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发表于 2013-7-27 11:59:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 youngspirit 于 2013-7-27 12:09 编辑

Tektronix 70000DX series of MSOs target analog, high-speed serial, and RF
Tektronix recently released its MSO/DPO70000DX Series of performance oscilloscopes that feature models with 23GHz, 25GHz, and 33GHz bandwidth and enhanced tools for debugging digital and analog circuits. The company also boasts the world’s fastest and lowest noise oscilloscope probe with 33GHz bandwidth and industry leading sensitivity for low-voltage, high-speed serial, and RF signals.  

Tektronix MSO/DPO70000DX series of performance oscilloscopes features models with 23GHz, 25GHz, and 33GHz bandwidth and enhanced tools for debugging digital and analog circuits.

Rohde & Schwarz RTM adds logic analysis
If you’re looking for multifunctionality, you’ll be interested in this family of bench oscilloscopes, which delivers time domain, logic, protocol, and frequency analysis functions in a single box. In addition to a 5 GS/s speed and a bandwidth of up to 500 MHz, the RTM2000 offers 20 MS of memory and a logic-analysis option with 16 digital channels. The VirtualScreen frees up more space for the simultaneous display of analog, logic, math, and reference signals, and can be expanded to 20 divisions.

Rohde & Schwarz RT M2000 scope offers 20 MS of memory and a logic-analysis option with 16 digital channels.

B&K Economy Scopes deliver more channels, screen size, and economy
With today’s emphasis on lean operations, R&D and test labs need to do more with less. The 2559 digital storage oscilloscope from B&K Precision performs measurements over four channels with 300 MHz bandwidth. Operating at 2 GS/s, the unit offers a memory capacity of 24 kpts/ch. Users can take advantage of its library of 32 automatic measurements, and advanced triggering capabilities that include math functions.

The B&K Precision 2559 DSO performs measurements over four channels with 300 MHz bandwidth.

Yokogawa DLM4000 features eight channels
Aimed at the embedded, power electronics, and automotive markets, this mixed-signal oscilloscope sports eight analog input channels. The DLM4000 provides a bandwidth of up to 500 MHz and a data rate of 2.5 GS/s. A special bonus? The eighth input channel can be toggled to a 8-bit logic analyzer. With an optional 16 additional logic analyzer inputs, the unit becomes a 24-bit analyzer.

The Yokogawa DLM4000 provides a bandwidth of up to 500 MHz and a data rate of 2.5 GS/s.

Fluke 190-502 ScopeMeter delivers handheld performance
Just because you work in the field doesn’t mean you have to compromise on performance. The Fluke 190-502 ScopeMeter oscilloscope delivers a 5 GS/s sampling rate and a 500 MHz bandwidth in sealed, ruggedized handheld unit. The four-channel unit offers up to 10 kpts/ch. Able to run for eight hours on a single charge, it’s also IP-51 rated to be dust and drip resistant.

Fluke 190-502 ScopeMeter delivers a 5 GS/s sampling rate and a 500 MHz bandwidth in sealed, ruggedized handheld unit.

Teledyne LeCroy High Definition Scope sports 12-bit ADC
Got an application that demands high definition? The Teledyne LeCroy HDO6000 offers 16 times more vertical resolution than traditional 8-bit instruments, and enhanced-resolution filtering adds another three bits of resolution for a total of 15 bits. With a 2.5 GS/s sample rate, the four-channel model provides up to 250-Mpts/ch memory. Bandwidth options include 350 MHz, 500 MHz, and 1 GHz. To find out more about the instrument, including integrated debug and analysis tools,  

Teledyne LeCroy HDO6000 offers 16 times more vertical resolution than traditional 8-bit instruments.

PicoScope 5000 Series offers 8- to 16-Bit Resolution
Can't decide whether you want an 8-bit scope, a 16-bit scope, or something in between? With the PicoScope 5000 Series ,you don't have to. A reconfigurable ADC architecture allows users to choose their resolution. The series mode interleaves ADCs to deliver sampling rates of 1 GS/s at 8 bits or 500 MS/s at 12 bits. The parallel mode samples multiple ADCs in phase on each channel, to deliver 14 bits at 125 MS/s per channel (70 dB SFDR). In two-channel mode, resolution rises to 15 bits and in single-channel mode, it jumps to 16 bits at 62.5 MS/s. 200 MHz bandwidth.

The PicoScope 5000 series interleaves ADCs to deliver sampling rates of 1 GS/s at 8 bits or 500 MS/s at 12 bits.

Agilent DSO9204H cuts noise
If you’re working with uber-small signals, this 12-bit scope might be just what you need. The DSO9204H high-definition oscilloscope captures data with a 10 GS/s sampling rate and a 2 GHz bandwidth. For extended data capture, the instruments provide 100 Mpts/ch of memory, which can be upgraded to 500 Mpts/ch. Hypersampling and linear noise-reduction techniques reduce noise by a factor of three for small-signal measurements. The associated probes feature 50 uA resolution, with a maximum current range of 5 A.  

The Agilent DSO9204H high-definition oscilloscope captures data with a 10 GS/s sampling rate and a 2 GHz bandwidth.

Oscium iMSO-104 turns your iPhone into an oscilloscope
These days, smartphones are about everything but carrying voice calls. Need proof? This combination of application and hardware can turn your iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad into a mixed-signal oscilloscope. The iMSO-104 operates at a maximum sample rate of 12 MS/s over a 5 MHz bandwidth. Its compatible with Lightning and 30-pin connectors; with adapters, it works with the iPhone 5 and the iPad Mini. In addition to the software, the package includes a 1x/10x analog probe, a logic harness, SMD grabbers, and analog tip covers.  

This combination of application and hardware from Oscium can turn your iPhone, iPod touch, & iPad into a mixed-signal oscilloscope


知道什么是神吗?其实神本来也是人,只不过神做了人做不到的事情 所以才成了神。 (头文字D, 杜汶泽)


发表于 2013-7-27 12:07:30 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-7-27 12:16:52 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-7-27 14:17:35 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-7-27 15:02:30 | 显示全部楼层
JamesErik 发表于 2013-7-27 12:07
一般个人买不起,上次去展会,泰克最快的带宽貌似都160G了,我的天 ...



发表于 2013-7-27 15:32:55 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2013-7-27 17:08:21 | 显示全部楼层
snoweaglemcu 发表于 2013-7-27 15:32
话说R&S的外观真棒啊,看着就激动 ...



发表于 2013-7-27 17:18:04 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-7-27 17:52:20 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-7-27 19:52:23 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-7-27 20:28:56 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-7-27 20:36:01 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-7-30 12:10:03 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-7-30 12:27:11 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-7-30 12:37:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-7-30 12:54:23 | 显示全部楼层
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