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发表于 2013-7-25 11:55:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 youngspirit 于 2013-7-25 12:18 编辑


#10: Agilent’s InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series of DSOs and MSOs

The 16-model 4000 X series of DSOs (digital storage oscilloscopes) andMSOs (mixed-signal
oscilloscopes) are fully upgradeable, and includestwo- and four analog-channel units having
bandwidths of 200 MHz to 1.5GHz. (The MSOs add 16 digital channels, each with a
maximum sample rateof 1.25G samples/sec and a memory depth of 2M samples.) US prices
rangefrom $5600 to $22,000.

#9 Rigol DSA815TG spectrum analyzer

The Rigol DSA815 budget ($1,295) spectrum analyzer tunes from 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz. A
tracking generator option will run an extra $200 and the EMI option, which provides quasipeak
detection and the three EMI bandwidths (and especially excites us EMC engineers), is
an extra $600. There are a number of other options available.

#8 QualiSystems TestShell 4.8 software

QualiSystems TestShell 4.8 software framework is for lab management, device provisioning,
and test automation. This latest TestShell framework includes new and upgraded features
aiming to significantly reduce the time spent on topology creation, improve team
collaboration, and increase user flexibility.

#7 Pico Technology’s DrDAQ single-board data logger

Pico Technology’s DrDAQ single-board data logger now works with the Raspberry Pi, adding
17 I/O channels to the credit-card-size computer board. When connected to the Raspberry
Pi, DrDAQ forms a data-logging system that can be integrated into a custom Linux

#6 Agilent Field Fox analyzers

The goal with these new analyzers was to bring bench-top accuracy and multi-instrument
functionality into the field for high-frequency communications testing, and do it all in an
instrument that could be held one-handed and operated while wearing gloves.

#5 Tektronix MDO4000 mixed-domain scopes

In October 2012, Tektronix added two lower-bandwidth models to its popular MDO4000
mixed-domain oscilloscope line. The new models, with bandwidths of 100 MHz ($12,200)
and 350 MHz ($16,700), make the MDO more affordable for low-bandwidth applications such
as embedded systems, RFID, and others that the higher-bandwidth models. The MDO4000
series produces frequency plots from time-domain signals and provides time correlation
between the two signal domains. That lets you see how a signal’s frequency components
change over time.

#4 Agilent PXI RF signal generator

With Agilent Technologies M9381A Vector Signal Generator and the M9380A CW Source,
the company expanded the PXI capability envelope in some very interesting dimensions.
Three modules (frequency reference, synthesizer, and source output modules) are combined
to create the 3-slot CW Source. Add the double-wide digital-vector modulator, and you have
the 5-slot VSG. Because the frequency reference can be shared by numerous instrument
sets, four full capability VSGs fit into a single 4U PXI chassis.

#3 Anritsu PIM test analyzer

Anritsu’s PIM test analyzer is now truly portable, because the company significantly shrunk
the size (it is one quarter of what it used to be) and it is battery operated (lasting more than
2.5hours). This makes testing for PIM in remote radio head and indoor distributed antenna
systems finally possible. Rooftop sites can benefit from it too.

#2 Rohde & Schwarz real-time EMI receiver

The Rohde & Schwarz Model ESR EMI Test Receiver uses FFTs to produce two analysis
features that reduce precompliance test time. Because it’s FFT based, the ESR receiver can
display an emissions spectrum in real time, without having to wait for a frequency sweep. It
can, though, produce a swept-frequency scan for compliance tests that require it.

#1 QRC Technologies wideband transcorder

When I first heard about this new system from QRC Technologies QRC's CTO, Tom
Callahan earlier this year, I knew you were going to like it. But, I wasn’t sure it would be your
top favorite! For less than $60,000, it is now possible to record and playback RF signals to
evaluate radio signals all over the world. The impressive thing is that no longer do you need
a technician and a van stocked with rack-mounted equipment to collect data. Now, if there is
a problem with interference or dropped calls, the carrier can send out one of QRC’s wide
band transcorders (WBTs) weighing just under 10lbs, and evaluate the signals in the lab.


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发表于 2013-7-25 12:06:21 | 显示全部楼层


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