回复: 2

mega16 spi与flash通信收不到数据!



发表于 2013-8-13 18:21:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


#ifndef __w25x40_spi_H
#define __w25x40_spi_H

#define uint8 unsigned char
#define uint16 unsigned int
#define uchar unsigned char
#define uint unsigned int
#define uint32 unsigned long
#define CS_H PORTB|=(1<<4);DDRB|=(1<<4)
#define CS_L PORTB&=(0<<4);DDRB|=(1<<4)

#define DO_   (PINB&0X40);DDRB&=(0<<6)

#define WP_H PORTB|=(1<<2);DDRB|=(1<<2)
#define WP_L PORTB&=(0<<2);DDRB|=(1<<2)

#define CLK_H PORTB|=(1<<7);DDRB|=(1<<7)
#define CLK_L PORTB&=(0<<7);DDRB|=(1<<7)

#define DI_H PORTB|=(1<<5);DDRB|=(1<<5)
#define DI_L PORTB&=(0<<5);DDRB|=(1<<5)

#define HOLD_H PORTB|=(1<<3);DDRB|=(1<<3)
#define HOLD_L PORTB&=(0<<3);DDRB|=(1<<3)

#define W25P_WriteEnable 0x06
#define W25P_WriteDisable 0x04
#define W25P_ReadStatusReg 0x05
#define W25P_WriteStatusReg 0x01
#define W25P_ReadData  0x03
#define W25P_FastReadData 0x0B
#define W25P_PageProgram 0x02
#define W25P_SectorErase 0xD8 // 64KB
#define W25P_ChipErase  0xC7
#define W25P_PowerDown  0xB9
#define W25P_ReleasePowerDown 0xAB
#define W25P_DeviceID  0xAB
#define W25P_ManufactDeviceID 0x90

void init_cpu(void);
void IO_Send_Byte(uchar out);
uchar IO_Get_Byte();
void delay(uchar tt);
void IO_Wait_Busy();
void IO_init();
uchar IO_Read_StatusReg();
void IO_Write_StatusReg(uchar byte);
void IO_Write_Enable();
void IO_PowerDown();
void IO_ReleasePowerDown();
uchar IO_Read_ID1();
uint IO_Read_ID2(uchar ID_Addr);
uchar IO_Read_Byte(uint32 Dst_Addr);
void IO_Read_nBytes(uint32 Dst_Addr, uchar nBytes_128);
uchar IO_FastRead_Byte(uint32 Dst_Addr);
void IO_FastRead_nBytes(uint32 Dst_Addr, uchar nBytes_128);
void IO_Write_Byte(uint32 Dst_Addr, uchar byte);
void IO_Write_nBytes(uint32 Dst_Addr, uchar nBytes_128);
void IO_Erase_Chip();
void IO_Erase_Sector(uint32 Dst_Addr);
void Verify(uchar byte, uchar cor_byte);
void IO_Write_Disable();
void trace(uchar *str,uchar len);
uint IO_Read_ID3();

uint8 upper_128[16];

void IO_Send_Byte(uchar out)
  uchar i=0;
  for (i=0;i<8;i++)
  if ((out & 0x80)==0x80)
  { DI_H; }
  { DI_L; }

uchar IO_Read_ID1()
uchar byte;
CS_L;  /* enable device */
IO_Send_Byte(W25P_DeviceID); /* send read device ID command (ABh) */
IO_Send_Byte(0);  /* send address */
IO_Send_Byte(0);  /* send address */
IO_Send_Byte(0);  /* send 3_Dummy address */
byte = IO_Get_Byte();  /* receive Device ID byte */
CS_H;    /* disable device */
delay(20); /* remain CS high for tRES2 = 1.8uS */  

return byte;
uchar IO_Get_Byte(void)
uchar i=0,in=0,temp=0;
for (i=0;i<8;i++)
  in=(in<<1);  /* shift 1 place to the left or shift in 0 */
  temp=DO_;  /* save input */
  CLK_H;  /* toggle clock high */
  if (temp==1)  /* check to see if bit is high */
   in|=0x01; /* if high, make bit high */
  CLK_L;  /* toggle clock low */
return in;

void delay(uchar tt)

void IO_Wait_Busy()
/*  waste time until not busy WEL & Busy bit all be 1 (0x03). */
while (IO_Read_StatusReg() == 0x03)

uchar IO_Read_StatusReg()

uchar byte = 0;
CS_L;   /* enable device */
IO_Send_Byte(W25P_ReadStatusReg); /* send Read Status Register co mmand */
byte = IO_Get_Byte();   /* receive byte */
CS_H;    /* disable device */
return byte;

void IO_Write_StatusReg(uchar byte)
CS_L;    /* enable device */
IO_Send_Byte(W25P_WriteStatusReg); /* select write to status register */
IO_Send_Byte(byte); /* data that will change the status(only bits 2,3,7 can be written) */
CS_H;    /* disable the device */

void IO_Write_Enable()
CS_L;   /* enable device */
IO_Send_Byte(W25P_WriteEnable); /* send W25P_Write_Enable command */
CS_H;   /* disable device */

uint IO_Read_ID2(uchar ID_Addr)
uint IData16;
CS_L;   /* enable device */
IO_Send_Byte(W25P_ManufactDeviceID); /* send read ID command (90h) */
IO_Send_Byte(0x00);   /* send address */
IO_Send_Byte(0x00);   /* send address */
IO_Send_Byte(ID_Addr);   /* send W25Pxx selectable ID address 00H or 01H */
IData16 = IO_Get_Byte()<<8;  /* receive Manufature or Device ID byte */
IData16 |= IO_Get_Byte();  /* receive Device or Manufacture ID byte */
CS_H;    /* disable device */
  return IData16;

uchar IO_Read_Byte(uint32 Dst_Addr)

uchar byte = 0;
CS_L;     /* enable device */
IO_Send_Byte(W25P_ReadData);    /* read command */
IO_Send_Byte(((Dst_Addr & 0xFFFFFF) >> 16)); /* send 3 address bytes */
IO_Send_Byte(((Dst_Addr & 0xFFFF) >> 8));
IO_Send_Byte(Dst_Addr & 0xFF);
byte = IO_Get_Byte();
CS_H;   /* disable device */
return byte;   /* return one byte read */

void IO_Read_nBytes(uint32 Dst_Addr, uchar nBytes_128)
uint32 i = 0;
CS_L;     /* enable device */
IO_Send_Byte(W25P_ReadData);    /* read command */
IO_Send_Byte(((Dst_Addr & 0xFFFFFF) >> 16));  /* send 3 address  bytes */
IO_Send_Byte(((Dst_Addr & 0xFFFF) >> 8));
IO_Send_Byte(Dst_Addr & 0xFF);
for (i = 0; i < nBytes_128; i++)  /* read until no_bytes is reached */
  upper_128[i] = IO_Get_Byte(); /* receive byte and store at address 80H - FFH */
  CS_H;    /* disable device */

uchar IO_FastRead_Byte(uint32 Dst_Addr)

uchar byte = 0;
CS_L;     /* enable device */
IO_Send_Byte(W25P_FastReadData);   /* fast read command */
IO_Send_Byte(((Dst_Addr & 0xFFFFFF) >> 16)); /* send 3 address bytes */
IO_Send_Byte(((Dst_Addr & 0xFFFF) >> 8));
IO_Send_Byte(Dst_Addr & 0xFF);
IO_Send_Byte(0xFF);  /*dummy byte*/
byte = IO_Get_Byte();
CS_H;   /* disable device */
return byte;   /* return one byte read */

void IO_FastRead_nBytes(uint32 Dst_Addr, uchar nBytes_128)
uchar i = 0;
CS_L;     /* enable device */
IO_Send_Byte(W25P_FastReadData);   /* read command */
IO_Send_Byte(((Dst_Addr & 0xFFFFFF) >> 16));  /* send 3 address bytes */
IO_Send_Byte(((Dst_Addr & 0xFFFF) >> 8));
IO_Send_Byte(Dst_Addr & 0xFF);
IO_Send_Byte(0xFF);   /*dummy byte*/
for (i = 0; i < nBytes_128; i++) /* read until no_bytes is reached */
  upper_128[i] = IO_Get_Byte(); /* receive byte and store at address 80H - FFH */
CS_H;    /* disable device */

void IO_Write_Byte(uint32 Dst_Addr, uchar byte)

CS_L;     /* enable device */
IO_Write_Enable();    /* set WEL */
IO_Send_Byte(W25P_PageProgram);   /* send Byte Program command */
IO_Send_Byte(((Dst_Addr & 0xFFFFFF) >> 16)); /* send 3 address bytes */
IO_Send_Byte(((Dst_Addr & 0xFFFF) >> 8));
IO_Send_Byte(Dst_Addr & 0xFF);
IO_Send_Byte(byte);   /* send byte to be programmed */
CS_H;    /* disable device */

void IO_Write_nBytes(uint32 Dst_Addr, uchar nBytes_128)
uchar i, byte;
CS_L;     /* enable device */
IO_Write_Enable();    /* set WEL */
IO_Send_Byte(W25P_PageProgram);   /* send Byte Program command */
IO_Send_Byte(((Dst_Addr & 0xFFFFFF) >> 16)); /* send 3 address bytes */
IO_Send_Byte(((Dst_Addr & 0xFFFF) >> 8));
IO_Send_Byte(Dst_Addr & 0xFF);
for (i = 0; i < nBytes_128; i++)
  byte = upper_128[i];
  IO_Send_Byte(byte);  /* send byte to be programmed */
CS_H;    /* disable device */
//printf("\nPage program (%d nBytes)! please waiting....\n");

void IO_Erase_Chip()

CS_L;    /* enable device */
IO_Write_Enable();    /* set WEL */
IO_Send_Byte(W25P_ChipErase);  /* send Chip Erase command */
CS_H;    /* disable device */

void IO_Erase_Sector(uint32 Dst_Addr)

CS_L;     /* enable device */
IO_Write_Enable();    /* set WEL */
IO_Send_Byte(W25P_SectorErase);   /* send Sector Erase command */
IO_Send_Byte(((Dst_Addr & 0xFFFFFF) >> 16));  /* send 3 address bytes */
IO_Send_Byte(((Dst_Addr & 0xFFFF) >> 8));
IO_Send_Byte(Dst_Addr & 0xFF );
CS_H;     /* disable device */

void Verify(uchar byte, uchar cor_byte)
if (byte != cor_byte)
   //LED_Error = 0; /* display to view error on LED. */   

void IO_Write_Disable()


CS_L;    /* enable device */
IO_Send_Byte(W25P_WriteDisable); /* send W25P_Write_Disable command */
CS_H;    /* disable device */


//ICC-AVR application builder : 2013/8/12 13:23:46
// Target : M8515
// Crystal: 16.000Mhz

#include <iom8515v.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include "w25x40_spi.h"

void IO_init()
CLK_L; /* set clock to low initial state for SPI operation mode 0 *
// _clk = 1; /* set clock to low initial state for SPI operation mode 3 */
// _hold = 1;


void uart0_init(void)
UCSRB = 0x00; //disable while setting baud rate
UCSRA = 0x00;
UCSRC = BIT(URSEL) | 0x06;
UBRRL = 0x67; //set baud rate lo
UBRRH = 0x00; //set baud rate hi
UCSRB = 0x08;
//call this routine to initialize all peripherals
void init_devices(void)
//stop errant interrupts until set up
CLI(); //disable all interrupts
SEI(); //re-enable interrupts
//all peripherals are now initialized

void main(void)
//insert your functional code here...


// IO_Read_ID2(0x22);








 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-13 21:35:49 | 显示全部楼层
这个问题解决了  就是PB6要开启内部上拉,但是...单片机读不到示波器显示有连到单片机上也会有洗好但是单片机读不到


 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-13 22:59:24 | 显示全部楼层
uchar IO_Get_Byte(void)
uchar i=0,in=0,temp=0;
for (i=0;i<8;i++)
  in=(in<<1);  /* shift 1 place to the left or shift in 0 */
  temp=DO_;  /* save input */
  CLK_H;  /* toggle clock high */
  if (temp==1)  /* check to see if bit is high */      if(temp!=0)就是这句,改 了就可以了
   in|=0x01; /* if high, make bit high */
  CLK_L;  /* toggle clock low */
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