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版主:CodeSourcery G++ support pic32



发表于 2011-1-21 21:48:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Re: [mips-gnu-discuss] PIC32 Support?


To: Stefan Arentz <stefan@xxxxxxxxx>, mips-gnu-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [mips-gnu-discuss] PIC32 Support?
From: Tim michals <tcmichals@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 06:18:59 -0700 (PDT)


Yes it does... I can provide an example later today...

From: Stefan Arentz <stefan@xxxxxxxxx>
To: mips-gnu-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Sun, July 18, 2010 4:20:04 PM
Subject: [mips-gnu-discuss] PIC32 Support?

I don't see this explicitly mentioned anywhere. Is there support for the PIC32
CPU with this toolchain?

I'm interested in using the PIC32 in hobby projects and I would prefer an open
source and more cross-platform toolchain than what Microchip provides.

Is CodeSourcery an option for me?


哈哈,支持PIC32.就是不知道怎么和他联系取得 an example !


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