Randy1022 发表于 2016-6-24 11:21:40

Altium Designer 16.1.10完整版

链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1skTvzyt 密码: mw15

zzj2009a1 发表于 2016-6-24 11:27:14


jxcrgt35 发表于 2016-6-24 13:57:35


iqxt88 发表于 2016-6-24 15:04:01


USB 3.0模式的xSignals向导
更改默认Altium Designer的首选项



12353        修正了如果cmplib编辑器使用单位了解参数的非美国区域设置发生错误。
12306        解决了防止以17-32加机械层所有地块ODB ++设置(BC:6573)的问题。
12230        与无法修正了使用网络路径时,创建一个新项目。
12385        Mouser的服务器供应商搜索的恢复工作(它需要授权从现在起)(BC:6734)。
12475        修正了在库面板次要的UI问题。
12104        起草人 - 修正了PDF由绘图员是错误的(BC:6606)。
12363        起草人 - 增加的能力,以节省圆圈表模板。
12362        起草人 - 修正了文件选项不保存在文档模板(BC:6745)。
12303        起草人 - 同时将复杂的3D设计修正了装配图。
12339        起草人 - 解决在不装了一份关于剖视图组件标记的问题。


12175        起草人 - 固定的问题时,并没有表现出对制造视图外板的对象。
12115        起草人 - 用于制造视图(包括捕捉到孔中心)改进的维功能。
12223        修正了当足迹名称输入的OrCAD文件(BC:6656)中被错过的问题。
12141        修正错误,其中“项目显示差异”停止工作的ECO网表到PCB(BC:6637)。
12078        使用网络分析时,如果跟踪不中,泪水消失,修正错误终止通过或垫的中心。
12079        当一条线路多个特殊字符串没有意识到发生修正错误。
12067        改进的常规测量显示 - 线,结果是现在显示,类似于三维测量。


11935        修正了一个错误,其中的多边形与同网间隙盆满钵满了违规的通过。
12049        起草人 - 钻杆符号表示新增支持信。
11938        起草人 - 增加支持机械层在装配图几何源。
11945        固定崩溃,同时通过PCB发布代IDF输出(造成新的文件添加到项目中)。
11968        修正错误加载包含超过每节64KB以上(造成大量xSignals罕见的情况下),PCB文件。
11918        当两个替代部件装配图,提出固定的问题。现在,装配图包含当前变种只是其中的一部分,如果组件有不同的变种替代品。
11980        当固定的问题,不可能拖到轨道上机械层(BC:6531)结束。
12048        固定的问题时,是不可能的地方议会认为,如果PCB具有空指示器(绘图员)组件。
11981        在升级过程中与Altium Designer的随机崩溃固定的问题(扩展管理器崩溃)。
11942        修正回归问题与参数列表中的表现,界定财产“Add(添加)能见度”当库文件夹。
11951        恢复打印图层和不装图形的顺序在Altium Designer中16.0.6。


11325        库组件模板,在文件夹属性中指定,创建模板全新改版后不再删除。
3387        文档参数是现在支持在BOM模板,当源文件是一个ActiveBOM。
9818        当组件库更新到最新版本现在被保存放置的原理图组件参数设置。
9819        更新到最新版本不会导致解决方案的行列重置为ActiveBOM的组件。
10295        所有供应商现在可以正确连接时,有使用代理服务器。
11359        多行文本字符串属性时,足迹被释放到库现在可以正确保留。
11556        即使组分释放失败,在一定条件下CmpLib将关闭。这不再出现,直到所有组件已成功发布了CmpLib现在仍然开放。
11685        库资源管理器 - 使用https连接时与模型预览下载固定浮动错误。
11849        修正了在库资源管理器中,这限制了最大100模板显示在属性对话框。
11135        连接至专用许可证服务器现在被自动恢复。
7317        Altium Designer的偶尔会产生使用导师远征进口商PCB导入过程中一个断言失败,这将不再出现。
8922        ODB ++观众可以返回一个“没有道理”失败如果PCB组件有一个空的名称字段中,这种情况现在检测,ODB ++生成过程中解决。
9423        通过OutJob执行的足迹比较现在可以正确检测孔尺寸的差异。
9603        修正了部分替代人失踪,在多通道设计的取放文件的问题。此修复程序要求变体管理对话框中打开和关闭,重新验证变量数据。(BC:5791)
6343        单引脚篮网现在报告正确生成整个项目,而不是当前工作表的报告。请注意,此检测报告名为单销网。
8917        如果维度是与组件工会,尺寸现在保留其与该组件的关联组件时感动。
8918        差分对的内圆弧半径现在更改拖动期间预期。
8921        在打印输出属性对话框显示键盘的数字选项现在正常工作。
8926        当镜像设计视图中铜显示在草稿模式下,无孔清晰可见解决的问题。
8927        在孵化多边形的曲目和圆弧不再检查对布线宽度设计规则。
8928        修正了一个回归问题,即生成的PDF增加了一倍的规模相比,早期版本的Altium Designer。
8930        改进PADS导入用于与相同部分类型的多个足迹组件。
8932        解决在代号被导入的OrCAD的.max文件后,隐藏的问题。
8935        解决移动嵌入式主板阵列的时候,那里有一个延迟的问题。
8939        解决了一个问题,即钻绘图层的DXF出口会用圆圈代替指定钻符号。
8940        解决了一个问题,即格柏输出将包括圆垫与膏状面膜扩张等于焊盘尺寸减去一半的某些值零值二维码。
8946        设计视图如果放在一个机械层上现在可正确显示,这层有链接到启用表选项。
8947        右键单击在重叠的PCB多边形,以显示弹出选择对话框中启用选项,现在的行为正确。
8949        其中有工作区范围外垫组件不再导致软件挂起,显示“分析网”。
8951        编辑xSignal类对话框现在支持大小调整。(BC:5368)
8955        当设计包括具有大量顶点的多边形的Hyperlynx软件导出不再给出了一个例外。
8957        格柏批量导入现在可以正常工作。
8958        输入字符串“的.comment”到PCB组件的注释字段不再导致异常。
8960        长度调整手风琴对象​​现在可以使用查找相似对象对话框中选择。
8961        现在的径向直径符号PDF输出中正确出口,使用矢量字体选项时。
8962        交互式布线过程中通过放置在任何角度模式,与SMD垄断规则所定义的,无效的行为不再结果。
9086        一个机械层上单层垫,具有孔大小大于零,不再包括在钻头输出。
9195        PCAD PCBLib出口商现在包含在软件,因为它是15.0版本之前。
9263        PCB编辑器字符串对话框现在使用输入,而不是输入字符串中的一个新行接受并关闭对话框。使用Shift + Enter以一个新行添加到字符串。
9278        当导入的OrCAD库组件注释字段现在正确处理。
9601        足迹分配和旋转现在PADS PCB导入过程中,正确的管理。
9778        Altium Designer的许可证管理页面上的“忘记密码”选项,现在可以正常工作。
9892        该OrCAD的翻译可以在一定的总线配置设计失败,这已得到解决。
9930        某些原理图设计会导致一些床单空打印输出,这已经得到了解决。
9951        导入大型快板设计可能导致“内存不足”的错误,这已得到解决。
10009        导入大型CADSTAR设计可能会导致进口的错误,这已得到解决。
10373        其中,鹰进口商有时会指定的项目到错误的Altium Designer层的问题,已经解决。
10480        SCH列表面板现在包括在显示文本字符串对象类型对象的过滤器。
10508        在原理图编辑器设计菜单中的快捷的复制已经解决。
10535        导入向导现在支持调整大小。
10560        现在检测并防止不正确的使用在项目名称冒号的。
10803        现在的示意图毯内未连接/浮动净标签检测和正确报告。
10831        放置在毛毯指示的检测进行了改进,以确保它们关联到正确的毛毯。毛毯至少应该由毯线宽被分离,以确保正确的指令关联。
10837        虚线现在可以正确地复制/粘贴到其他Windows应用程序。
10857        其中,从库中更新的概略组件将导致的参数的位置的问题被不正确地改变时,已得到解决。
10858        “保留参数可见”设定更新过程中现在用的库来控制Comment参数的知名度。
9706        现在数控钻床加工产量在.LDP文件生成正确的钻层字段值。
8936        固定的问题与圆板形设计修改后重新打开。
9259        编辑在PCB字符串属性对话框的长字符串时,改善行为。
10506        增加了一个检查,以STEP出口,以测试在设计视图中板的可用性,需要解决一个特定的板出口例外。
11459        其中,嵌入式阵列上的多边形格柏能时产生嵌入式阵列是一个多边形切口内中可忽略的一个问题已得到解决。
8943        Gerber数据导出现在产生正确的孔,用于抚摸着圆弧形状(圆形的孔,而不是椭圆形)。
8945        安装孔没有被转移到ODB ++一代又一代的地方(含空名称脚印设计)。
9328        上覆盖一个倒置的多行字符串,通过outjob执行批处理DRC时不再产生侵犯到自身。
9414        去除单位切换期间约为零槽长在垫属性对话框SMD片,不相干的提示。
9437        解决在通过错误的模板将路由过程中被置于一个问题,当有两个适用的规则,每个针对不同层对中,一个由闵约束发生/最大首选,另由模板的限制首选。
9469        解决在在矩形垫负掩码膨胀送给一个零尺寸的开口,产生一个零大小的格柏孔径的问题。
9535        修正了钻孔绘制符号输出生成过程中没有设计视图内可见一个问题。(BC:5122)
9537        从旧的设计与定义的属性IsTearDrop通孔跟踪修改过程中不再拆除。
9538        解决了一个问题,即当电路板的形状在董事会计划模式已编辑的分割线可以移动。
9546        威盛屏蔽工具现在省略了违背间隙实心铜区和填充孔。
9547        加入屏蔽过孔的PCB设计,在打开文件例外违规状况后已得到纠正。
9567        解决当输出生成推出来,因为引用的PCB文件已经被删除的项目,可能会出现异常。
9650        格柏X2制造产量略有修改以符合格柏X2版本2015.10。
9725        AutoCAD的导入过程中改进了轨道宽度分配的处理。
9973        单位不再追加,而键入值在原理图引脚属性对话框中的引脚/ PKG长度字段,他们现在在关闭对话框添加。
10309        默认设置现在从库(在ECO型布局已经工作正常)的足迹放置过程中正确应用。
10323        固定格柏代焊接和粘贴口罩镜像嵌入式板阵列。(BC:2850)
10355        恢复到打印使用上下文菜单HTML报告的能力。
10358        改进了视觉表现对非选择的板阵列和设计视图对象。
10417        一个选项已被添加到自动重新链接当前在更新过程中PCB取消链接的任何部件。
10479        有明确定义的钻钻对表,现正只出口到专用于该对格柏层。
10622        解决在一个方形板洞STEP生成过程中导出为一个广场,一个问题。
11195        PCB规则和违反面板中不再自动显示,刚果(金)完成后。
11358        解决了一个问题,即3D模型选择选项从STEP模型改为挤压3D实体,模型文件更换后。(BC:6310)
11360        解决了一个问题,即装配图会错误地显示未安装的符号时,在打印输出使用了镜像选项。(BC:6424)
11668        解决其中细节没有在Messages面板用于从测量的第一项示出导致列表中的一个问题。
11678        解决了与特定电路板上的一个问题有大量重复引脚对,哪些文件加载​​期间导致访问冲突。
11361        加入BomDoc到包含组件改性分组参数的特定项目后的Altium Designer不再冻结。
4360        EOleException错误不再某些大型快板设计导入过程中发生。
9181        FSO在原理图现在支持“所有项目文件”的范围。(BC:2410)
9485        HTML报表不再被打开阻塞,如果浏览器在网络连接关闭。
9625        恢复到突出显示所有网络由示意图毯子覆盖网类的能力。
9648        附连到部件规则指令不再被删除,当选择新的变体。
9688        Altium Designer的不崩溃了,在打开的Protel DOS原理图S01扩展名的文件。
9735        从16.1版本时,Altium Designer不再支持Windows XP。您将无法执行安装或更新已安装的版本。
9846        与IBIS模型编辑器不保留选择的组件模型的问题已得到修复。
10168        现在每个未连接信号线束上产生的信号线束编译器错误缺少线束类型。
10515        它可以立即更新使用从库命令更新各种不同成分的足迹模型。
11055        常用的设置现在已作为在Altium Designer中的默认值。
11570        解决了一个问题,即示意图打印预览,从项目选项对话框的默认打印选项卡推出,将是一片空白。
9260        生成的装配图的高级选项目录现保存会话之间。
9282        改进了高DPI显示器的支持。

iqxt88 发表于 2016-6-24 15:05:23


PCB Draftsman
USB 3.0 Mode for the xSignals Wizard
3D Measurements
PCB Enhancements
Schematic Enhancements
Enhanced Component Link Synchronization
Changes to Default Altium Designer Preferences

Version 16.1.10

Build: 233 Date: 21 June 2016

12353        Fixed an error that occurs if using non-american regional settings for unit aware parameters in cmplib editor.
12306        Resolved an issue that prevented to add Mechanical Layers 17-32 to All Plots in ODB++ Setup (BC: 6573).
12230        Fixed bug with inability to create a new project when using network path.
12385        Restored work of Mouser server for Supplier Search (it requires authorization from now) (BC:6734).
12475        Fixed minor UI issues in the Library panel.
12104        Draftsman - Fixed bug where PDF by Draftsman was faulty (BC:6606).
12363        Draftsman - Added ability to save circles in sheet templates.
12362        Draftsman - Fixed bug where documents options are not saved in Document Template (BC:6745).
12303        Draftsman - Fixed crash on complex 3D designs while placing assembly view.
12339        Draftsman - Resolved an issue where component marked as not fitted was presented on Sectional view.
Version 16.1.9

Build: 221 Date: 3 June 2016

12175        Draftsman - Fixed issue when objects outside board were not shown for the Fabrication view.
12115        Draftsman - Improved Dimension feature for Fabrication view (including snapping to hole centers).
12223        Fixed an issue when footprint name was missed during importing Orcad files (BC:6656).
12141        Fixed bug in which "Project show difference" stops working for ECO Netlist to PCB (BC:6637).
12078        Fixed bug in which Teardrops disappear when using Analyze Net, if trace does not terminates in the center of a via or pad.
12079        Fixed bug that occurred when multiple special strings in one line were not recognized.
12067        Improved display for regular measurements - lines with results are now shows, similar to 3D measurements.
Version 16.1.8

Build: 203 Date: 16 May 2016

11935        Fixed a bug in which polygon pours with the same-net clearances had violations with the via.
12049        Draftsman - Added support letter for Drill Symbols representation.
11938        Draftsman - Added support Mechanical Layers as geometry source in Assembly Drawings.
11945        Fixed crash while generation IDF output via PCB Release (caused by the new file added to the project).
11968        Fixed error while loading PCB files that contain more than 64kb per section (in rare cases caused by a large number of xSignals).
11918        Fixed issue when both alternative parts was presented in Assembly Drawing. Now Assembly Drawing contains only one part from current variant if component has alternatives for different variants.
11980        Fixed issue when was not possible to drag track ends on Mechanical layers (BC:6531).
12048        Fixed issue when was not possible to place Assembly view if PCB has components with empty Designator (Draftsman).
11981        Fixed issue with random crashes of Altium Designer during updating (Extension Manager crash).
11942        Fixed regression issue with parameter list performance, when defining 'Visibility on Add' property for the Vault folder.
11951        Restored the order of print for layers and not-fitted graphics as in Altium Designer 16.0.6.
Version 16.1.7

Build: 188 Date: 2 May 2016

11325        Vault Component Template, specified in the Folder properties, is no longer erased after new revision of the template is created.
3387        Document parameters are now support in the BOM template, when the source document is an ActiveBOM.
9818        Placed schematic component parameter settings are now preserved when the Vault component is updated to the latest revision.
9819        Update to latest version does not cause solution ranks reset for the component in ActiveBOM.
10295        All Suppliers now connect correctly when there is a proxy server in use.
11359        Multi-line text string properties are now correctly retained when a footprint is released to the Vault.
11556        Even though component release failed, under certain conditions the CmpLib would close. This no longer occurs, the CmpLib now remains open until all components have been successfully released.
11685        Vault Explorer - Fixed floating bug with model preview download when using https connection.
11849        Fixed bug in Vault Explorer, which limited a maximum of 100 templates being displayed in the properties dialog.
11135        Connection to the Private License Server is now being restored automatically.
7317        Altium Designer would occasionally generate an assertion failure during PCB import using the Mentor Expedition Importer, this no longer occurs.
8922        ODB++ viewers can return a "No token" failure if the PCB component has an empty name field, this situation is now detected and resolved during ODB++ generation.
9423        A footprint comparison performed through an OutJob now correctly detects hole size differences.
9603        Fixed an issue where alternative parts were missing in the Pick & Place file in a multichannel design. This fix requires that the Variant Management dialog be opened and closed, to re-validate the variant data. (BC:5791)
6343        Single Pin Nets report now correctly generates a report for the entire project, rather than the current sheet. Note that this report detects named single pin nets.
8917        If a dimension is in a union with a component, the dimension now retains its association with that component when the component is moved.
8918        Arc radius inside of the differential pair is now changed as expected during dragging.
8921        Show Pad Numbers option in the Printout Properties dialog now functions correctly.
8926        Resolved an issue when in mirrored Design View copper was displayed in draft mode and no holes were visible.
8927        The tracks and arcs in a hatched polygon are no longer checked against the routing width design rule.
8928        Fixed a regression issue where the generated PDF was doubled in size compared to earlier versions of Altium Designer.
8930        Improved PADS import for components with multiple footprints of the same part type.
8932        Resolved an issue where designators were hidden after importing an Orcad .max file.
8935        Resolved an issue where there was a delay when moving an Embedded Board Array.
8939        Resolved an issue where DXF export of the drill drawing layer would use circles instead of the specified drill symbols.
8940        Resolved an issue where the Gerber Output would include a zero value D Code for certain values of a round pad with the Paste Mask Expansion equal to minus one half of the pad size.
8946        Design View are now correctly displayed if placed on a mechanical layer, and that layer has the Linked to Sheet option enabled.
8947        Right-clicking over overlapping PCB polygons, with the Display popup selection dialog option enabled, now behaves correctly.
8949        Components which have pads outside the workspace limits no longer cause the software to hang, displaying "Analyzing Nets".
8951        The Edit xSignal Class dialog now supports resizing. (BC:5368)
8955        The Hyperlynx Exporter no longer gives an exception when the design includes a polygon with a large number of vertices.
8957        Gerber Batch import now works correctly.
8958        Entering the string ".comment" into the Comment field of a PCB component no longer causes an exception.
8960        Length tuning accordion objects can now be selected using the Find Similar Objects dialog.
8961        The Radial Diameter Symbol now exports correctly during PDF Output, when the Stroke font option is used.
8962        Placing a via during interactive routing, in Any Angle mode, with an SMD To Corner rule defined, no longer results in invalid behavior.
9086        Single layer pads on a mechanical layer, with a hole size greater than zero, are no longer included in drill outputs.
9195        PCAD PCBLib Exporter is now included in the software, as it was before version 15.0.
9263        The PCB editor String dialog now uses Enter to accept and close the dialog, instead of entering a new line in the string. Use Shift+Enter to add a new line to the string.
9278        When importing an OrCAD library the component Comment field is now handled correctly.
9601        Footprint assignment and rotation is now correctly managed during PADS PCB import.
9778        The "Forgotten Password" option on the Altium Designer License Management page now works correctly.
9892        The OrCAD translator could fail on designs with certain bus configurations, this has been resolved.
9930        Certain schematic designs would result in empty printouts for some sheets, this has been resolved.
9951        Importing a large Allegro design could result in an "Out of memory" error, this has been resolved.
10009        Importing a large CADSTAR design could result in an import error, this has been resolved.
10373        An issue where the Eagle importer would sometimes assign items to the wrong Altium Designer layer, has been resolved.
10480        SCH List panel now includes the Text String object type in the Display objects filter.
10508        The duplication of the S shortcut in the schematic editor Design menu has been resolved.
10535        The Import Wizard now supports resizing.
10560        The incorrect use of a colon character in a project name is now detected and prevented.
10803        Unconnected/Floating Net labels within a schematic Blanket are now detected and reported correctly.
10831        The detection of directives placed on a blanket has been improved, to ensure they associate to the correct blanket. Blankets should be separated at least by the blanket line width to ensure correct directive association.
10837        Dashed lines now copy/paste correctly to other Windows applications.
10857        An issue where updating a schematic component from a library would result in the location of parameters being incorrectly changed, has been resolved.
10858        "Preserve parameter visibility" setting is now used during update from library to control Comment parameter visibility.
9706        NC Drill Fabrication output now produces correct Drill Layer field values in the .LDP file.
8936        Fixed issue with circular board shape modification after design reopen.
9259        Improved behavior when editing a long string in the PCB String properties dialog.
10506        Added a check to STEP export to test for board availability in the design view, needed to resolve an export exception in a specific board.
11459        An issue where polygons on an embedded array could be omitted during Gerber generation when the embedded array is within a polygon cutout, has been resolved.
8943        Export of Gerber data now produces the correct apertures for stroking arc shapes (round apertures instead of oblong).
8945        Mounting-hole are not being moved to another place after ODB++ generation (for the design containing footprints with empty name).
9328        An inverted multi-line string on the overlay no longer produces violations to itself when performing a batch DRC via an outjob.
9414        Removed the irrelevant hint about zero Slot Length for SMD pads in the Pad properties dialog, during switching of units.
9437        Resolved an issue where the wrong template via would be placed during routing, occurred when there are two applicable rules, each targeting a different layer-pair, one constrained by Min/Max Preferred, the other constrained by Template preferred.
9469        Resolved an issue where a negative Mask expansion on a rectangular pad gave a zero sized opening, resulting in a zero sized Gerber aperture.
9535        Fixed an issue in which Drill Drawing symbols were not visible inside of the Design View during output generation. (BC:5122)
9537        Vias from old designs with defined attribute IsTearDrop are no longer removed during track modification.
9538        Resolved an issue where a split line could move when the board shape was edited in Board Planning Mode.
9546        The Via Shielding Tool now omits vias that violate clearance to solid copper regions and fills.
9547        After adding shielding vias to PCB design, exception violation condition on File Open has been corrected.
9567        Resolved an exception that could occur when output generation was launched, for a project where the referenced PCB file had been removed.
9650        Gerber X2 fabrication output was slightly modified to comply with Gerber X2 Rev 2015.10.
9725        Improved the handling of track width assignment during AutoCAD import.
9973        Units are no longer appended while typing a value into the Pin/Pkg Length field in the Schematic Pin Properties dialog, they are now added when the dialog is closed.
10309        Default settings are now applied correctly during footprint placement from a Library (already worked correctly during ECO-type placement).
10323        Fixed Gerber generation of Solder and Paste masks for Mirrored Embedded Board Arrays. (BC:2850)
10355        Restored ability to print html reports using context menu.
10358        Improved visual representations for non-selected Board Arrays and Design View objects.
10417        An option has been added to automatically re-link any components that are currently un-linked during the Update PCB process.
10479        Drill Tables with explicitly defined drill pairs are now being exported only to the Gerber layer dedicated to that pair.
10622        Resolved an issue where a rectangular pad hole was exported as a square, during STEP generation.
11195        PCB Rules And Violations panel is no longer shown automatically, after DRC completion.
11358        Resolved an issue where the 3D model selection option changed from STEP model to extruded 3D Body, after model file replacement. (BC:6310)
11360        Resolved an issue where an Assembly Drawing would incorrectly display the not-fitted symbol when the Mirror option was used in a printout. (BC:6424)
11668        Resolved an issue where the Details were not shown in the Messages panel for the first item from the measurements result list.
11678        Resolved an issue with a specific board with a large number of duplicate pin-pairs, which resulted in an access violation during file loading.
11361        Altium Designer no longer freezes after adding a BomDoc to a specific project that contains a component with modified grouping parameters.
4360        EOleException error no longer occurs during import of certain large Allegro designs.
9181        FSO in Schematic now supports "All project documents" scope. (BC:2410)
9485        Html reports are no longer blocked from being opened, if browser is disabled in Network Connectivity.
9625        Restored the ability to highlight all nets in a net class covered by a schematic blanket.
9648        Rule Directives attached to components are no longer deleted, when new variant is selected.
9688        Altium Designer do not crashes anymore, while opening Protel DOS schematic S01 extension files.
9735        From version 16.1, Altium Designer no longer supports Windows XP. You will not be able to perform an install, or update an installed build.
9846        An issue with the ibis model editor not retaining the selected component model has been fixed.
10168        Missing Harness Type on Signal Harness compiler error is now generated for each unconnected Signal Harness.
10515        It is possible now to update a footprint model for a varied component using the Update from Library command.
11055        Commonly used settings are now used as defaults in Altium Designer.
11570        Resolved an issue where a schematic print preview, launched from the Default Prints tab of the Project Options dialog, would be blank.
9260        Generate Table of Contents in the advanced options of assembly drawing is now preserved between sessions.
9282        Improved support for high DPI monitors.

klxx68 发表于 2016-6-24 15:28:38


tt98 发表于 2016-6-24 19:15:28


zhikunWang 发表于 2016-6-24 20:31:21


WITSOFT 发表于 2016-6-24 21:54:48


laoge 发表于 2016-6-26 15:42:14


karaxiaoyu 发表于 2016-6-26 16:09:40


hdl 发表于 2016-6-26 16:40:41


WEIZ666 发表于 2016-6-26 16:44:41


altim_li 发表于 2016-6-26 16:55:15


bitcoin2 发表于 2016-6-26 23:34:53


andmain999 发表于 2016-7-1 14:11:36


jack5281206 发表于 2016-7-1 15:39:07

好東西 收下了~~~

hy2515131 发表于 2016-7-1 18:14:56


小小菜 发表于 2016-7-1 21:06:02


joiway 发表于 2016-7-2 10:26:04


jsntzxh 发表于 2016-7-2 10:44:49


我是一个大白菜 发表于 2016-7-2 12:25:03


549646150 发表于 2016-7-2 12:25:45


benqme 发表于 2016-7-2 12:39:44


joiway 发表于 2016-7-15 14:08:39


fdcnuaa 发表于 2016-7-15 14:28:44


Wisen 发表于 2016-7-22 11:23:24

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