armok 发表于 2008-4-13 19:35:49

DUBwise (MikroKopter中英文对照学习稿 2 )


翻译:armok ,内部资料,如需转载,请注明翻译者及本网站地址。

1. Preface 序言
2. Features 特点
3. Download 下载
4. Videos 视频
5. Screenshots 屏幕截图
6. Tested on 已经验证的手机型号
7. Compile 编译
8. Dependencys 其它必需的配置
9. ChangeLog: 修改历史记录
10.Notes / Known Issues 备忘录
11.ToDo 实施
    1. Work in Progress 发展计划
    2. short term 短期目标
    3. mid term 中期目标
    4. long term 长期目标
12.Licence 授权
13.Credits: 鸣谢
14.Discussion 讨论区

Preface 序言

DUBwise is the acronym for Digital UFO Broadcasting with intelligent service equipment and is a Tool for Mobile Phones to communicate with a unmanned QuadroKopter. Read the section Features to see what you can do with it exactly or Contact the Author LiGi for further questions. DUBwise 是“与智能服务设备的数字UFO通信”的英文缩写,它是一个移动手机与无人驾驶的飞行器的通信工具。阅读本文关于特点的段落文字,可以知道它能做什么,或可以联系作者 LiGi进一步提问。

Features 特点为:

J2ME Version: J2ME的版本 (注:J2ME是指Java)

● draw Graphs with Nick integral / Roll integral / Nick acc / Roll acc - to check if the Sensors are working proper
   用图线绘画表示出 前后倾斜积分值/左右滚动积分值/前后加速度值/左右加速度值---以便于检查传感器是否正常工作。

● test each motor ( set the speed for one or all Motors like MotorTest in the MK-Tool )

● Draw LCD of mk - to display several Info-Pages the MikroKopter provides
   画出 MikroKopter 的液晶显示图,显示由 MikroKopter 提供的几页信息。

● Fly the MikroKopter - its not really precice to pilot the MK with digital sticks and without gps - but its really cool - look at video section
   让MikroKopter飞起来 --- 它虽然不是使用数字操控手柄驾驶MikroKopter,没有GPS导航---但它真的是很酷---请参考视频录像

● View all DebugValues - look at several Values the MK Provides - some are in the LCD too , but this method is faster
   查看调试数据 --- 可以看到MikroKopter提供的一些数据 ---- 某些是液晶上的数据,但这种方法更快。

● Audio ( Voice Samples) Voltage Output - the actual Voltage is played in intervals so that you dont have to look at the Display
   用声音发出电压提示 --- 会定时发出实际的工作电压提示,你不用再费神看显示屏上的电压数据。

● measure ConnectionTime / Motor=15Time / Motor>15Time ( UpTime ) - to see how long the Battery last
   测量连接时间 ---显示电池还能支持多长时间

● Read and Edit Settings/Parameters from MK      查看或修改MikroKopter的设置参数。

● initial Proxy Function ( send Data from MK via TCP/IP to socket )
   寝初始化代理功能 (通过TCP/IP从MikroKopter发送数据)

● save MK MAC/Name - so that scanning is only needed once ( you have to Quit via the Menu-Item - not the systems Exit button or simply turning the Phone off)
    保存MikroKopter的地址与名称---所以扫描仅需要进行一次 (你需要使用菜单退出,不是使用系统退出,或仅将手机关闭)

● get MK_version 查看MikroKopter的版本

● reconnect after connection loss ( detection of disconnect could be faster ) 失去连接后重新连接(检测链接失败会更快)

Android Version 机器人版本
● just Skeleton at the moment 目前仅是规划中

Download 下载

J2ME Version via for easy Download/Installation ( but might not be the latest Version) -你可以通过 下载J2ME,但可能不是最新版本。

Latest Sources and Binaries via Subversion (SVN) 通过SVN下载源代码与编译好的二进制文件:

Videos 视频

Holger Flying his MikroKopter with DUBwise:Holger用DUBwise飞行他的MikroKopter:

点击查看视频 (DUBwise MikroKopter HandyTool ( uncut )) (2007Okt05 MikroKopter ligi_j2me NightBuild)

Screenshots 屏幕截图

DUBwise0.43 Screenshots 屏幕截图(DUBwise0.43)

Tested on 已经验证的手机型号

SE 索尼爱立信
Nokia 诺基亚
      6300 ( make sure you have Firmware version >= 5.5.0 ; older versions seem to have Problems with Bluetooth ; when you have an older version install the latest vith the Nokia Tool ) 版本号需要5.50以上,旧版本的蓝牙通信有问题,请升级到最新的版本。
      E90 ( Front Display )
      N80 (Font is too Big - but API worx)
      N73 (Bluetooth works also without SIM-Card) testet by roerich_64 with Joko's MK 就算没有sim卡蓝牙也一样能工作,由roerich_64使用 Joko's 的MikroKopter测试。

Windows Mobile - for Install Instructions visit DUBwise on Windows Mobile ( german Text ) 请参考DUBwise上关于Windows Mobile 的安装说明(德文版)

Compile 编译

install some tools to fullfill Compile-Dependencys ( see below ) 安装一些必要的软件,下面会描述
Set the path to WTK it in build.xml 在WTK的build.xml中设置路径。
execute $> ant build执行这个指令
the JAR and JAD will appear in build/bin when success当成功执行后,JAR,JAD会出现在 build/bin
see for Hints on Compiling on Windows 通过这个地址查看windows下编译的参考资料。

Dependencys 必要的其它配置
- The Phone needs the Bluetooth API and MIDP 2.0 . 手机需要蓝牙API与MIDP 2.0
- The MK needs a Bluetooth-Modul - 需要一个蓝牙模块

Compile: 编译时需要
- WTK ( 2.2 proven to work - please test with newer ) WTK 2.2 版本(已经验证,新版本请重新验证)
- Obfuscator (e.g. Proguard from when willing to obfuscate - ANT 一个叫 Obfuscator的软件


moved to en/DUBwiseChangeLog 已经移到:

Notes / Known Issues 备忘录

If you configure your BluetoothModul with a security PIN - keep in mind that some J2ME - Mobile Phones are having Problems with PINs which are not Alpha-Numeric. 如果你为蓝牙模块设置了PIN安全密码,请注意---如果Pin安全密码不是由数字与字母组成,一些java手机会不能使用。

If you use your RC with the MikroKopter in other than Mode 2 be carefull - there seems to be a Bug in the MikroKopter FlightCtrl Firmware which exchanges Stick associations - ( further infos in german discussion )
用你的遥控器控制MikroKopter 的时候,使用Mode2之外的模式请多加小心——MikroKopter 的飞控板固件似乎有一个控制杆关联交换方面的bug,详细请参考德文网页: .

ToDo 实施

Work in Progress 发展计划
● Support for other QuadKopter devices ( e.g. Wolferl-NG ) 支持其它的四轴飞行器(如 Wolferl-NG)
● Port to Android 机械人接口
● trigger mobile-cammera via FC 通过飞行控制板触发照相机

short term 短期目标
● scroll in ParamEditor to reach all Settings
● save/read Parameters in/from RMS ( e.g. to copy parameters from MK 2 MK )

mid term 中期目标
● bidirektional Proxying to TCP/IP ( GPRS / UMTS / WLAN ( e.g. N80) .. )
● internationalize Stings
● measure DebugSets per Second
● log data/csv ( send via TCP/IP ; save )
● Sound Alarms on Batt low or other triggers

long term 长期目标:
● Flash new MK Version via this Tool ( with online connectivity it could be an automatic update reminder )
● making lib to be useable with desktop JAVA / will be sceduled after bluecove for linux is ready ( anounced for next Version)
● triangulate MK by BT rssi
● Define which DebugValues are shown on Graph with which color ( implicit graph switch of )

Licence 授权 (Creative Commons / Non Commercial / Share Alike)

Addtitonally to this Licence it is not allowed to use this software in any violent manner. This explicitly includes that lethal Weapon owning "People" (e.g. Army & Police) are not allowed to use this Project 根据本授权,本软件不允许暴力方式的使用,包括绝对禁止军队、警_察等可携带致使武器的人使用本项目。

● Holger&Ingo for the MikroKopter Project(Holger&Ingo 为MikroKopter项目的贡献)
● CaScAdE for Testing and Graphics (CaScAdE为测试与绘图做出贡献)
● Orion8 for inspiration(Orion8的灵感)
● Joko for Testing and Comments (Joko的测试与注释)
● Speedy for Audio Editing / Graphics & blogging about this tool ( Speedy 的音频编辑、绘图、为本工具软件做的博客)

Discussion 讨论区

German Discussion @ MK Forum: 德文版的讨论请参考此网址。

armok 发表于 2008-4-13 19:35:58

● draw Graphs with Nick integral / Roll integral / Nick acc / Roll acc - to check if the Sensors are working proper

请高手指导 Nick integral / Roll integral / Nick acc / Roll acc 是什么意思?

Set the path to WTK it in build.xml?(注:WTK从后方上看,是一个软件)。

If you use your RC with the MikroKopter in other than Mode 2 be carefull - there seems to be a Bug in the MikroKopter FlightCtrl Firmware which exchanges Stick associations如何准确地翻译?

timer 发表于 2008-4-13 21:31:57

这里是指画出Nick integral / Roll integral / Nick acc / Roll acc 的曲线。with在这里的意思基本等于of.


loves123 发表于 2008-4-13 21:42:41

主流有mode 1
mode 2

timer 发表于 2008-4-13 22:08:31

Set the path to WTK it in build.xml?(注:WTK从后方上看,是一个软件)。

If you use your RC with the MikroKopter in other than Mode 2 be carefull - there seems to be a Bug in the MikroKopter FlightCtrl Firmware which exchanges Stick associations如何准确地翻译?
用你的遥控器控制MikroKopter 的时候,使用Mode2之外的模式请多加小心——MikroKopter 的飞控板固件似乎有一个控制杆关联交换方面的bug。

wwwer 发表于 2008-4-14 11:13:55


draw Graphs with Nick integral / Roll integral / Nick acc / Roll acc - to check if the Sensors are working proper

请高手指导 Nick integral / Roll integral / Nick acc / Roll acc 是什么意思?

这里的意思是用图线绘画表示出 前后倾斜积分值/左右滚动积分值/前后加速度值/左右加速度值---以便于检查传感器是否工作在合适的状态(水平状态)。

还有上面timer翻译的也基本不错,(用你的遥控器控制MikroKopter 的时候,使用Mode2之外的模式请多加小心——MikroKopter 的飞控板固件似乎有一个控制杆关联交换方面的bug。)



armok 发表于 2008-4-14 11:41:20

谢谢timer与蚂蚁的指导 :)已经更新到楼主位。

【5楼】 wwwer 狼族蚂蚁的:“ ....---以便于检查传感器是否工作在合适的状态(水平状态)。 ”

原文是:to check if the Sensors are working proper, “working proper” 应该理解成是“正常工作” 或“工作在合适的状态” ?

timer 发表于 2008-4-14 11:45:33

原文是:to check if the Sensors are working proper, “working proper” 应该理解成是“正常工作” 或“工作在合适的状态” ?

当然,原文写错了,应该是to check if the Sensors are working properly.

wwwer 发表于 2008-4-14 13:01:56




elecangle 发表于 2009-8-17 22:38:54

yao ming le, gan zhao ji da bu liao han zhi.

mode 1 he mode 2 shi yao kong qi de you men cao kong gan de wei zhi. mode 1 shi you men zai zou shou, mode 2 shi you men zai zou shou.

Nick integral / Roll integral / Nick acc / Roll acc-->wwwer 狼族蚂蚁 de shou fa shi dui de.


yangzhi 发表于 2010-12-27 18:49:55


caoning10 发表于 2011-9-23 22:22:31

One receive can be powerd from the 5V rail from the ESC (max. 50mA) (Note: you cannot power the flight controler or servos from these ESCs).


这句话什么意思? 先谢谢了
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