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AVR单片机熔丝位高压修复器 Atmega fusebit doctor (HVPP+HVSP)



发表于 2011-9-6 23:41:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Atmega fusebit doctor, as name says it, device for repairing dead Atmega (and Attiny from v2.04) family AVRs by writing correct fusebits. Most common mistakes or problems are a wrong clock source (CKSEL fusebits), disabled SPI programming (SPIEN fuse) or disabled reset pin (RSTDISBL fuse). This simple and cheap circuit will fix you uC in a fraction of a second. If in first case we can help ourself with clock generator, then in 2nd and 3rd cases bring uC back to life is impossible with standard serial programmer. Most of people do not decide to build parallel programmer because its inconvenient and its cheaper and faster to buy new uC.
Atmega 熔丝位修复大师,正如其名,是用来修复因错误的熔丝位设定而锁死的AVR系列单片机。最常见的错误是:1)错误的时钟源;2)SPI接口的禁用;3)RESET端口的禁用。这个简约而不简单的电路可以在大约一秒钟的时间内修复你的微控制器。如果是第一种错误,我们还可以尝试外接一个时钟,然而第二种、第三种情况下,使用常规的串口编程器则是不可能让AVR起死回生的。很多人在芯片锁死之后,选择了再买一片AVR而不是考虑购买高压编程器,因为那样在时间和金钱上都划不来。

This circuit uses the parallel and serial high-voltage programming method. With those methods, we can talk to our “dead” chips which have reset or isp disabled:
HVPP = high voltage parallel programming.
HVSP = high voltage serial programming.
HVPP = 高压并行编程
HVSP = 高压串行编程

Supported chips list:
Code to this point supports 145 chips, but not all have been tested. Tested are lighted green. Report a problem – and i make a fix :)
AT90s1200, Attiny11, Attiny12, Attiny13/A, Attiny15
Attiny2313/A, Attiny24/A, Attiny26, Attiny261/A, Attiny28, AT90s2333, Attiny22, Attiny25, AT90s2313, AT90s2323, AT90s2343
Atmega48/A, Atmega48P/PA, Attiny461/A, Attiny43U, Attiny4313, Attiny44/A, Attiny48, AT90s4433, AT90s4414, AT90s4434, Attiny45
Atmega8515, Atmega8535, Atmega8/A, Atmega88/A, Atmega88P/PA, AT90pwm1, AT90pwm2, AT90pwm2B, AT90pwm3, AT90pwm3B, AT90pwm81, AT90usb82, Attiny84, Attiny85, Attiny861/A, Attiny87, Attiny88, AT90s8515, AT90s8535
Atmega16/A, Atmega16U2, Atmega16U4, Atmega16M1, Atmega161, Atmega162, Atmega163, Atmega164A, Atmega164P/PA, Atmega165A/P/PA, Atmega168/A, Atmega168P/PA, Atmega169A/PA, Attiny167, AT90pwm216, AT90pwm316, AT90usb162
Atmega32/A, Atmega32C1, Atmega323/A, Atmega32U2, Atmega32U4, Atmega32U6, Atmega32M1, Atmega324A, Atmega324P, Atmega324PA, Atmega325, Atmega3250, Atmega325A/PA, Atmega3250A/PA, Atmega328, Atmega328P, Atmega329, Atmega3290, Atmega329A/PA, Atmega3290A/PA, AT90can32
Atmega64/A, Atmega64C1, Atmega64M1, Atmega649, Atmega6490, Atmega649A/P, Atmega6490A/P, Atmega640, Atmega644/A, Atmega644P/PA, Atmega645, Atmega645A/P, Atmega6450, Atmega6450A/P, AT90usb646, AT90usb647, AT90can64
Atmega103, Atmega128/A, Atmega1280, Atmega1281, Atmega1284, Atmega1284P, AT90usb1286, AT90usb1287, AT90can128
Atmega2560, Atmega2561

Just put your dead mega in socket, press the START button, and enjoy your good-as-new processor. There are three slots on board, for most common AVR’s, pins compatible with: Atmega8, Atmega16, Attiny2313. There is also an extra goldpin connector with all signals so you can attach adapters:
“#1 adapter” as HVPP extension, for 20pin Attiny26 compatible and 40pin Atmega8515 compatible processors.
“HVSP adapter” for 8pin and 14pin HVSP processors.
Or make your own adapters for other types of processors, in trough-hole or surface-mounted, you can use the breadboard for this – just connect signals to correct pins. How? Check your AVR datasheet, go to “memory programming” and then “parallel programming” – check the signal names, all signals are described under the DIP40 slot. In doctor memory there is a lot of free space so project may be developed all the time. One sided PCB with 55mm x 92mm dimensions. On top side you need to solder several jumpers, or, make this PCB as double sided – choose yourself. Resistors from R7 to R23 may be in 100ohm to 10K, but i suggest from 470ohm to 1K.

ATTENTION! While mounting the DIP40 slot, you must to remove it pins from 29 to 37. These pins must not have electrical contact with inserted uC pins, traces runs there only to make the board smaller (onesided). Take a look at pic on the left, these you must remove from slot.

The ALLOW ERASE jumper allows doctor to erase whole flash and eeprom memory, if it is open, doctor will newer erase memory but may not cure device if lockbits are enabled, so you choose. After insert dead uC and press the START button, doctor will initiate the parallel or serial high-voltage programming mode. This is chosen automatically, device will recognize HVSP adapter and start to work in HVSP mode. After that, doctor wait for high state at RDY/BSY line. Then, read device signature and check if it supports it. Next, memory erase is performed if user allows that. Then lockbits are checked, and if they not blocking device, doctor sets all fusebits to fabric, having regard to whether there are extended fusebits or not. Some of older AVR have only one byte of fuses – LOW – and this is also included. After fusebits are verified, the proper leds is flashed.

Leds explanation:
green on – patient successfully cured, fusebits repaired. If lockbits are enabled, just verify fusebits with factory ones – and if they ok – light up green.
red on – signature problem, can’t read, no device in socket, or no such signature in database.
green flashing – signature ok, fusebits are wrong. Lockbits enabled, chip erase permission required (read below).
red flashing – signature ok, no lockbits, but for some reason can’t write new fusebits.

Note that terminal is not needed, device works without pc, and all we want to know we get from leds.
You can find extra RS232 output, and connecting this to the terminal, sends all information about fixing process – see exemplary printscreens in gallery. All the info is send “on fly” via uart. Use proper converter to connect this with pc. If you have COM port for RS232, use MAX232 based converter (eg this). If you are using laptop, use the USB converter (like this or this).

Terminal settings:
baudrate: 4800
parity: none
databits: 8
stopbits: 1
handshake: none

Use one of the following microcontrollers as the doctor-chip: Atmega88, Atmega88P, Atmega168, Atmega168P, Atmega328, Atmega328P – and their newer/low-voltage “A” or “L” versions.
Use stabilized 12V supply voltage. Higher voltage can damage fixed chip!

Code was written based on high-voltage parallel and serial programming section of datasheet of suitable AVRs.
If you are searching for attiny family AVR’s fusebits fix device, then check my previous project, the Attiny fusebit doctor. Unfortunately, some bugs show off and this project is no longer updated since the “Atmega fusebit doctor” supports all the Attiny family AVRs. But, source code is attached for this project, and with avr datasheet, it will be easy to understand this programming mechanism.

Internal 1MHz clock, and enabled EESAVE bit – see README file.
If you use a brand new chips as doctor, you don’t need to change anything – 1MHz clock is already set as default. EESAVE bit is optional. It disallows to erase the eeprom when firmware is actualized, eeprom is used to store the fixed chips counter which is send trough uart.

FAQ – frequently asked Questions and Answers:

P: No sign of life, no leds are working.
O: Critical bugs on pcb, poorly programmed chip.

P: Red led is on.
O: Chip si not recognized. Make a voltage measurements. In idle, measure voltages on +12 RESET and +5 SUPPLY at female goldpin connector – you should get 0V or close to 0V on both. After the START button is pressed, you should get close to +12V and 5V for one second. If not, check transistors, if they are ok and if they are soldered ok.

Q: Red led is on.
A: Bugs on pcb, traces are packed densely and its very possible that you have invisible gap, shortcut, or dry joint. Check everything with multimeter, but PRECISELY.

Q: Red led is on.
A: Connect device to the terminal to get repair log. Press start to receive infos.

Q: Received “Init programming…” and nothing more – OR – received signature is “00 01 02″ or “FF FF FF”.
A: Chip is broken, or there still are bugs on pcb – look above.

Q: Received signature is “1E 90 00″, ” 1E 1E 1E”, or something familiar (meaningful data).
A: Chip is good, it initiates, look for shortcuts on DATA, BS, XA lines.

Q: Green led is on / “Verifying… – OK!” received, but chips don’t work with standard programmer.
A: You can be 100% sure that fuses are fixes, chip have hardware ISP damaged or it have some other damage.

Q: What are “Read Signature… FAIL!” and “Trying T2313 pinout… OK” doing in log?
A: Alle the 20pin chips need to be threated individually. First, device tries to read chip with standard schematic, and if it fails (“FAIL!”), then it tries to use schematic for 20pin T2313 compatible chips and then chip is read properly. This is normal behavior, this not a bug.

Q: What are “<[2J" trashes doing in log?
A: This is a terminal clear screen sequence, turn on the “VT-100″ emulation in terminal settings.

Q: I’m trying to type data into terminal but no chars appearing.
A:Make sure you set handshake to NONE in terminal settings.

Q: This still don’t help me, i tried everything but still have problem.
A: Ask in comments below :) Post firmware version and pcb version with which you try to work.



Q: 我尝试修复任何AVR单片机,signature的读取都正常,芯片识别正常,然而就是总是写入新的熔丝位失败,怎么回事?
A: 根据ATMEL官方数据手册,并行高压编程下,读取的指令,DATA的高四位总是零,而写入的命令,DATA的高四位不全为零。因此请仔细检查你的DATA[7:4]的走线是否连通,串接电阻值是否正确。

这个网站我觉得很不错,尤其是最赞的就是他的网站上的《印制电路板详尽攻略 Printed circuit boards A to Z》,只可惜这篇文章连英文翻译都没有,只给你波兰文。感兴趣的童鞋可以去看一下。


知道什么是神吗?其实神本来也是人,只不过神做了人做不到的事情 所以才成了神。 (头文字D, 杜汶泽)


发表于 2011-9-6 23:50:29 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-6 23:54:09 | 显示全部楼层







演示视频ourdev_674873HCM42X.rar(文件大小:9.61M) (原文件名:Atmega fusebit doctor HVPP   HVSP.rar)


发表于 2011-9-6 23:54:10 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2011-9-7 06:46:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2011-9-7 07:15:36 | 显示全部楼层
or you could just get a dragon and be done with it.


发表于 2012-3-29 13:19:19 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2012-11-13 16:28:08 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2012-11-16 09:59:47 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2012-11-16 12:18:43 | 显示全部楼层
哈~~ 要視頻做啥? 還不把資料上傳.


发表于 2012-11-17 10:02:17 | 显示全部楼层
我用ATMEGA8制作的,不插待修复片时在IC座上测得有+5V 和+12V 电压,按修复按钮后电压为0,持续大约1秒后恢复为+5V和+12V,烦请制作成功的朋友帮忙分析一下什么地方有问题导致不能修复片子,有制作成功的案例吗?谢谢


发表于 2013-7-11 22:16:11 | 显示全部楼层
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