code used by C/C++ startup and run-time library.
//      CODE        -- Code used by __near_func, __interrupt and __callt functions.
//      XCODE       -- Code used by __far_func functions.
//      NEAR_CONST_ -- Constants used by __near const.
//      FAR_CONST   -- Constants used by __far const.
//      HUGE_CONST  -- Constants used by __huge const.
//      SADDR_x     -- Variables used by __saddr.
//      NEAR_x      -- Variables used by __near.
//      FAR_x       -- Variables used by __far.
//      HUGE_x      -- Variables used by __huge.
//      NEAR_HEAP   -- The heap used by near data model.
//      FAR_HEAP    -- The heap used by far data model.
//      HUGE_HEAP   -- The heap used by __huge objects.
//      SWITCH      -- Switch tables used by near code model.
//      FSWITCH     -- Switch tables used by far model.
//      DIFUNCT     -- Dynamic initialization vector used by C++
//      Where _x could be one of:
//      _Z      -- Initialized data (initvalue = 0 or without init value).
//      _I      -- Initialized data (initvalue != 0).
//      _ID     -- The initial values of _I.
//      _N      -- Uninitialized data, used by __no_init.

//      Define CPU


//      Size of the stack.
//      Remove comment and modify number if used from command line.


//      Size of the heaps.
//      Remove comment and modify number if used from command line.


//      Near constant location.
//      0 -> 0xF0000-0xFFFFF mirrored in rom area 0x00000 - 0x0FFFF
//      1 -> 0xF0000-0xFFFFF mirrored in rom area 0x10000 - 0x1FFFF
//      2 -> Writeable constants
//      Remove comments and modify number if used from command line.



//      Define the format functions used by printf/scanf.
//      Default is auto formatting.
//      Remove appropriate comment(s) to get desired formatting
//      if used from command line.





//      Define replacement of the default library math functions.
//      Choose either of:
//      1) smaller and faster versions
//      2) more accurate versions
//      Remove appropriate comment(s) from either
//      1) or 2), but not both, if used from command line.

// 1) Smaller and faster versions

// 2) More accurate versions

//      Define if row buffering should be used by terminal output.
//      Default is no buffering.
//      Remove comment to get buffered terminal output if used from command line.


//      Allocate the read only segments that are mapped to ROM.
//      Interrupt vector segment.

//      CALLT vector segment.

//      OPTION BYTES segment.

//      SECURITY_ID segment.

//      Reserved ROM areas for OCD Firmware: 000CE-000D7
//                                           03E00-03FFF

//      Near constant segments.
--segment_mirror @NEAR_CONST=NEAR_CONST_ID

//      Startup, Runtime-library, Near, Interrupt
//      and CALLT functions code segment and near switch.

//      Near data initializer segments.

//      Far and huge constant segments and far switch.




//      Far functions code segment.

//      EEPROM segment.
//      Note: This segment will not be automatically created
//            and it will not be initialised by CSTARTUP!

//      Allocate the read/write segments that are mapped to RAM.
//      Short address data and workseg segments.

//      Near data segments.

//      Huge data segments.

//      Far data segments.

//      Heap segments.

//      Stack segment.

//      Select the output file format if used from command line.
//      Remove comment to select the file format if used from command line.

//      End of File
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