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from now,studing....



发表于 2009-11-26 21:09:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Wolferl UAVP3.1具有如下特征:
· 易建, 甚至部分SMD已装配
· 现成可用的配件
· 2个额外的伺服控制通道for cams (倾斜/定向).
· 7 大功率LED驱动器, 均达到500mA!
· ADXRS150 或者ADXRS300陀螺仪(SparkFun模块).
· 可选: 线性加速度传感器(SparkFun 采用的是LIS3LV02DQ).
· 可选: 罗盘传感器(SparkFun采用HMC6352).
· 可选: 气压传感器(Bosch SMD 500).
· 可选: 可自动弹出降落伞.
· 可选: 定位器,蜂鸣器和低压报警.
· 可采用不同的马达和电机控制器(PWM或I²C).
· 正在开发中: GPS (ublox).
Wolferl 利用三个陀螺仪(推荐ADXRS300)和一个可选的(推荐)线性加速度计LIS3LV02DQ控制uavp稳定的俯仰/翻滚.罗盘传感器(HMC6352)和气压传感器(SMD 500) 可为UAVP提供稳定的偏航和海拔高度保障.GPS模块也可添加添加,只是软件还没编程支持.气压传感器除外,所有的传感器通(http://www.sparkfun.com)都可得到. 但是气压传感器可通过(http://www.lipoly.de) 来获得。
RF接收模块也可连接板子上以允许RF控制. 一个8 位PIC16F876用来作为主控制器和计算传感器的数值,并稳定地控制回路和控制电机。


X-3D 开源飞行器  http://www.asctec.de
AscTechs 先前的控制器X-3D 看起来很吸引人,新FunPilot控制器可在x-ufo shop (http://www.xufo-shop.de/shop/article_17188171/!NEU—X-3D-Funpilot.html?shop_param=cid%3D107%26aid%3D17188171%26) 上购买到. 下面是功能列表(从德语翻译过来的):
- 可兼容X-系列
- LPC2146 ARM7 32位处理器,60 MHz
- 3个陀螺仪
- 具有24为ADC的高精度气压传感器
- 接口类型(I2C, SPI, 2x servo exit)
- 用usb线通过PC可进行软件升级(可选择专用的连接套件)
- 可选:用X-ACC作为3-Achs 加速度传感器
- 详细的操作说明
貌似很吸引人, 特别是增加的I2C和 SPI 接口,为将来安装GPS自动驾驶仪提供了的可能。



Single Axis MEMs Gyroscope - MLX90609-R2                            $39.95        $119.85
32 Channel LS20031 GPS 5Hz Receiver                                 $59.95        $59.95
Logic Level Converter                                               $1.95         $1.95
Compass Module with Tilt Compensation - HMC6343                     $149.95       $149.95
IMU Combo Board - 3 Degrees of Freedom - ADXL320/ADXRS613           $99.95        $99.95
PICAXE 28/40 Pin Protoboard                                         $28.95        $28.95
PIC 28 Pin 40MHz 32K 10A/D - 18F2520                                $9.38         $9.38
JPEG Color Camera - UART Interface                                  $54.95        $54.95

4x 17188145 X-BLDC brushless controllers
4x 17188147 X-BL52S motors
4x 17188145a I2C-cable for Brushless Controller                     欧元:399,90

我从r2hobbies.com网站购买的电机:Turborix 750rpm/v DAT-750 RC 800g Plane Outrunner无刷电机
3、磁力计, 压力传感器,三个陀螺仪和加速度计,另外还添加了5HZ GPS.
下面是三维图(not mine):
点击此处打开 ourdev_508075.jpg(文件大小:1.12M,只有400K以内的图片才能直接显示) (原文件名:UAVP3DArtisticDesign.jpg)

二、无线即时接收系统(含硬盘可录影供后续研究用)、含观看屏幕、电池、接收器、喇叭、天线等。并可搭配常见之遥控系统如JR/FUTABA 来使用.

3、头盔端用地上的录影机(SANYO HD1A ),另有MP4的录影器用以记录操作过程。





 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 16:44:15 | 显示全部楼层
MPLAB C18问题:thttp://www.microchip.com.tw/Taiwan_CAE/wlearn/IDE/MPLAB_IDE.html


 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-30 18:28:12 | 显示全部楼层
----------------------------------------单桨 ----------------------------------
1 Collective pitch helicopter (T-Rex 450)
2 XBee Pro 2.4Ghz (900Mhz recommended but not tested)
1 3轴磁力计(经测试可用:Micromag3)       目的:导航
3 陀螺仪(ADXRS150(测试);ADXRS401(建议))
1 三轴加速度传感器(经测试可用:ADXL330)
1 4Hz的GPS模块(经测试可用:uBlox 5)
2 USB串行线
1 72Mhz PPM transmitter (Hitec Laser 4)
1 72Mhz PPM receiver (GWS R4P)
1 摄像机 用来: training CCPM neural network
3 PIC18F458 (PLCC44 tested)

----------------------------------------四轴 ------------------------------------

4 TowerPro 2410-9 motors
4 18A Super Simple ESC
2 14x12x750mm CF rods
2 EPP 10x4.5 counter rotating pairs of propellers (Maxx)
14 guage wire for power connections
1/16" plywood for fuselage & motor mounts
1/2" x 1/2" poplar for rod brackets
Heavy duty double sided foam tape to keep rods from turning
buy goods from:http://forum.mikrokopter.de/topic-6037.html

4个Feigao 1308441S Brushless Motor 41 Turn, 2.0mm Shaft, 6A, 2283 RPM/V 无刷电机    供应商:BP-Hobbies RC World of Planes
1个12" Servo/Battery Wire Male Futaba 26 AWG (W26/FP/30) 公接头 伺服/电池线  
4个Himax MPI ACC3900 Brushless Motor Adapter Ring HA20xx to 370  无刷电机适配环  
4个DraganfHimem Pinion For Motor 配合电机轴的小齿轮
4个H-Wing Pentium ESC 10 Amp United Hobbies HW_P10A/4204   
(H-Wing Pentium 10amp 无刷调速器产品描述:http://www.texas-hobbies.com/products/esc/10a.htm)
1个Programming Card United Hobbies OEMRC_PC/2169 8.30 8.30 资料未查到,待续
4个Optocoupler TTL Buffer Digikey 74OL6000-ND 光耦合器
点击此处下载 ourdev_509207.pdf(文件大小:211K) (原文件名:74OL6000光耦合器件.pdf)
4个30欧姆的电阻,2W,5% 型号:P30W-2BK-ND
5个0.22uF的电容,50V 陶瓷电容   型号: 445-2855-ND
1个Conn Header 0.1”, 36插脚的排针
1个Optical Isolator Kit光隔离器套件

1.Start by replacing just the rear motor and connecting the ESC.  Note that the three motor leads from the ESC are all red.  Just connect  the three in any order to the three motor wires.
2.Connect the Yellow and Black wires that originally went to the rear brushless motor to the ESC.  Black will go to the Red power wire of the ESC.  The Yellow  will go to the 30 ohm resistor and the Black power wire of the ESC.  The other lead of the 30 ohm resistor is wired to the negative battery terminal on the DF board.
3.Follow the instructions for programming the ESC and set it up as shown in the previous slide.  After the connections have been made, you can plug in the DF battery which will power up the programming card and you will be ready to select the data.
4. After programming, you will have to run a test to make sure the motor is turning in the right direction.  If it is not, just reverse any two of the three motor wires.  You now know how to wire the forward motor (same as rear).  The side motors will need to have two wires reversed so that the motors turn opposite direction of front/back.
5.After the rear motor and ESC are wired into the DF and programmed, you should be able to fly with the mix of three brushed motors and the one rear brushless motor.  I highly recommend you do this before installing the other brushless motors to make sure the optical isolator, motor and ESC are all wired correctly.
6.Since the brushless motor is more powerful, set the trim up around 30 units to favor the front motor.  (elevator trim switch moved down)
7.Turn ON the transmitter with the Thermal Intelligence switch OFF.
8.Before plugging in the DF battery, turn the power switch ON.  This will be the normal procedure for bringing up the DF with brushless motors.  Now plug in the battery and you should hear a little tune from the brushless motor followed by a single beep. 9.Push the DF arm button.  You can now start to increase throttle.  The brushless motor will probably begin to spin first followed by the other brushed motors.  You should be able to fly it like a normal DF.
10.Bring the throttle back down 并关闭电源供电. 现在可用按照前面的电机并测试,然后是两边的电机。
注意: 一旦所有的电机都安装完成,记得在起飞前用最大承受电流15安培的保险丝换掉10安培的保险丝。


发表于 2009-11-30 18:52:05 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-2 19:35:12 | 显示全部楼层
据我所知,至少需要四个通道控制MK, 其余4个通道用于其他功能(比如高度控制) 或伺服控制.但是我在哪里可以找到更多关于伺服或输出通道的信息,如何利用MKtool分配通道?
在MK工具中指定一个通道(点击'settings' 按钮并选择'channels'标签).
开启TX和MK,并通过串口连接到电脑上,你将在屏幕右方绿色状态栏看到摇杆控制着通道.改变摇杆通道,保证通道的号码不重复的. (首先确保你的TX处在希望的操作模式).点击OK,保存这些设置.
伺服和其他的设置通过通道 5,6,7,和8完成.
If say you want the servo to operate on channel 5 then goto the camera tab select the servo control field and scroll through until you see POTI1, assuming channel 5 is set at POTI1. Then write these to the MK.
The servo should now operate from the TX on channel 5
通道8 通常用于GPS
通道6 可用于高度保持
通道7 可用来操作摄像机快门
至于那个通道对应于什么功能倒不重要, 但是,通道千万不要重复,比如:控制摄像机快门的通道不应该与高度保持的通道相同。

the I2C to PWM conversion

(MK 0097 arduino details.jpg)
以前,我有一个Turnigy Plush 18A ESCs的MKs (Mikrokopters),并用了Arduino boards(如上图)使I2C转换为PWM. 因程序较为简单,所以我忍不住加上了该转换板, 惊奇的发现ESC好像并没有出现任何问题(采用500 Hz的更新速率).
MK和其他几个多轴直升机设计着都是采用I2C总线电机控制器, 而不是现成的PWM.并声称只有I2C类型的才有足够的速度,但是这是一个很有争议的话题.我总是想是不是转换I2C到PWM,就不能正常工作了,为了验证,所以我忍不住尝试了。
每2ms时间,MK 更新一次I2C电机电压;the Arduino参考MK, 并用芯片的PWM功能以相同的速率输出.显然,所用的时间是极少的(当the throttle is at the max 2ms setting时).
I2C数据的结尾与更新的PWM脉冲宽度之间有3ms的延迟,这点可能稍微不同. 因为该延迟,我改变了一些飞行参数,其实即使没有任何变化,它飞得也很好。
另一个问题是:大约可用的有128 throttle steps,导致throttle精度稍微比MK通常的256低一点.这是使用Arduino的PWM函数不可避免的,因为0——2ms时间内执行256steps,我们只能使用从1ms-2ms的部分。另外Turnigy Plush 看起来只有128 steps. 听说一些ESCs 使用的是256 steps,但是我不得不采用不同的方法产生脉冲,但不是Arduino的PWM函数。我目前还没去做。
我不极力推荐该做法, 不过如果你想玩下, 下面是所有的信息。 该板子是Sparkfun公司的Arduino Pro Mini 5V/16MHz板:
遗憾的是,我没有发现任何方法给Arduino分配一个以上的I2C address, 所以不得不每个电机分配一个板子. 这也可能花费时间处理多于一个address 会使响应时间多于2ms.
Arduino board 不得不作为一个从器件并具有电机控制器的地址,MK 可能会使用到该地址. 遗憾的是, 你只能分配一个地址address给Arduino(Arduino使用标准线库)。


 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-8 16:19:34 | 显示全部楼层
from http://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/return-to-home-quadrocopter

I have bought my PCB, with PIC16F876, fully assembled and tested from quadroufo.com, in 435US$ and beside this I purchased pressure sensor moduleBM085 separately from this site only.
Note that if you buy this then make sure that your PCB comes with PIC18F2620 which is the latest microcontroller on which Geg has developed the firware of UAVX.
Ken You is there who deals with buyers. I purchased two GPS modules (1Hz Update Rate: EM406A and 5Hz Update Rate: LS20031 from Sparkfun).
The programmed PIC18F2620 or PIC16F876 from quadroufo.com comes with bootloader with the help of which you can reburn the microcontroller "N" number of times without any issue by just connecting the main PCB to the PC using serial cable and running the UAVX GUI utility on the PC.
I am also very good in electronics and in soldering too but even then I took the decision to atleast get the PCB assembled and tested for the first time.
It has lots of SMD components but they can be soldered manually, It's your wish, you can go for the kit option and save apprximate 80 US$ or so.
All software downloads are here: http://code.google.com/p/uavp-mods/downloads/list
Use only the released firmware and untill unless your UAVX is fully tuned to fly and hover without any issue till then you must not proceed for GPS return to home function.
Forum for the UAVX:
Yoy will find lots of my posts there.
I made my own low cost 38cm and 63cm Quadrocopter frames, within 2 US$ each.
What you can do is just go to Youtube and search for narpat007, you will find lots of my videos there and many of them are related to Quadrocopter frames and my videos.
Motors I purchased from r2hobbies. com
Turborix 750rpm/v DAT-750 RC 800g Plane Outrunner Brushless Motor
These motors are very cheap and very powerfull.
ESC's I purchased from himodel.com, I used 40Amp ESC's so that they can keep on running cool.
I hope I could resolve your queries, You can proceed with it.
点击此处打开 ourdev_512019.jpgUAVP3DArtisticDesign


发表于 2009-12-11 00:43:43 | 显示全部楼层

网站 www.ufo-doctor.ch

(原文件名:SwissGyro V2 ready to fly, Dec 27, 2008.jpg)


发表于 2009-12-11 08:50:34 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2009-12-11 09:18:53 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-17 00:39:03 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-15 16:49:41 | 显示全部楼层
3 x BMP085 Baro Breakout Board
This blank pcb is a money saver for your UAVP or any others project if you know how to soldering the SMD components.
Many articles or DIY web sites teaching how to soldering the SMD and BGA parts with toaster oven. I try it myself and work very well for me!

Header Pins: GND, VDD, SDA, SCL
Size: 21mm x 15.3mm


3 x HMC6352 Breakout Board






 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-15 17:36:14 | 显示全部楼层
指南针的存在是否必须: 当不安装指南针时四轴确实是可以手动试飞;但是当采用GPS导航时,必须要安装指南针传感器。
是否需要校准指南针传感器: 必须使用Tools->Test Software->K校准指南针。
指南针定位: The software expects the compass orientation to be the same as in the manual. A correction is made by the software such that a heading of zero is obtained when the forward arm points True North. The Compass may be mounted elsewhere on the aircraft as it is the orientation that is important. The orientation was not important for non-GPS versions which used changes in direction not the absolute direction. Be aware that the North arrow on the Sparkfun boards may be incorrect!
Are there any adjustments for setting North: The Magnetic variation must be set correctly using UAVPSet. Look it up for your location. Check that the front motor arm is pointing to True North when the heading reads zero using Tools->Test Software->C (Compass test).
The Compass seems to be offset by 180deg: Some earlier compasses had an offset of 90deg instead of the 270deg for more recent ones. All releases of UAVX have additional hex files with "90D" in the file name.
高度传感器是否必须安装: 如果要使四轴能够自动悬停保持,高度传感器的存在是必须的。在GPS导航时,高度传感器也是必须的以实现高度保持的功能。
The altitude seems to drift a lot when I look at it in Tools->Test Software->H barometer test: If it is cold then the barometer electronics, and other electronics including the gyros, may take several minutes to reach a reasonably stable operating temperature. The origin altitude is recomputed just before flight so the main thing is to see a stable altitude in the barometer test when you do several readings.
What is the recommended Barometer: The BMP085 is recommended but UAVX can use the SMD500. UAVX automatically senses which barometer you are using.
Do I need to calibrate the Barometer: No this is done automatically each flight.
Does wind or light effect the Barometer: Yes it does. You need to wrap the Barometer in foam which does not have closed cells (the air has to get through not surprisingly) or use some other light and wind masking arrangement of your choosing. You must avoid strong light falling directly on the sensor inlet hole or water droplets from rain blocking this hole.

Do I need to calibrate the Accelerometers: YES and it is EXTREMELY important to do this correctly as the quadrocopter's ability to achieve and maintain level flight depends ABSOLUTELY on your accuracy. Make sure the the motor axes are parallel (all pointing in the same direction) and that the quadrocoptor is perfectly level (at right angles to the motor shafts which is the plane or planes of the propellors) because this this is the way it will fly relative to the Centre of the Earth. Use a spirit level to ensure this and once it is level make sure you do not move the quadrocopter. Select the Accelerometer Neutrals Icon in UAVPset and then click the Set button. The numbers will then appear in the relevant offset boxes in UAVPSet. Do NOT change the vertical axis offset to zero as was the case for UAVP. You should only need to do this once as the offsets will not change unless you crash or move the accelerometer board relative to the rest of the quadrocopter. Make a note of the offsets so you can restore them should you accidentally overwrite the values in the field.
Do the Accelerometer offsets need to be zero: No but you should mechanically align the Accelerometer as close as possible to achieving this.
Is fastening the Accelerometer firmly important: The Accelerometer needs to be fastened firmly (glued or mechanically fixed) to the main board so that it does not move. If you do use glue make it is temperature stable as if it expands or contracts then the offsets may change.
是否应该连接GPS的Rx和Tx信号线到PIC18F2620(对于大部分GPS来说不能直接与PIC18F2620相连,要经过3.3v到5v的电平转换): 不,只要连接GPS的Tx信号线即可,否则画蛇添足。 If you connected the GPS Rx line the signals that UAVX sends to UAVPSet will also be received by the GPS and may change the GPS settings.
如何设置我的GPS:  Read http://code.google.com/p/uavp-mods/wiki/GpsNavigation.
GPS能与UAVP板直接相连吗? 该PIC单片机需要5V TTL信号电平,所以要经过3.3v到5v的电平转换(对于大部分GPS模块来说)。
能把连接到UAVP板的GPS连接到电脑上吗? 当然可以.首先把PIC单片机取下来,交叉电平转换器引出的Tx和Rx线,即可与电脑相连。 当然最好有专门与电脑相连接的线。有很多TTL转换USB电平的适配器.
还有: The GPS connection to the quadrocopter must occur at the same time as the quadrocopter is armed and disconnected as the quadrocopter is disarmed. You will need a dual switch for this.


 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-15 17:54:18 | 显示全部楼层
An overview of the GPS navigation functionality in UAVX
Navigation has been implemented using the 18F2620 PIC which has significantly more memory available to it. This was one of the reasons that Wolferl was not able to implement navigation for the 16F876 version of of the original quadrocopter.
   加速度传感器, 指南针传感器 和 SMD500 高度传感器
   六通道 Tx/Rx ( no Nav sensitivity adjustment or camera pitch trim available )
   18F2620 PIC
   1Hz GPS Unit capable of NMEA $GPGGA sentences at 9600baud with 4 or 5 decimal places of coordinate precision (see below).
   UAVX V1. or later and 2.7 or later UAVPset

   Seven Channel or more Tx/Rx
   BMP085 Barometer with 3.3V modification
   Accelerometer supply reduced to 3.3V
   5Hz GPS Unit with additional NMEA $GPRMC and $GPGSV sentences.如:32 Channel LS20031 GPS 5Hz Receiver
   Melexis Gyros for Roll/Pitch using the analog interface but the digital option.如:Melexis公司的单轴陀螺传感器MLX90609-N2
The current implementation only requires the $GPGGA sentence but other sentences may be included for compatibility with, for example, the EagleTree OSD Pro. The flight firmware rejects all other NMEA sentence types however their reception does place an additional load on the PIC. Sentences other than those strictly necessary should be deselected when configuring your GPS. $GPRMC may be potentially used for heading control in later versions of UAVX.
Your GPS should preferably have the ability to update at 5Hz. Lower update rates will work but not as well. If you use only $GPGGA then you may use the 5Hz update rate. If you are using $GPGGA, $GPRMC and $GPGSV set the update at 3-4Hz maximum because of the additional processing load; yes it takes processing time to throw away stuff!
GPS units produce coordinates which typically have 4 or 5 decimal places of precision; older GPS units may have only 3. UAVX can automatically read coordinates with either 4 or 5 decimal places ONLY.
5 digit example: $GPGGA,113627.00,5139.83616,N,00720.65450,W ........
4 digit example: $GPGGA,113627.00,03738.1360,S,14525.2502,E ........
Use your GPS logger to determine which format your GPS uses.
The ETEK and Locosys LS20031 GPS units have been used with success. The Locosys LS20031 has a built in battery backup making startup faster. The LS20031 GPS receiver is a complete 5Hz GPS smart antenna receiver, that includes an embedded antenna and GPS receiver circuits. This low-cost unit outputs an astounding amount of position information 5 times a second. The receiver is based on the proven technology found in LOCOSYS 32 channel GPS SMD type receivers that use MediaTek chip solution.
The GPS smart antenna will track up to 32 satellites at a time while providing fast time-to-first-fix, one-second navigation update and low power consumption. It can provide you with superior sensitivity and performace even in urban canyon and dense foliage environments. The capabilities meet the sensitivity requirements of car navigation as a well as other location-based applications.
This module makes a great gift for that special someone who's interested in playing with GPS.

UAVPset allows most hardware configurations to be set directly rather than requiring the previous multiple HEX files. There are however separate HEX files for debugging sensors and for 6 channel Rxs. The test and flight firmware are now combined.

The following Tx/Rx combinations are supported:

Futaba Ch3 Throttle - Aileron, Elevator, Gear, Aux2
Futaba Ch2 Throttle - Aileron, Rudder, Gear, Aux2
Futaba 9C DM8/AR7000 - Throttle, Aileron, Rudder, Aux2
JR XP8103/PPM - Throttle, Elevator, Gear, Aux2
JR 9XII DM9/AR7000 - Aileron, Rudder, Gear, Aux2
JR DXS12/AR7000 - Aileron, Rudder, Gear, Aux2
Spektrum DX7/AR7000 - Aileron, Rudder, Gear, Aux2
Spektrum DX7/AR6200 - Throttle, Elevator, Gear (CAUTION - not recommended for other than short range use)
With the modes:

Mode 1 - Left Stick Elevator and Rudder, Right Stick Throttle and Ailerons
Mode 2 - Left Stick Throttle and Rudder, Right Stick Elevator and Ailerons.
The important factor for Tx/Rx combinations is that the Rx servo pulses do not overlap each other in time. Although your Tx/Rx combination may not be explicitly named in the combinations above there is a reasonable chance that one of the combinations will work.

The supported Roll/Pitch Gyros are:

ADXRS610/300, Melexis90609
The Melexis Gyro is preferred.


 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-15 18:39:45 | 显示全部楼层
Stage 1: without GPS
必须把相关的引导程序烧写进PIC18F2620。采用UAVPSet V3.0 或后续相关版本:
Select UAVX in the pulldown.
Initialise your flight parameters from a saved UAVP V3.15 file or using the Tools->Testsoftware->D command in UAVPSet. If you choose to use the D command you need to do a read params to update the UAVPSet screen. See the FAQs above.
Select the Tx/Rx, Gyro and ESCs you are using from the appropriate pulldowns and write the config to parameter set #1. Be aware that the Gear switch is no longer used to switch between paramter set 1 & 2. This is done using stick programming (see the gpsNavigation page ) once UAVX is successfully talking to your Tx/Rx.

Just as for UAVP use Tools->Testsoftware to ensure your Rx signals are being received correctly. Verify this in the Rx Graphic which now displays in % units. Read and accomplish the TX/RX setup instructions above.

Save your parameters to a file. UAVX will accept V3.15 parameter files but files written by UAVX are not compatible with V3.15.
Initialise the accelerometer neutrals as for UAVP.
Set up parameter set 2. You will see that many of the parameters are not displayed on the Parameter Set 2 page as these are now common to both parameter sets.
While you steady your nerves go into the Tools menu and check out some of the many tests available because at about this point you will realise you have not calibrated your compass, checked your baro etc.! The now inbuilt test software has some sanity checks on voltages etc and may detect problems with sensors. In particular look at the Setup display which now has an extended summary of what UAVX "thinks" you have connected in the way of sensors etc. and whether they may be working or not.
Arm the quadrocopter and observe that the Red LED will blink several times at about one second intervals as the Gyros are initialised - this is the first difference from UAVP. The quadrocopter MUST NOT be moved while the Red LED is blinking otherwise you may have a large drift offset! The quadrocopter does not need to be level - just stationary. Once the gyros are initialised you will should hear 3 short beeps and one long beep at which point the throttle is finally armed.
Ensure that the response of the quadrocopter is acceptable using the normal pre-flight checks. You will see that UAVPSet no longer communicates with UAVX once the quadrocopter is armed. If you need to modify parameters you will need to disarm.
Fly (at your own risk as always) and tune the various flight parameters as required.

Stage 2: with GPS
This is new territory and you will need to do some homework for your location particularly the Magnetic Variation. Read the GPS Navigation page carefully.
WARNING - If you are using a 6 channel Rx then you do not have control over the GPS gain (see below) - do not proceed if you are unsure. You may still choose to fly with the GPS disconnected.
Using the UAVX capable version of UAVPSet:
Connect your GPS.
Set the GPS related parameters (notes below to follow).
Turn the Pot/Knob connected to Channel 7 to minimum (this will disable GPS support).
Select off/minimum using your Gear switch on Channel 5 (this turns RTH off). If you fail to do this a beeper alarm will sound.
Disable RTH altitude hold (see stick programming). This means that the normal hover mechanism is used whereby the quadrocopter will assume you are hovering after 3 seconds and use the baro and accelerometer to attempt to maintain altitude.
The quadrocopter can return home maintaining its current heading, pitching and/or rolling as required to move towards the Origin, or it can turn towards the Origin using pitch control only. This may also be set with Stick Programming.
Arm the quadrocopter and after the initial blinking Red LED as the Gyros are initialised you should see the Blue LED blinking at the update rate of your GPS. At this point the Red LED will stay lit until UAVX is happy with the GPS accuracy. This may take anything up to 5 minutes particularly on the first flight in a new location. Once the Red LED goes out a satisfactory "Origin" location has been recorded. Currently the flight software does not prevent you from taking off before the Red LED goes out but be aware the Origin value may be somewhere (anywhere) along your flight path. Be patient and wait.

Takeoff and fly to a safe height and away from you 30M/100'. Check to see that you have a good hover. This initial hover is important as it and subsequent hovers adaptively establish the hover throttle setting used by the RTH altitude hold function. You can read what hover throttle has been used after a flight by reading the paramters. Other statistics are tracked and may be accessed using Tools->TestSoftware->X. Please note that the GPS software is not active until 30 seconds after takeoff.

Engage RTH using the Gear switch. You should see no change in the behaviour of the quadrocopter. It is important that you HAVE disabled the RTH altitude hold (see above) otherwise you will have no throttle control.
Slowly increase the setting of the Channel 7 Pot and you should see the quadrocopter start to tilt towards the Origin position (where the GPS location was acquired after arming). You should still have control of pitch, roll, yaw and throttle and can overcome the corrections being applied by the GPS. If Channel 7 is below around 20% GPS assistance is disabled.
Try switching off RTH and you should come to a halt at the current position. The GPS at this point is attempting to maintain the current position but again can be overcome using pitch and roll corrections. There will be a temptation to "help" the GPS using pitch and roll but be aware that if you move either the pitch and roll sticks by more than about 5% then the desired location will be updated to a new position in the direction of what you perceive to be a drift which is not what you want! You may change Yaw without triggering a position update - useful for pointing cameras.
Keep playing until you are familiar with what is happening.
Stage 3: RTH with Altitude Hold
Up to this point moving the control sticks will overcome any corrections the GPS may be exerting. This stage is a lot different as you are handing over throttle control completely to the navigation software.

The steps are:

Set the Barometer as your Altitude source using UAVPSet.

Check the navigation parameters are as recommended in the defaults.
Select RTH altitude hold using stick programming.
Use the GPS gain setting (Channel 7) you found you were happy with in Stage 2.
As in Stage 2 fly to a safe altitude and distance.
Engage RTH. At this point you have NO THROTTLE CONTROL AT ALL as this is being used by the RTH altitude hold software. Leave the throttle where it is or increase it by about 10%. Do not close throttle or when you disengage RTH, the quadrocopter will fall like a brick. If the RTH altitude you have set is much higher than when you engaged RTH then the quadrocopter will climb quite rapidly and your natural instinct will be to close the throttle - don't do it. If all is well you should see the quadrocopter climb/descend to the RTH altitude you have selected and start heading back to the Origin. If you are unhappy disengage RTH.
As in Stage 2 keep playing - safely.
Stage 4: RTH with Altitude Hold and Auto Descend
THIS IS VERY EXPERIMENTAL so take care and start with an RTH altitude setting which is reasonably high (say 30M) to allow you time to respond.

If you enable RTH Descend in UAVPSet then thirty seconds after you have arrived within the selected radius of the Origin position with RTH still engaged the quadrocopter should start to descend at around 1 Meter/Sec slowing in the last 15M. Disengaging RTH will cause the quadrocopter to revert to GPS assisted position hold but you must control the altitude manually. This is the reason that moving the throttle up 10% after engaging RTH may be a good strategy to have as it will arrest the fall if you disengage and hopefully give you enough time to re-establish hover.

The auto descend feature is the logical extension of using RTH primarily as failsafe support. We suggest RTH altitude enabled (the default) be adopted with you Rx failsafes set appropriately to advantage of this.

Camera Pitch and Roll摄影机俯仰和滚动
The UAVP also has servo connections for channel 6 and 7 to control gryo asssited pitch and roll. Channel 6 is for pitch and 7 is for roll. You can adjust responiveness by setting values in the fields in the UAVPset.

Other Stuff
There are many other things we can try/abandon including:

Ground proximity using a simple switch to kill throttle (its in the software) or an ultrasonic rangefinder. Not useful for tree encounters or landing upside down.
Altitude and distance from Origin containment i.e. not too high and not too far.
Suggested Navigation Parameters
Use the UAVPSet Tools->Testsoftware->D defaults for now.

An option is to use Parameter set #1 for still conditions and #2 for windy conditions. We expect the more successful combinations of navigation related parameters to evolve over time. More of the internal software controls are likely to be accessible through UAVPSet as we gain experience.

WARNING: electrically powered aircraft
It is very important that you follow the normal safety procedures for electrically powered aircraft with propellor(s).

You MUST check that the radio control link is functioning correctly before you apply power to the motor(s).

You MUST conduct a radio range check before every flight.
The aircraft MUST be restrained when power is applied and you MUST be clear of the propellor(s) at all times.
The motors(s) can start immediately in all electric aircraft when the battery is connected and you should NEVER rely on arming switches which are fitted to many aircraft.

If your Tx is OFF or the aircraft is out of radio range PPM receivers can, and do, receive radio noise which they interpret as valid signals; this includes throttle commands. PCM receivers with incorrectly set failsafes can also apply full throttle or maintain current throttle which may not be zero if the transmitter signal is lost.

This does not apply just to UAVP/UAVX and other quadrocopters. It applies to ALL electric aircraft.


发表于 2010-1-28 11:46:51 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2010-4-18 23:27:50 | 显示全部楼层
回复【10楼】colorat  大色鼠
3 x BMP085 Baro Breakout Board
This blank pcb is a money saver for your UAVP or any others project if you know how to soldering the SMD components.
Many articles or DIY web sites teaching how to soldering the SMD and BGA parts with toaster oven. I try it myself and wo......



发表于 2010-7-14 18:48:25 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-21 09:58:30 | 显示全部楼层
Parts:LM555 Timer ;P1=2K7 电位器;其他如图。





 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-8 13:54:05 | 显示全部楼层
These gyros spit out the rate of angular change. What this means is that (in terms of a PID control, see http://www.embedded.com/2000/0010/0010feat3.htm and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PID_controller for starting info on PID controlers) that Gyro-P is the proportional factor of the gyro rate of change or ‘D’ in the PID control of the MK angle. Now, if you take the integral of the rate of angular change you get the angel, so that Gyro-I is then ‘P’ in the PID control of the MK angle. What does that mean? Well, think of a pendulum as an analogy (from kilagreg’s explanation about GPS-P/D) ‘P’ is the force that tries to move the pendulum back to the center. The further away it is the stronger the force to move it back. When the pendulum gets to the center position the force exerted on it is zero but momentum carries it on and past center only to create a force in the opposite direction again to try and move it back. And a swing in created. If you increase ‘P’ [Gyro-I] you are essentially increasing the force to move the MK back to the correct orientation. If ‘P’ is too big it is like pushing someone on a swing and if you push too much the swinging just gets bigger and bigger [MK would oscillate]. If ‘P’ is too little it would be like turning down gravity and you would swing slowly [MK would correct slowly]. . So ‘P’ is the return force.

Having a MK swing/tilt back and forth like a pendulum would not be a good thing. What you would need is some friction. That’s where ‘D’ [Gyro-P] comes in. ‘D’ is trying to adjust for the rate of change of the angle and provide a force in the opposite direction to try and slow it down if it is approaching the center two fast. ‘D’ is trying to be more predictive. For the pendulum it is like adding friction. That way, as the pendulum swings to the center it is being slowed down and the oscillation die down quickly or don’t happen at all. If ‘D’ is two large its like having the friction to large and the pendulum just stops before it even gets to the center and it resists disturbances or is hard to push [MK tends to hold on to tilts]. If ‘D’ is too small the pendulum just swings back an forth [MK just oscillates for a while] So ‘D’ is like a friction force.

Now what happens if winds blows a pendulum? Well, it would tend (even at rest) to be tilted. For a MK that would also not be good. What is needed is something that accounts for the long term error (average amount away from center) and provides a force to correct. This is the ‘I’ in the PID control. It is the integral of ‘P’. What is ‘I’ in the MK, it is the Hauptregler I-Anteil. So ‘I’ is an adjustment for the average offset error.

If your MK has a lot of vibration noise, what happens? Well for the ‘I’ portion since it is the average, any noise just gets average out. The ‘P’ porting simply just passes the noise on (so this is like having the angle reading jump around from 1, 4, 2, -1, 3, 1, -3,etc). For ‘D’ it’s a different story. ‘D’ is the rate of change of the angel so the jumping around from ‘P’ would mean that to ‘D’ it looks like it is moving one way then the other, slow then fast,etc. For ‘D’ the noise gets amplified. The MK would be jerky.

The goal is to have the pendulum very quickly swing back to center and then just stick.

You can imagine that there are trade offs for all of these setting and changing one effects the others. Add to that the fact that the MK properties of YOUR MK affect this as well. How fast the motors can change RPM, the max thrust, the mass of the arm, the center of gravity, the efficiency of the drive system, sensitivity of the sensors, the wind resistance of the frame etc. You change these things and it’s like changing a portion of the PID control. Something as miniscule as changing the stiffness of the propeller would change the efficiency at various RPM and would then require a tweak on probably P (only then to be followed by checking the others).

Now the gyros are not that accurate/stable (so error can accumulate especially in the integral) so the accelerometers are used to adjust/correct gyro Integral errors thru the ACC/Gyro Comp. parameter. This essentially determines how fast the gyros get brought back in line with the accelerometer readings.

The Stick parameters and how the stick feels in terms of MK control is also related to how the MK PID control is set up. If the PID is very ‘hard’ then you would need a lot of stick amplification to move the MK. If the MK is set up ‘soft’ and you didn’t change the Stick settings the MK would feel very twitchy. All these things are interrelated. Even the GPS parameters.

Setting the PID Parameters
I have continued working on the parameters. First I trimmed my MK so it would not drift one way or the other and I set Stick-D to 0. To set Gyro-I (like P) and Gyro-P (like D), I started with Gyro-P at zero and Gyro-I at 60 with both on Potis and then took off. (The Gyro spits out a voltage that is proportional to the rate of angular change. So Gyro-P (rate of angular change) is really D in a PD controller. If you take the integral of the rate of angular change you get the angle (approximately). This means that the Gyro-I is really P. You have PD control not PI) The MK will be sensitive to the controls and wobbly. I would give little taps to the sick and observe the behavior. In my case the MK would wobble once or twice and then be steady. I then cranked up Gyro-I until the MK almost continuously oscillated after the stick tap then moved Gyro-I down a notch. Don’t let the oscillations bother you, you can still control the MK (as long as you don’t get Gyro-I too big). I then started cranking up Gyro-P. This quickly started settling out the wobbles. I would increase Gyro-P and tap the stick to see how it would respond. If Gyro-P gets to big, you start to notice that the MK doesn’t really level itself out after the stick tap. If Gyro-P is too little it will wobble a little after the stick tap but it will level quickly. The goal is to not have any wobbles while still having the MK return quickly to level after the stick input. When I tap my stick (roll) I give it a good amount of input (especially once I start getting closer to what I think it should be see http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showa...mentid=1845769). Just play with it,.the better it is set up the bigger the stick tap you can give and have the MK quickly level and start to slow back down. It will also start to feel solid, just don’t let it get to solid or it wont correct quickly enough. I ended up with Gyro_P=67 and Gyro-I=147. Hauptregler I-Anteil: is the ‘I’ for the PID of the Roll and Nick controller. I played with that as well (although not as much) and eventually landed on about 28. It will affect the other parameters so if you play with Hauptregler I-Anteil you will have to go back and re-adjust Gyro-P and Gyro-I. I only tried a couple setting here so no real feel here other that when I had it above 35 I didn’t like how the MK was flying. Acc/Gyro-Comp (or in the code is ‘GyroAccTrim’) controls how fast the difference between ACC and Gyro gets corrected. In the code it reads ‘CorrectionPitch = IntegralErrorPitch / ParamSet.GyroAccTrim’ where the IntegralErroPitch is the difference between the MeanIntegralPitch (gyro) and the InegralAccPitch, so it is the difference between the calculated angle (roughly) between the two. Big numbers in Acc/Gyro-Comp, it appears, diminishes the impact of the Acc on the correction. I played some (moved it around to some extremes) and ended up with Acc/Gyro-Comp=25 although I would say that this is closer for me but I think it needs more study. Once I got something I liked I transferred the values (using LCD Menu 9 to read off the Poti values) to the actual parameters and remapped the Poti to something else.


GPS: (Note, this is for the killagreg older code using Conrad GPS. Although the parameters for NaviCtr for GPS-PID are similar, it would appear that most people are having great success using the std H&I GPS parameters while using the NaviCtr and MK-GPS. The MK must be very stable for the GPS to work well)

Explanation of GPS Parameters: (tranlation from killegreg)
The P-parameter defines the strength of the control for the position hold; therefore, our virtual GPS-helper-pilot steers more strongly towards the target when this factor increases. You can understand this by thinking of a pendulum. The further the pendulum is away from the center (the further the MK is away from the target), the stronger the force is to pull it back to the center. Increasing P would be like increasing gravity or the force to push it back to the center. It so happens that the pendulum accelerates in the direction toward the center. At the moment the center is reached, there is no applied force to move the pendulum in any direction. The pendulum though, would still have some velocity (momentum) at this point and the pendulum would then swing away from the center in the opposite direction (the MK would shoot past the target). Without any friction to dampen the swinging this little game would then continue for ever. The swinging could actually get worse. So, the higher the P-Parameter is the stronger the ‘push’ on the pendulum back towards the center.

This is why we have a D-parameter, it makes sure that it proportionally steers against the over ground speed. This is the ‘friction’ parameter in the control system. It works similarly to friction in a pendulum system. If the friction is too high, then a pendulum that was not at it center would very slowly move back and then just stop when it got close. If the friction is too light, then the pendulum would just swing back and forth for a while.

Now, there is just the right relationship from return-force (P) and friction (D) that would allow a pendulum to quickly swing back to the center and then just stay there. These are the settings that you are trying to find. This is impacted by the reaction of the MK to the virtual GPS-helper-pilot stick movements. This is not impacted by the P and D of the RC-Stick settings but from the Gyro Settings that defines the reaction/behavior of the MK.

On top of this is the fact that the GPS-Position and the over ground speed also changes even for a MK that is stationary. This is because of atmospheric disturbances and start point quality, etc. Putting this is terms of the pendulum example; it would be like the hanging point for the pendulum would also be moving. So for example, trying to hold a pendulum without swinging it at the end of an outreached arm would be very difficult. The pendulum would swing all over the place if the ‘friction’ (D) was not large enough.

Setting GPS Parameters
Set GPS-P (userparam5) to zero
Set GPS-D (userparam6) to a Poti and move the Poti to zero (as seen from the Display-Menu)
Manually hover in one spot
Gradually increase the Poti (GPS-D) until you see some light jittering/wobbling. Then move the Poti back a little
Read the Poti value in MK-Tools (from the Display-Menu) and set GPS-D (userparam6) to that value
Set GPS-P (userparam5) to a Poti and move the Poti to zero (as seen from the Display-Menu)
Again manually hover in one spot
Gradually increase the Poti (GPS-P) until a noticeable position correction is obtained but not too much that the MK strongly over steers.
Read the Poti value in MK-Tools (from the Display-Menu) and set GPS-P (userparam5) to that value

In general, the relationship between GPS D&P has to be correct. If P is too big and D too little the MK will start to swing. If D is too big then the MK will start to jitter/wobble. Finally, you have to be certain that the compass actually points to North (about 350° to 10°) when the front of the MK actually is exactly pointing to the North. If this is not correct, then the GPS control will cause the MK to circle around the set point or the MK will just fly away.

My GPS Settings
Again I set GPS-P and GPS-D on potis and both set to 0. This time I started with GPS-D (as outlined by kilaggreg) and adjusted GPS-D until I could see it moving the MK around and kind of holding but swinging. I then backed it down some and started to crank up GPS-P until I appeared to have a good hold. This was not easy since the GPS position is not stable as well it is hard to get a feel for what is really moving. If you get too much GPS-P you start to swing again, too much GPS-D and you swing… It is kind of a dance. Thinking of the P as the force to push it back and D as the friction, I kind of tweaked until I got something that appeared to hold (4 batteries it took me). I also notice that these setting are very sensitive so go slow and experiment. I finally ended up with GPS-P=26 and GPS-D=112. I now think I have GPS hold working (assuming I get a good GPS lock). It was some what windy and no circle just a good hold… I could walk up to it and push it out of the way and it would move back into position and stop. I could even drag it to a new location and let go and it would gracefully move back and stop. That’s not to say it was always in the same location, the GPS position would move a bit. (my need some shielding to improve my GPS receiver sensitivity) I don’t think my GPS parameters will work for anyone else because they are dependent on the other parameters. Just like I had to go back and tweak my Stick parameters, the GPS gets affected the same way.

I would definitely recommend going back and at least trying to set Gyro-I and Gyro-P correctly for your MK (even if you don’t change any of the others). The beginner settings with Gyro-P at 100 just makes my MK hold that orientation once the stick is released. I am now actually starting to be happy with how this thing is flying and it is also a lot easier to fly.



 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-2 14:36:24 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-12-29 08:59:05 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-12-29 09:30:25 | 显示全部楼层
lrbdh 发表于 2013-12-29 08:59

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