goblin 发表于 2006-4-4 09:59:32


今天做好了实验板,JTAG MKII连接正常。但是发现个怪事,下载进去程序后,128自己就开始运行了。在CSPY里必须点STOP才可以停下来。停下来后出现下面的提示:

Tue Apr 04 09:50:26 2006: AVR JTAGICE mkII, H/W version: 0x0000, S/W version: 0x0407 0x0414, Device id: 158863423

Tue Apr 04 09:50:26 2006: JTAG clock (approx): 98 KHz, Target voltage: 5.58 V, CPU: AT90CAN128

Tue Apr 04 09:50:28 2006: Loaded debugee: D:\AVR-09CAN\程序\Debug\Exe\CAN-USART.d90

Tue Apr 04 09:50:29 2006: Target reset

Tue Apr 04 09:50:34 2006: The stack 'CStack' is filled to 100% (32 bytes used out of 32). The warning threshold is set to 90%.

Tue Apr 04 09:50:34 2006: The stack 'RStack' is filled to 100% (320 bytes used out of 320). The warning threshold is set to 90%.

Tue Apr 04 09:50:34 2006: Failed to read one or more register values (busy).



goblin 发表于 2006-4-4 10:24:04


laoma 发表于 2006-4-4 10:32:48

在MKII的dowmload control只选择None项就可以了,不懂的不要乱选

这种问题可能是Allow download to RAM项引起的

goblin 发表于 2006-4-4 11:58:41



    昨天板子来了,就把128焊到了板子上,下载也正常。但是,今天调试程序从C 的IDE点CSPY进DEBUG环境。一进就发现程序在运行了。要点BREAK终止。并且还不能单步运行。BREAK后就出现上面提示。


cnpollux 发表于 2006-11-17 01:57:40


zhoupxa 发表于 2006-11-17 16:51:29


weiyiqingdao 发表于 2008-4-29 16:46:49

Tue Apr 29 16:33:05 2008: AVR JTAG ICE, H/W version: 0xC0, S/W version: 0x7E, Device id: 3379568703
Tue Apr 29 16:33:05 2008: JTAG clock (approx): 99 KHz, Target voltage: 6.2 V, CPU: ATmega128
Tue Apr 29 16:33:08 2008: Loaded debugee: E:\11\新的程序\Debug\Exe\bao.d90
Tue Apr 29 16:33:08 2008: Target reset
Tue Apr 29 16:33:14 2008: Failed to read one or more register values (busy).
Tue Apr 29 16:33:18 2008: The maximum number of 4 OP-fetch breakpoints has been exceeded
Tue Apr 29 16:33:18 2008: Performance warning: Lack of breakpoints forces single-stepping.
Tue Apr 29 16:34:46 2008: The stack 'CStack' is filled to 90% (29 bytes used out of 32). The warning threshold is set to 90%.
Tue Apr 29 16:34:46 2008: The stack 'CStack' is filled to 90% (29 bytes used out of 32). The warning threshold is set to 90%.

efengzu 发表于 2012-9-21 11:37:50

页: [1]
查看完整版本: IAR4.12A,好象是堆栈不够了,不知道为什么?高人帮看看。谢谢!!