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发表于 2013-8-30 11:56:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
基于DEVO 7E  源代码在这里 有兴趣可以直接找其他资料


硬件基于STM32F100   12864点阵  支持A7015  CC2500  24l01  CY6836 等主流无线模块  带2Mflash

软件 基于HID  大容量存储器 DUP升级  GUI  



DSM2 data packets consist of 7 channels each.  the packets are formatted as 16bit MSB-1st values
Data can be either 10 or 11 bits.
6-channel DSM2 = 10bit
8-channel DSM2 = 11bit
All DSMx appears to be 11bit

A packet consists of a Tx ID + upto 7 channels of data
each 16bit data value is defined as:
a 0 bbbb cccccccccc
a bbbb  ccccccccccc

a:    0 for 1st data packet, 1 for 1st channel in 2nd data packet
bbbb: the channel number of this packet
cc..: 10 or 11bit channel data (MSB 1st)

The channel data will be 0xffff if the specific channel slot is unused

Channel assignment appears to be:
0: Throttle
1: Aileron
2: Elevator
3: Rudder
4: Gear
5: Aux1
6: Aux2
7: Aux3

Data packets are defined as:
aa bb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii
aa: If DSM2: 0xff - mfgid[2], if DSMX mfgid[2]
bb: If DSM2: 0xff - mfgid[3] + offset, if DSMX mfgid[3] + offset (see binding)
cccc: Channel
dddd: Channel
eeee: Channel
ffff: Channel
gggg: Channel
hhhh: Channel
iiii: Channel

Each packet is sent twice, once on channel 'a' and 4msec later on channel 'b'
If there are more than 7 channels to transmit, the upper channels are transmitted using the same
packet format 11mec after the the low-channel packet.
New channel data is transmitted each 22msec

For example:
0msec: Transmit channels 0-7 on channel 'a'
4msec: Transmit channels 0-7 on channel 'b'
11msec: Transmit channels 8-14 on channel 'a'
15msec: Transmit channels 8-14 on channel 'b'
22msec: Transmit channels 0-7 on channel 'a'

New SOP(8 bytes) and Data (16 bytes) codes are sent before each packet.

The bind packet is as follows:
aa bb cc dd aa bb cc dd eeee ff gg hh ii jjjj
aa   : 0xff - mfgid[0]
bb   : 0xff - mfgid[1]
cc   : 0xff - mfgid[2]
dd   : 0xff - mfgid[3] + offset
eeee : 384 + sum of bytes 0 through 7
ff   : Unknown (value = 0x01)
gg   : # of channels being transmitted
hh   : Transmitter capabilities
     : HP6DSM (DSM2): 0x01
     : DX6i   (DSMX): 0xA2
     : DX8    (DSM2): 0x12
     : DX8    (DSMX): 0xB2
     : DM9    (DSM2): 0x02
# of packets (1 if num-channels < 8, 2 if num-channels >= 8) for DSM2
ii   : Unknown (value = 0x00)
jjjj : eeee + sum of bytes 8 through 13
The bind channel can be any odd channel between 0x01 and 0x4f
The SOP and CRC are set as below for the chosen bind channel
the DATA code is 32 bytes.  The 1st 16 bytes are as defined below for the bind channel.
The 2nd 16 bytes are always:
D7A154B15E89AE86 C69422FE48E6574E

Once the Rx detectes that the bind packet is no longer being sent, it
will transmit a confirmation on the same channel using the fillowing 16byte DATA code:
98881BE430790384 060C12181E247110
It is not required that the Tx receives or acts upon this packet

The confirmation data is:
aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj
aa: byte[0] of bind packet
bb: byte[1] of bind packet
cc: byte[2] of bind packet
dd: byte[3] of bind packet
ee: byte[10] of bind packet (always 0x01)
ff: # of supported channels(?)
    AR7000=0x07, AR6010=0x07, AR6210=0x07
gg: requested packet type
    AR6210 connected to HP6DSM(DSM2): 0x01 (DSM2 requested)
    AR7000 connected to DX6i (DSMX):  0x01 (DSM2 requested)
    AR6010 connected to DX6i (DSMX):  0xA2 (DSMX requested)
hh: byte[13] of bind packet (always 0x00)

SOP/Data/CRC code selection:
there is one set of SOP, Data, and CRC codes for each transmit channel.
The SOP and DATA codes come from the Cypress recommended SOP table.  the codes are documented here:

They are organized in 5 rows of 9 columns with the contenst of each 'cell' being an 8-byte PN code
The row is determined by the transmit channel as:
row = channel modulo 5
The columns are determined from the mfgid as follows:
sop-col = (mfgid[0] + mfgid[1] + mfgid[2] + 2) & 0x07
data-col0 = 7 - sop-col
data-col1 = data-col0 + 1
The crc for channel 'a' is NOT(mfgid[1] << 8 + mfgid[0])
The crc for channel 'b' is (mfgid[1] << 8 + mfgid[0])

Here is the table (note that I've transposed rows and columns to make it easier to read)
Note: Values are LSB 1st
             0                 1                 2                 3                 4
0    03BC6E8AEFBDFEF8  83F7A82D7A4464D3  405632D90FD95D97  C0908FBB7C8E2B8E  E1D631265FBD4093
1    8817133B2DBF06D6  3F2C4EAA71487AC9  8E4AD0A9A7FF20CA  8069268008F849E7  DC68089997AEAF8C
2    F1943021A11C88A9  17FF9E213690C782  4C979DBFB83DB5BE  7D2D4954D08040C1  C30E01160E3206BA
3    D0D28EBC822FE3B4  BC5D9A5BEE7F42EB  0C5D24309FCA6DBD  B6F2E61B805A36B4  E08301FAAB3E8FAC
4    8CFA479B83A566D0  24F5DDF87A7774E7  501433DEF17895AD  42AE9C1CDA6705F6  5CD59CB8469C7D84
5    07BD9F26C8310FB8  3D707C94DC84AD95  0C3CFAF9F0F210C9  9B75F7E0148DB580  F1C6FE5C9DA54FB7
6    EF039589B471619D  1E6AF037527B11D4  F4DA06DBBF4E6FB3  BF5498B9B7305A88  58B5B3DD0E28F1B0
7    40BA97D5864FCCD1  62F52BAAFC33BFAF  9E08D1AE595EE8F0  35D1FC9723D4C988  5F303B569645F4A1
8    D7A154B15E89AE86  405632D90FD95D97  C0908FBB7C8E2B8E  88E1D631265FBD40  03BC6E8AEFBDFEF8

The DSM-X channel hopping algorithm was found by Alexandr Alexandrov and Sergey Gimaev.

Channel hopping
DSM-X uses a 23-channel hopping sequence.  The sequence is based upon a unique Tx ID.

The channel hopping algorithm uses an LSR and is computed as follows.
id_tmp = ID = negate(CYRF MFGID + model #)
foreach idx in (0 .. 22):
  ok = 0
  while(ok is 0):
     id_tmp = id_tmp * 0x0019660D + 0x3C6EF35F   ## Randomization
     next_ch = ((id_tmp >> 8) MODULO 0x49) + 3      ## Use least-significant byte and must be larger than 3
     if (next_ch is odd and ID is odd OR next_ch is even and ID is even)
       AND none of the values in the 'ch' array are equal to next_ch:
         if 3 <= tmp < 28 and the number of channels in ch that are between 3 and 28 is < 8
           OR 28 <= tmp < 52 and the number of channels in ch that are between 28 and 52 is < 7
           OR 53 <= tmp and the number of channels in ch that are greater than 53 is < 8:
               ok = 1
  ch[idx] = next_ch




 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-30 11:56:49 | 显示全部楼层
可以开发很多的东西来着 硬件也就260块钱


发表于 2013-8-30 11:58:48 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-9-27 20:32:42 | 显示全部楼层
我最近刚把个 新的DEVO7拆了, 换了自己的主控板STM32F103+24L01(PA)+2.8寸TFT,都调通了界面还没写。
DEVO7的  主控全新的,有感兴趣的可以联系我。


发表于 2013-9-27 20:34:29 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-3 09:46:02 | 显示全部楼层
ANDR0ID 发表于 2013-9-27 20:34

便宜 开源 功能强大, 破解的几乎全部主流协议  参数配置U盘 文件形式


发表于 2013-10-9 14:35:16 | 显示全部楼层
WUST_LJS 发表于 2013-9-27 20:32
我最近刚把个 新的DEVO7拆了, 换了自己的主控板STM32F103+24L01(PA)+2.8寸TFT,都调通了界面还没写。
DEVO ...



发表于 2013-10-10 19:25:54 | 显示全部楼层
define_avr 发表于 2013-10-9 14:35

我是用来控制自己的四轴,所以用24L01 ,可以拿数据和调试。
DEVO7  操作起来太舒服了。 哈哈。 等最近忙结束了 晒晒控~   
问题是我 DEVO7 原装的主板 闲置了, 想找个有需要的 主儿 ~ 呵呵。


发表于 2014-2-8 11:25:29 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2014-2-8 12:54:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2014-2-8 13:28:04 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2014-12-2 14:25:03 | 显示全部楼层
MARK  开源的遥控器


发表于 2014-12-6 16:24:02 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2014-12-6 17:47:18 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-16 19:39:59 | 显示全部楼层
YangFangLR2 发表于 2014-12-6 17:47

200块  STM32  12864的屏 带赛普拉斯的无线芯片,不算贵吧


发表于 2014-12-16 21:04:14 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2015-1-21 11:37:54 | 显示全部楼层
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