cailuqijia 发表于 2008-3-24 16:59:16



machao 发表于 2008-3-24 20:35:14


machao 发表于 2008-3-25 01:05:25


16.5 Dead Time Generator

The Dead Time Generator is provided for the Timer/Counter1 PWM output pairs to allow driving external power control switches safely. The Dead Time Generator is a separate block that can be used to insert dead times (non-overlapping times) for the Timer/Counter1 complementary output pairs OC1x and OC1x when the PWM mode is enabled and the COM1x1:0 bits are set to “01”. The sharing of tasks is as follows: the Waveform Generator generates the Waveform Output OCW1x) and the Dead Time Generator generates the non-overlapping PWM output pair from the Waveform Output. Three Dead Time Generators are provided, one for each PWM output. The non-overlap time is adjustable and the PWM output and it’s complementary output are adjusted separately, and independently for both PWM outputs.
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查看完整版本: 如何用AVR单片机实现PWM输出带死区控制?