sunnyqd 发表于 2018-4-28 13:51:46


今天被安利了吗?揭开小米Note 4.4V高电压电池的“谎言”

“目前常见的锂电池采用的几乎都是钴酸锂(LiCoO2)材料作为电池的正极材料,特点是放电容量、充电效率、电压稳定性的综合性能俱佳,但对环境有污染性。它的平均工作电压为3.7V,近年来已经逐渐提升到3.8~3.85V的水平,例如iPhone 6上的锂电池,平均电压为3.82V,对应的充满电压为4.35V。3.85V是目前能够达到安全范围内的最高电压,其充满截止电压约为4.4V。


从拆解可以知道小米Note采用的锂电池来自欣旺达(Sunwoda Electric),其典型的容量/电量为11.5Wh/3000mAh,计算可知其平均工作电压约为3.83V,那么,小米Note的电池其实只是普通的3.83V电池,充电截止/电池充满电压为4.4V。”


sunnyqd 发表于 2018-4-28 14:02:47


“So I did some research and found out that there's a recent advance in battery technology that allows LiPo cells, used in both mobile devices and hobbyist/RC applications, to operate at higher voltages. Specifically, a silicon-graphene additive is used in the anode to protect against corrosion at higher voltages, allowing them to be charged to 4.35V or even 4.4V. This results in slightly higher energy density, but charging the battery to higher voltages can reduce its service life.

The high power consumption of mobile devices means that high energy density is more important than any other characteristic. This means that reduced service life is an acceptable trade-off; since the typical consumer replaces their smartphone every two years, service life is not a major requirement.

In essence, the higher voltage is just another avenue of increasing overall energy density.”

weiwei4 发表于 2018-4-28 15:06:09


sunliezhi 发表于 2018-4-28 18:53:27


喜欢雪的人 发表于 2018-4-29 09:23:45

没有呀,我之前就是做充电宝和移动电源的,锂电池分很多种 ,有储能电池,动力电池等,有3.6的有3.7的 有3.85的,你说的4.4是他的充电截止电压 充电截止电压高一点点 电池容量就会增加很多很多。所以现在电池在想这方面努力,但是工业还是以普通的电池多一些,价格便宜,交货周期稳定

mengtiantang 发表于 2018-8-15 17:05:02


rei1984 发表于 2018-8-15 22:08:36

一般是1c 恒流充电。到达4.2之后。电流慢慢下降,截止电流在100ma以内之后。就算充饱
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 现在主流的锂电池是否已经是3.85/4.4V的规格了?