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发表于 2012-5-7 21:13:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[root@localhost jolyxie]# ./scripts_pl/RunAll.pl
MODULE: 00 verify training files
O.S. is case sensitive ("A" != "a").
Phones will be treated as case sensitive.
    Phase 1: DICT - Checking to see if the dict and filler dict agrees with the phonelist file.
        Found 8 words using 16 phones
    Phase 2: DICT - Checking to make sure there are not duplicate entries in the dictionary
    Phase 3: CTL - Check general format; utterance length (must be positive); files exist
    Phase 4: CTL - Checking number of lines in the transcript should match lines in control file
    Phase 5: CTL - Determine amount of training data, see if n_tied_states seems reasonable.
        Estimated Total Hours Training: 0.00451944444444444
        This is a small amount of data, no comment at this time
    Phase 6: TRANSCRIPT - Checking that all the words in the transcript are in the dictionary
        Words in dictionary: 5
        Words in filler dictionary: 3
    Phase 7: TRANSCRIPT - Checking that all the phones in the transcript are in the phonelist, and all phones in the phonelist appear at least once
MODULE: 01 Train LDA transformation
Skipped (set $CFG_LDA_MLLT = 'yes' to enable)
MODULE: 02 Train MLLT transformation
Skipped (set $CFG_LDA_MLLT = 'yes' to enable)
MODULE: 05 Vector Quantization
Skipped for continuous models
MODULE: 10 Training Context Independent models for forced alignment and VTLN
Skipped:  $ST::CFG_FORCEDALIGN set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
Skipped:  $ST::CFG_VTLN set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 11 Force-aligning transcripts
Skipped:  $ST::CFG_FORCEDALIGN set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 12 Force-aligning data for VTLN
Skipped:  $ST::CFG_VTLN set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 20 Training Context Independent models
    Phase 1: Cleaning up directories:
    Phase 2: Flat initialize
    Phase 3: Forward-Backward
        Baum welch starting for 1 Gaussian(s), iteration: 1 (1 of 1)
Waiting for /root/Desktop/jolyxie/model_parameters/my_db.ci_cont_flatinitial/mixture_weights
Waiting for /root/Desktop/jolyxie/model_parameters/my_db.ci_cont_flatinitial/mixture_weights
Waiting for /root/Desktop/jolyxie/model_parameters/my_db.ci_cont_flatinitial/mixture_weights
Only 0 parts of 1 of Baum Welch were successfully completed
Parts 1 failed to run!
Training failed in iteration 1
Something failed: (/root/Desktop/jolyxie/scripts_pl/20.ci_hmm/slave_convg.pl)
[root@localhost jolyxie]#


知道什么是神吗?其实神本来也是人,只不过神做了人做不到的事情 所以才成了神。 (头文字D, 杜汶泽)


 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-7 23:21:32 | 显示全部楼层
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