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发表于 2009-5-1 14:02:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

[DGB@localhost arm_develop_tools]$ ls
ADS12_848_Linux.zip  JLink_Linux_090202.tar.gz  libjlinkarm.so    libjlinkarm.so.0.0               README
JLinkExe             JLink.log                  libjlinkarm.so.0  pr_segger_jlink_usbprotocol.pdf  start

[DGB@localhost arm_develop_tools]$ ./start
SEGGER J-Link Commander V4.03a ('?' for help)
Compiled Feb  2 2009 11:34:21
Can not connect to J-Link via USB.


[DGB@localhost arm_develop_tools]$ su
[root@localhost arm_develop_tools]# ./start
SEGGER J-Link Commander V4.03a ('?' for help)
Compiled Feb  2 2009 11:34:21
Updating firmware:  J-Link ARM V6 compiled Jan 15 2009 11:58:34
Replacing firmware: J-Link ARM V6 compiled Oct 15 2008 10:48:36
Waiting for new firmware to boot
New firmware booted successfully

****** Error: Communication timed out after firmware update
DLL version V4.03a, compiled Feb  2 2009 11:34:13
Unable to retrieve firmware info !
S/N : -3

WARNING: No matching core found. Selecting default core (ARM7).

****** Error: Could not read hardware status!
JTAG speed: 5 kHz

Available commands are:
f          Firmware info
h          halt
g          go
Sleep      Waits the given time (in milliseconds). Syntax: Sleep <delay>
s          Single step the target chip
st         Show hardware status
hwinfo     Show hardware info
mem        Read memory.           Syntax: mem  <Addr>, <NumBytes> (hex)
w1         Write  8-bit items. Syntax: w1 <Addr>, <Data> (hex)
w2         Write 16-bit items. Syntax: w2 <Addr>, <Data> (hex)
w4         Write 32-bit items. Syntax: w4 <Addr>, <Data> (hex)
wm         Write test words. Syntax: wm <NumWords>
is         Identify length of scan chain select register
ms         Measure length of scan chain. Syntax: ms <Scan chain>
mr         Measure RTCK react time. Syntax: mr
q          Quit
qc         Close JLink connection and quit
r          Reset target         (RESET)
rx         Reset target         (RESET). Syntax: rx <DelayAfterReset>
RSetType   Set the current reset type. Syntax: RSetType <type>
Regs       Display contents of registers
SetBP      Set breakpoint.   Syntax: SetBP <addr> [A/T] [S/H]
SetWP      Set Watchpoint. Syntax: <Addr> [R/W] [<Data> [<D-Mask>] [A-Mask]]
ClrBP      Clear breakpoint. Syntax: ClrBP  <BP_Handle>
ClrWP      Clear watchpoint. Syntax: ClrWP  <WP_Handle>
VCatch     Write vector catch. Syntax: VCatch <Value>
loadbin    Load binary file into target memory.
             Syntax: loadbin <filename>, <addr>
SetPC      Set the PC to specified value. Syntax: SetPC <Addr>
le         Change to little endian mode
be         Change to big endian mode
log        Enables log to file.  Syntax: log <filename>
---- CP15 ------------
rce        Read CP15.  Syntax: rce <Op1>, <CRn>, <CRm>, <Op2>
wce        Write CP15. Syntax: wce <Op1>, <CRn>, <CRm>, <Op2>, <Data>
---- ICE -------------
Ice        Show state of the embedded ice macrocell (ICE breaker)
ri         Read Ice reg.  Syntax: ri <RegIndex>(hex)
wi         Write Ice reg. Syntax: wi <RegIndex>, <Data>(hex)
---- ETM -------------
etm        Show ETM status
re         Read ETM reg.  Syntax: re <RegIndex>
we         Write ETM reg. Syntax: we <RegIndex>, <Data>(hex)
es         Start trace
---- ETB -------------
etb        Show ETB status
rb         Read ETB register.  Syntax: rb <RegIndex>
wb         Write ETB register. Syntax: wb <RegIndex>, <Data>(hex)
---- TRACE -----------
TAddBranch TRACE - Add branch instruction to trace buffer. Paras:<Addr>,<BAddr>
TAddInst   TRACE - Add (non-branch) instruction to trace buffer. Syntax: <Addr>
TClear     TRACE - Clear buffer
TSetSize   TRACE - Set Size of trace buffer
TSetFormat TRACE - SetFormat
TSR        TRACE - Show Regions (and analyze trace buffer)
TStart     TRACE - Start
TStop      TRACE - Stop
---- SWO -------------
SWOSpeed   SWO - Show supported speeds
SWOStart   SWO - Start
SWOStop    SWO - Stop
SWOStat    SWO - Display SWO status
SWORead    SWO - Read and display SWO data
SWOShow    SWO - Read and analyze SWO data
SWOFlush   SWO - Flush data
---- File I/O --------
fwrite     Write file to emulator
fread      Read file from emulator
fshow      Read and display file from emulator
fdelete    Delete file on emulator
fsize      Display size of file on emulator
---- Test ------------
thg        Run go/halt 1000 times
ts         Run step 1000 times
testwspeed Test download speed.   Syntax: testwspeed [<Addr> [<Size>]]
testrspeed Test upload speed.     Syntax: testrspeed [<Addr> [<Size>]]
testcspeed Test CPU speed.        Syntax: testcspeed [<RAMAddr>]
---- JTAG ------------
Config     Set number of IR/DR bits before ARM device.
             Syntax: Config <IRpre>, <DRpre>
speed      Set JTAG speed. Syntax: speed <freq>|auto|adaptive, e.g. speed 2000, speed a
i          Read JTAG Id (Host CPU)
wjc        Write JTAG command (IR). Syntax: wjc <Data>(hex)
wjd        Write JTAG data (DR). Syntax: wjd <Data32>(hex), <NumBits>(dec)
RTAP       Reset TAP Controller using state machine (111110)
wjraw      Write Raw JTAG data. Syntax: wjraw <NumBits(dec)>, <tms>, <tdi>
rt         Reset TAP Controller (nTRST)
---- JTAG-Hardware ---
c00        Create clock with TDI = TMS = 0
c          Clock
0          Clear TDI
1          Set   TDI
t0         Clear TMS
t1         Set   TMS
trst0      Clear TRST
trst1      Set   TRST
r0         Clear RESET
r1         Set   RESET
---- Connection ------
usb        Connect to J-Link via USB.  Syntax: usb <port>, where port is 0..3
ip         Connect to J-Link ARM Pro or J-Link TCP/IP Server via TCP/IP.
           Syntax: ip <ip_addr>
---- Configuration ---
si         Select target interface. Syntax: si <Interface>,
           where 0=JTAG and 1=SWD.
power      Switch power supply for target. Syntax: power <State> [perm],
           where State is either On or Off. Example: power on perm
wconf      Write configuration byte. Syntax: wconf <offset>, <data>
rconf      Read configuration bytes. Syntax: rconf
usbaddr    Assign usb address to the connected J-Link: Syntax: usbaddr = <addr>
ipaddr     Show/Assign IP address and subnetmask of/to the connected J-Link.
gwaddr     Show/Assign network gateway address of/to the connected J-Link.
dnsaddr    Show/Assign network DNS server address of/to the connected J-Link.
conf       Show configuration of the connected J-Link.
ecp        Enable the  J-Link control panel.
NOTE: Specifying a filename in command line
will start J-Link Commander in script mode.



知道什么是神吗?其实神本来也是人,只不过神做了人做不到的事情 所以才成了神。 (头文字D, 杜汶泽)


 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-1 14:06:04 | 显示全部楼层
Please make sure that you have installed libusb as this
is necessary for the J-Link to work via USB.

You can install it the following way for all apt-able
linux derivates:

apt-get -update
apt-get -install libusb

This will update the apt-get package resources and download and install
Please unplug and replug your J-Link after successful
libusb installation.


发表于 2009-5-2 01:37:04 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2009-5-2 03:57:43 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2009-5-3 11:04:09 | 显示全部楼层
奇怪啊,上次我用jlink的官网驱动 结果不能用,没办法只好硬件重新刷固件,你这个怎么搞的?


发表于 2009-5-4 00:08:16 | 显示全部楼层

另外,to 2楼,linux下面可以用 Jlink 的 GDBSERVER,不一定要用RDI的,
暂时没有发现linux版的ADS,不用找了 -v-


 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-4 20:59:51 | 显示全部楼层
ADS12_848_Linux.zip 是在http://www.arm.com/注册后下的一个评估版



 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-4 21:37:47 | 显示全部楼层
JLink 是在segger官网下的
JLink_Linux_090202ourdev_442099.rar(文件大小:1.02M) (原文件名:JLink_Linux_090202.tar.gz.rar)
论坛居然不支持 tar 格式


                      For immediate Release
SEGGER makes J-Link USB Protocol Specification available to the open source community



发表于 2009-5-5 00:02:55 | 显示全部楼层
RealView 有下载,660M


 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-5 21:43:33 | 显示全部楼层
The ARM Developer Suite is available as a standalone product, shipping as the ARM Developer Suite Archive CD. This contains ADS 1.2.1, ADS 1.1 and ADS 1.0.1 (on Unix platforms, only the code generation tools are provided for versions 1.1 and 1.0.1).

but as you can see, we have patch for version 1.2

About IDE? You need CodeWarrior IDE from Metrowerks (maybe others)
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