回复: 4




发表于 2010-9-9 16:27:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
魏坤第二版示波器,因平时很少用示波器,就放抽屉里,有一两个月了。拿出来一用发现按开机键没反映,测量发现4M晶振不 工作,换了 一 个后开机白屏。
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_lcd_data is not supported by the sim
ulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_lcd_reset is not supported by the si
mulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_lcd_rs is not supported by the simul
ator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_lcd_wr is not supported by the simul
ator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_fifo_data1 is not supported by the s
imulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_fifo_data2 is not supported by the s
imulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_fifo_read is not supported by the si
mulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_trig_clr is not supported by the sim
ulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_freq_ch1 is not supported by the sim
ulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_freq_ch2 is not supported by the sim
ulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_freq_ok is not supported by the simu
lator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_fifo_ff is not supported by the simu
lator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_freq_div_data is not supported by th
e simulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_freq_start is not supported by the s
imulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_trg_data_ch1 is not supported by the
simulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_trg_data_ch2 is not supported by the
simulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_trg_mux is not supported by the simu
lator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_key_port is not supported by the sim
ulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_pwm_out_p1 is not supported by the s
imulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_pwm_out_p2 is not supported by the s
imulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_pwm_out_v1 is not supported by the s
imulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component pio_pwm_out_v2 is not supported by the s
imulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component AC_DC1 is not supported by the simulator
. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component AC_DC2 is not supported by the simulator
. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component ATT1 is not supported by the simulator.
Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component ATT2 is not supported by the simulator.
Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component trig_sel is not supported by the simulat
or. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it
Warning : SOPC Builder system component trig_edge_sel is not supported by the si
mulator. Simulation may be incorrect if your software attempts to access it

Error! : Failed memory access in component cpu - Reading data 0x0 from uninitial
ized memory (addr = 0xffff90)
Error! : Simulation failed in component cpu at instruction 4209566 (PC=0x80f7f0



知道什么是神吗?其实神本来也是人,只不过神做了人做不到的事情 所以才成了神。 (头文字D, 杜汶泽)


发表于 2010-9-9 19:05:39 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-9 19:25:38 | 显示全部楼层
因为开机白屏,看到有 新的工程包,所以试着重刷。。。


发表于 2010-9-9 22:09:48 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2010-10-14 10:29:38 | 显示全部楼层
回复【3楼】kunnsd 魏坤

魏老师 我的也是白屏 昨天刚拿到的机子 第二版 郁闷中。。。。
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