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关于SA460型发电机 AVR板 的英文原版 理解是否有误



发表于 2012-5-3 22:37:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Potential Divider and Rectifier take a proportion of the generator output voltage and attenuates it. This input chain of resistors includes the range potentiometer and hand trimmer which adjust the generator voltage.A rectifier converts the a.c.into d.c. for further processing.
the amplifier (Amp)compare the sensing voltage to the reference voltage and amplifies the difference (error) to provide a controlling signal for the power devices.The Ramp Generator and Level Detector and Driver infinitely control the conduction period of the Power Control Devices and hence provides the excitation system with the required power to maintain the generator voltage within specified limits

the stability circuit provides adjustable negative ac feedback to ensure good steady state and transient performance of the control system
the low Hz detector measures the period of each electrical cycle and causes the reference voltage to be reduced approximately linearly with speed below a presettable threshold . a light emitting diode gives indication of underspeed running  
the synchronising circuit is used to keep the ramp generator and low Hz detector locked to the generator waveform period
the low pass filter prevents distorted waveforms affecting the operation of the avr
power control devices vary the amount of exciter field current in response to the error signal produced by the amplifier
suppression components are included to prevent subcycle voltage spikes damaging the AVR components and also to reduce the amount of conducted noise on the generator terminals

the power supply provides the required voltages for the AVR circuitry


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