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codesourcery g++ j-link怎么配置?



发表于 2010-8-3 10:15:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Sourcery G++ Debug Sprite provided with Sourcery G++ can be used to debug an application using an ARM RDI device, including ARM Multi-ICE. RDI devices provide a DLL that describes the device. The Sourcery G++ Debug Sprite uses this DLL to provide an interface between the GNU Debugger and the RDI device.

To use the Sourcery G++ Debug Sprite with an RDI device, you must determine:

Which RDI DLL to use with your RDI device
What RDI configuration file to use.
What Sprite board configuration file to use.
The RDI DLL and configuration file are provided by your RDI device vendor, not by CodeSourcery. RDI DLLs generally have the extension .sdi. For example, the ARMulator DLL is named armulator.dll.

The Sprite board configuration file is provided by CS3, or you may write one yourself. Refer to the Sprite chapter of the Getting Started guide provided with Sourcery G++ for more information. For the ARMulator, use the provided armulator board configuration file.

Using the RDI Device
In the Sourcery G++ IDE, choose Debug Configurations... from the Run menu. Follow the debugging instructions in the Sourcery G++ Getting Started guide. When you choose a debugger, select the Sourcery G++ Debug Sprite option on the Debugger tab. Then, switch to the ARM Settings subtab and select RDI Device from the Device option. Fill in the full pathname to the RDI DLL (e.g., armulate.sdi) as the RDI Library and the full pathname to the RDI configuration file (e.g., arm7.cnf) as the RDI Config. (You can use the Browse... buttons to locate the files on your computer.) Also fill in the Sprite board configuration file for your target (e.g., armulator). Then, click the Debug button to begin debugging.

If you are using the command-line debugger (rather than the IDE), you must start the Debug Sprite manually and then start GDB. In one window, start the Sprite like this:

> arm-none-eabi-sprite -l :10000 \ rdi:///?rdi-library=$dll&rdi-config=$config $board-config

Then, connect to the sprite from GDB with the following command:

(gdb) target remote :10000


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