回复: 1




发表于 2011-6-14 21:51:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
##### Erase Nand Menu #####
[1] Nand scrub - really clean NAND erasing bad blocks (UNSAFE)
[2] Nand earse - clean NAND eraseing
[q] Return main Menu
Enter your selection:
Really scrub this NAND flash? <y/N> : y
Erasing at 0x8cc0000 --  55% complete.
NAND 256MiB 3,3V 8-bit: MTD Erase failure: -5
Erasing at 0xd980000 --  85% complete.
NAND 256MiB 3,3V 8-bit: MTD Erase failure: -5
Erasing at 0xffe0000 -- 100% complete.



#####    Boot for Nor Flash Main Menu   #####
[1] Download u-boot or STEPLDR.nb1 or other bootloader to Nand Flash
[2] Download Eboot to Nand Flash
[3] Download Linux Kernel to Nand Flash
[5] Download CRAMFS image to Nand Flash
[6] Download YAFFS image to Nand Flash
[7] Download Program (uCOS-II or 2440_Test) to SDRAM and Run it
[8] Boot the system
[9] Format the Nand Flash
[0] Set the boot parameters
[a] Download User Program (eg: uCOS-II or 2440_Test) to Nand Flash
Download LOGO Picture (.bin) to Nand  Flash
[l] Set LCD Parameters
[o] Download u-boot to Nor Flash
[r] Reboot u-boot
[q] quit from menu
Enter your selection:1
USB host is connected. Waiting a download.

Now, Downloading [ADDRESS:30000000h,TOTAL:4106]

NAND erase: device 0 offset 0x0, size 0x80000
Erasing at 0x60000 -- 100% complete.

NAND write: device 0 offset 0x0, size 0x1000

Writing data at 0x800 -- 100% complete.
4096 bytes written: OK

#####    Boot for Nor Flash Main Menu   #####
[1] Download u-boot or STEPLDR.nb1 or other bootloader to Nand Flash
[2] Download Eboot to Nand Flash
[3] Download Linux Kernel to Nand Flash
[5] Download CRAMFS image to Nand Flash
[6] Download YAFFS image to Nand Flash
[7] Download Program (uCOS-II or 2440_Test) to SDRAM and Run it
[8] Boot the system
[9] Format the Nand Flash
[0] Set the boot parameters
[a] Download User Program (eg: uCOS-II or 2440_Test) to Nand Flash
Download LOGO Picture (.bin) to Nand  Flash
[l] Set LCD Parameters
[o] Download u-boot to Nor Flash
[r] Reboot u-boot
[q] quit from menu
Enter your selection:2
USB host is connected. Waiting a download.

Now, Downloading [ADDRESS:30000000h,TOTAL:262154]
RECEIVED FILE SIZE:  262154 (256KB/S, 1S)

NAND erase: device 0 offset 0xc0000, size 0x80000
Erasing at 0x120000 -- 100% complete.

NAND write: device 0 offset 0xc0000, size 0x40000

Writing data at 0xff800 -- 100% complete.
262144 bytes written: OK

#####    Boot for Nor Flash Main Menu   #####
[1] Download u-boot or STEPLDR.nb1 or other bootloader to Nand Flash
[2] Download Eboot to Nand Flash
[3] Download Linux Kernel to Nand Flash
[5] Download CRAMFS image to Nand Flash
[6] Download YAFFS image to Nand Flash
[7] Download Program (uCOS-II or 2440_Test) to SDRAM and Run it
[8] Boot the system
[9] Format the Nand Flash
[0] Set the boot parameters
[a] Download User Program (eg: uCOS-II or 2440_Test) to Nand Flash
Download LOGO Picture (.bin) to Nand  Flash
[l] Set LCD Parameters
[o] Download u-boot to Nor Flash
[r] Reboot u-boot
[q] quit from menu
Enter your selection:b
USB host is connected. Waiting a download.

Now, Downloading [ADDRESS:30000000h,TOTAL:153610]
RECEIVED FILE SIZE:  153610 (150KB/S, 1S)

NAND erase: device 0 offset 0x140000, size 0x100000
Erasing at 0x220000 -- 100% complete.

NAND write: device 0 offset 0x140000, size 0x25800

Writing data at 0x165000 -- 100% complete.
153600 bytes written: OK

#####    Boot for Nor Flash Main Menu   #####
[1] Download u-boot or STEPLDR.nb1 or other bootloader to Nand Flash
[2] Download Eboot to Nand Flash
[3] Download Linux Kernel to Nand Flash
[5] Download CRAMFS image to Nand Flash
[6] Download YAFFS image to Nand Flash
[7] Download Program (uCOS-II or 2440_Test) to SDRAM and Run it
[8] Boot the system
[9] Format the Nand Flash
[0] Set the boot parameters
[a] Download User Program (eg: uCOS-II or 2440_Test) to Nand Flash
Download LOGO Picture (.bin) to Nand  Flash
[l] Set LCD Parameters
[o] Download u-boot to Nor Flash
[r] Reboot u-boot
[q] quit from menu
Enter your selection:

然后:把开发板设置为Nand Flash 启动

Initiating image launch in 1 seconds.
Ethernet Boot Loader Configuration:

0) IP address:
1) Subnet mask:
2) DHCP: Disabled
3) Boot delay: 1 seconds
4) Reset to factory default configuration
5) Startup image: LAUNCH EXISTING
6) Program disk image into SmartMedia card: Enabled
7) Program CS8900 MAC address (12:34:56:78:90:AB)
8) Kernel Debugger: ENABLED
9) Format Boot Media for BinFS
E) Erase Reserved Block
B) Mark Bad Block at Reserved Block
F) Low-level format the Smart Media card
D) Download image now
L) LAUNCH existing Boot Media image
R) Read Configuration
U) DOWNLOAD image now(USB)
W) Write Configuration Right Now
A) Erase All Blocks

Enter your selection:B
Reserving Blocks [0x0 - 0x11] ...
...reserve complete.

Ethernet Boot Loader Configuration:

0) IP address:
1) Subnet mask:
2) DHCP: Disabled
3) Boot delay: 1 seconds
4) Reset to factory default configuration
5) Startup image: LAUNCH EXISTING
6) Program disk image into SmartMedia card: Enabled
7) Program CS8900 MAC address (12:34:56:78:90:AB)
8) Kernel Debugger: ENABLED
9) Format Boot Media for BinFS
E) Erase Reserved Block
B) Mark Bad Block at Reserved Block
F) Low-level format the Smart Media card
D) Download image now
L) LAUNCH existing Boot Media image
R) Read Configuration
U) DOWNLOAD image now(USB)
W) Write Configuration Right Now
A) Erase All Blocks

Enter your selection:u

System ready!
Preparing for download...
Please send the Image through USB.
Download BIN file information:
[0]: Base Address=0x80200000  Length=0x1e91b48
ROMHDR at Address 80200044h
Writing single region/multi-region update, dwBINFSPartLength: 32054088

Updateded TOC!
dwSignature: 0x434F544E
BootCfg {
  ConfigFlags: 0x2830
  BootDelay: 0x1
  ImageIndex: 1
  MAC Address: 12:34:56:78:90:AB
ID[0] {
  dwVersion: 0x20004
  dwSignature: 0x45424F54
  String: 'eboot.nb0'
  dwImageType: 0x2
  dwTtlSectors: 0x200
  dwLoadAddress: 0x80038000
  dwJumpAddress: 0x80038000
  dwStoreOffset: 0x0
  sgList[0].dwSector: 0x600
  sgList[0].dwLength: 0x200
ID[1] {
  dwVersion: 0x1
  dwSignature: 0x43465348
  String: ''
  dwImageType: 0x2
  dwTtlSectors: 0xF48E
  dwLoadAddress: 0x80200000
  dwJumpAddress: 0x80201000
  dwStoreOffset: 0x0
  sgList[0].dwSector: 0x2500
  sgList[0].dwLength: 0xF48E
chainInfo.dwLoadAddress: 0X00000000
chainInfo.dwFlashAddress: 0X00000000
chainInfo.dwLength: 0X00000000
INFO: OEMLaunch: Jumping to Physical Address 0x30201000h (Virtual Address 0x8020


知道什么是神吗?其实神本来也是人,只不过神做了人做不到的事情 所以才成了神。 (头文字D, 杜汶泽)


发表于 2012-4-3 16:30:35 | 显示全部楼层

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