18636251886 发表于 2015-2-11 20:23:25

SHT10 使用过程中遇到问题,有没有高手指点一下


#include <REG52.h> //Microcontroller specific library, e.g. port definitions
#include <intrins.h> //Keil library (is used for _nop()_ operation)
#include <math.h>    //Keil library
#include <stdio.h>   //Keil library

typedef union
{ unsigned int i;
float f;
} value;
int tem,humi,x,y,z,m;
enum {TEMP,HUMI};
sbit DATA = P1^0;
sbit SCK = P1^1;
#define noACK 0
#define ACK   1
                            //adr command r/w
#define STATUS_REG_W 0x06   //000   0011    0
#define STATUS_REG_R 0x07   //000   0011    1
#define MEASURE_TEMP 0x03   //000   0001    1
#define MEASURE_HUMI 0x05   //000   0010    1
#define RESET      0x1e   //000   1111    0

#define uchar unsigned char

uchar jgh={"000%c"};
void show_time();   //液晶显示程序
//Port Definitions**********************************************************
sbit LcdRs      = P3^4;
sbit LcdRw      = P3^5;
sbit LcdEn      = P3^6;
sfr DBPort   = 0x80;   //P0=0x80,P1=0x90,P2=0xA0,P3=0xB0.数据端口
unsigned char LCD_Wait(void)
    LcdRw=1;    _nop_();
    LcdEn=1;    _nop_();
    return DBPort;
#define LCD_COMMAND         0      // Command
#define LCD_DATA            1      // Data
#define LCD_CLEAR_SCREEN    0x01      // 清屏
#define LCD_HOMING          0x02      // 光标返回原点
void LCD_Write(bit style, unsigned char input)
    LcdRw=0;      _nop_();
    DBPort=input;   _nop_();//注意顺序
    LcdEn=1;      _nop_();//注意顺序
    LcdEn=0;      _nop_();

#define LCD_SHOW            0x04    //显示开
#define LCD_HIDE            0x00    //显示关

#define LCD_CURSOR          0x02    //显示光标
#define LCD_NO_CURSOR       0x00    //无光标      

#define LCD_FLASH         0x01    //光标闪动
#define LCD_NO_FLASH      0x00    //光标不闪动

void LCD_SetDisplay(unsigned char DisplayMode)
    LCD_Write(LCD_COMMAND, 0x08|DisplayMode);

#define LCD_AC_UP       0x02
#define LCD_AC_DOWN         0x00      // default
#define LCD_MOVE            0x01      // 画面可平移
#define LCD_NO_MOVE         0x00      //default
void LCD_SetInput(unsigned char InputMode)
    LCD_Write(LCD_COMMAND, 0x04|InputMode);

void LCD_Initial()
    LCD_Write(LCD_COMMAND,0x38);         //8位数据端口,2行显示,5*7点阵
    LCD_SetDisplay(LCD_SHOW|LCD_NO_CURSOR);    //开启显示, 无光标
    LCD_SetInput(LCD_AC_UP|LCD_NO_MOVE);       //AC递增, 画面不动

void GotoXY(unsigned char x, unsigned char y)

void Print(unsigned char *str)
char s_write_byte(unsigned char value)
// writes a byte on the Sensibus and checks the acknowledge
unsigned char i,error=0;
for (i=0x80;i>0;i/=2)             //shift bit for masking
{ if (i & value) DATA=1;          //masking value with i , write to SENSI-BUS
    else DATA=0;                        
    SCK=1;                        //clk for SENSI-BUS
    _nop_();_nop_();_nop_();      //pulswith approx. 5 us
DATA=1;                           //release DATA-line
SCK=1;                            //clk #9 for ack
error=DATA;                     //check ack (DATA will be pulled down by SHT11)
return error;                     //error=1 in case of no acknowledge

char s_read_byte(unsigned char ack)
// reads a byte form the Sensibus and gives an acknowledge in case of "ack=1"
unsigned char i,val=0;
DATA=1;                           //release DATA-line
for (i=0x80;i>0;i/=2)             //shift bit for masking
{ SCK=1;                        //clk for SENSI-BUS
    if (DATA) val=(val | i);      //read bit
DATA=!ack;                        //in case of "ack==1" pull down DATA-Line
SCK=1;                            //clk #9 for ack
_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();          //pulswith approx. 5 us
DATA=1;                           //release DATA-line
return val;

void s_transstart(void)
   DATA=1; SCK=0;                   //Initial state

void s_connectionreset(void)
// communication reset: DATA-line=1 and at least 9 SCK cycles followed by transstart
unsigned char i;
DATA=1; SCK=0;                  //Initial state
for(i=0;i<9;i++)                  //9 SCK cycles
{ SCK=1;
s_transstart();                   //transmission start
char s_softreset(void)
        unsigned char error=0;
        s_connectionreset();            //reset communication
        error+=s_write_byte(RESET);       //send RESET-command to sensor
        return error;                     //error=1 in case of no response form the sensor
}                                       */
char s_read_statusreg(unsigned char *p_value, unsigned char *p_checksum)
        unsigned char error=0;
        s_transstart();                   //transmission start
        error=s_write_byte(STATUS_REG_R); //send command to sensor
        *p_value=s_read_byte(ACK);      //read status register (8-bit)
        *p_checksum=s_read_byte(noACK);   //read checksum (8-bit)
        return error;                     //error=1 in case of no response form the sensor
char s_write_statusreg(unsigned char *p_value)
        unsigned char error=0;
        s_transstart();                   //transmission start
        error+=s_write_byte(STATUS_REG_W);//send command to sensor
        error+=s_write_byte(*p_value);    //send value of status register
        return error;                     //error>=1 in case of no response form the sensor
char s_measure(unsigned char *p_value, unsigned char *p_checksum, unsigned char mode)
// makes a measurement (humidity/temperature) with checksum
unsigned error=0;
unsigned int i;

s_transstart();                   //transmission start
switch(mode){                     //send command to sensor
    case TEMP : error+=s_write_byte(MEASURE_TEMP); break;
    case HUMI : error+=s_write_byte(MEASURE_HUMI); break;
    default   : break;
for (i=0;i<65535;i++) if(DATA==0) break; //wait until sensor has finished the measurement
if(DATA) error+=1;                // or timeout (~2 sec.) is reached
*(p_value) =s_read_byte(ACK);    //read the first byte (MSB)
*(p_value+1)=s_read_byte(ACK);    //read the second byte (LSB)
*p_checksum =s_read_byte(noACK); //read checksum
return error;

11.059 MHz 9600 bps   
void init_uart()
        SCON = 0x52;   
        TMOD = 0x20;   
        TCON = 0x69;   
        TH1= 0xfd;   
}                                   */
input : humi (12 bit)
      temp (14 bit)
output: humi [%RH]
void calc_sth11(float *p_humidity ,float *p_temperature)
{ const float C1=-4.0;            // for 12 Bit
const float C2=+0.0405;         // for 12 Bit
const float C3=-0.0000028;      // for 12 Bit
const float T1=+0.01;             // for 14 Bit @ 5V
const float T2=+0.00008;         // for 14 Bit @ 5V

float rh=*p_humidity;             // rh:      Humidity 12 Bit
float t=*p_temperature;         // t:       Temperature 14 Bit
float rh_lin;                     // rh_lin: Humidity linear
float rh_true;                  // rh_true: Temperature compensated humidity
float t_C;                        // t_C   : Temperature [癈]

t_C=t*0.01 - 40;                  //calc. temperature from ticks to [癈]
rh_lin=C3*rh*rh + C2*rh + C1;   //calc. humidity from ticks to [%RH]
rh_true=(t_C-25)*(T1+T2*rh)+rh_lin;   //calc. temperature compensated humidity [%RH]
if(rh_true>100)rh_true=100;       //cut if the value is outside of
if(rh_true<0.1)rh_true=0.1;       //the physical possible range

*p_temperature=t_C;               //return temperature [癈]
*p_humidity=rh_true;            //return humidity[%RH]
float calc_dewpoint(float h,float t)
// calculates dew point
// input:   humidity [%RH], temperature [癈]
// output: dew point [癈]
{ float logEx,dew_point;
   dew_point = (logEx - 0.66077)*237.3/(0.66077+7.5-logEx);
return dew_point;
// 1. connection reset
// 2. measure humidity (12 bit) and temperature (14 bit)
// 3. calculate humidity [%RH] and temperature [癈]
// 4. calculate dew point [癈]
// 5. print temperature, humidity, dew point
void main()

value humi_val,temp_val;
float dew_point;
unsigned char error,checksum;
   Print("TEMP:   . %C");
   Print("HUMI:   RH");
    error+=s_measure((unsigned char*) &humi_val.i,&checksum,HUMI); //measure humidity
    error+=s_measure((unsigned char*) &temp_val.i,&checksum,TEMP); //measure temperature
    if(error!=0) s_connectionreset();               //in case of an error: connection reset
    { humi_val.f=(float)humi_val.i;                   //converts integer to float
      temp_val.f=(float)temp_val.i;                   //converts integer to float
      calc_sth11(&humi_val.f,&temp_val.f);            //calculate humidity, temperature
      dew_point=calc_dewpoint(humi_val.f,temp_val.f); //calculate dew point


18636251886 发表于 2015-2-11 20:24:06


zhousun 发表于 2015-2-11 20:38:58


18636251886 发表于 2015-2-11 21:28:49

zhousun 发表于 2015-2-11 20:38


hyhstephen 发表于 2015-2-12 00:00:43


hustsolo 发表于 2015-2-12 08:06:12


#include "reg51.h"
#include "common.h"
#include <intrins.h> //Keil library (is used for _nop()_ operation)
#include <math.h>    //Keil library
#include <stdio.h>   //Keil library
#include "sht10.h"
#include "uart.h"

sbit SHT10_SCK= P2^0;   
sbit SHT10_DAT = P2^1;

typedef union
        unsigned int i;       
        float f;

enum {TEMP,HUMI};               

#define noACK 0             //用于判断是否结束通讯
#define ACK   1             //结束数据传输

#define STATUS_REG_W 0x06   //000   0011    0
#define STATUS_REG_R 0x07   //000   0011    1
#define MEASURE_TEMP 0x03   //000   0001    1
#define MEASURE_HUMI 0x05   //000   0010    1
#define RESET      0x1e   //000   1111    0

static xdata value humi_val;
static xdata value temp_val;

void s_transstart(void);               //启动传输函数
void s_connectionreset(void);          //连接复位函数
char s_write_byte(unsigned char value);//SHT10写函数
char s_read_byte(unsigned char ack);   //SHT10读函数
char s_measure(unsigned char *p_value, unsigned char *p_checksum, unsigned char mode);//测量温湿度函数
void calc_sht10(float *p_humidity ,float *p_temperature);//温湿度补偿
float calc_dewpoint(float h,float t);    //计算露点

char s_write_byte(unsigned char value)
// writes a byte on the Sensibus and checks the acknowledge
unsigned char i,error=0;
for (i=0x80;i>0;i/=2)             //shift bit for masking
{ if (i & value) SHT10_DAT=1;          //masking value with i , write to SENSI-BUS
    else SHT10_DAT=0;                        
    SHT10_SCK=1;                        //clk for SENSI-BUS
    _nop_();_nop_();_nop_();      //pulswith approx. 5 us       
SHT10_DAT=1;                           //release SHT10_DAT-line
SHT10_SCK=1;                            //clk #9 for ack
error=SHT10_DAT;                     //check ack (SHT10_DAT will be pulled down by SHT11)
return error;                     //error=1 in case of no acknowledge

char s_read_byte(unsigned char ack)
// reads a byte form the Sensibus and gives an acknowledge in case of "ack=1"
unsigned char i,val=0;
SHT10_DAT=1;                           //release SHT10_DAT-line
for (i=0x80;i>0;i/=2)             //shift bit for masking
{ SHT10_SCK=1;                        //clk for SENSI-BUS
    if (SHT10_DAT) val=(val | i);      //read bit
SHT10_DAT=!ack;                        //in case of "ack==1" pull down SHT10_DAT-Line
SHT10_SCK=1;                            //clk #9 for ack
   _nop_();_nop_();_nop_();            //pulswith approx. 5 us
SHT10_DAT=1;                           //release SHT10_DAT-line
return val;

void s_transstart(void)
// generates a transmission start
//       _____         ________
// SHT10_DAT:      |_______|
//         ___   ___
// SHT10_SCK : ___|   |___|   |______
   SHT10_DAT=1; SHT10_SCK=0;                   //Initial state

void s_connectionreset( void )
// communication reset: SHT10_DAT-line=1 and at least 9 SHT10_SCK cycles followed by transstart
//       _____________________________________________________         ________
// SHT10_DAT:                                                      |_______|
//          _    _    _    _    _    _    _    _    _      ___   ___
// SHT10_SCK : __| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |______|   |___|   |______
unsigned char i;
SHT10_DAT=1; SHT10_SCK=0;                  //Initial state
for(i=0;i<9;i++)                  //9 SHT10_SCK cycles
{ SHT10_SCK=1;
s_transstart();                   //transmission start
char s_measure(unsigned char *p_value, unsigned char *p_checksum, unsigned char mode)
// makes a measurement (humidity/temperature) with checksum
unsigned error=0;
unsigned int i;

s_transstart();                   //transmission start
switch(mode){                     //send command to sensor
    case TEMP        : error+=s_write_byte(MEASURE_TEMP); break;
    case HUMI        : error+=s_write_byte(MEASURE_HUMI); break;
    default   : break;       
for (i=0;i<65535;i++) if(SHT10_DAT==0) break; //wait until sensor has finished the measurement
if(SHT10_DAT) error+=1;                // or timeout (~2 sec.) is reached
* (p_value)=s_read_byte(ACK);    //read the first byte (MSB)
*(p_value+1) =s_read_byte(ACK);    //read the second byte (LSB)
*p_checksum =s_read_byte(noACK);//read checksum
return error;

void calc_sth11(float *p_humidity ,float *p_temperature)
// calculates temperature [℃] and humidity [%RH]
// input :humi (12 bit)
//          temp (14 bit)
// output:humi [%RH]
//          temp [℃]
{ const float C1=-4.0;            // for 12 Bit
const float C2=+0.0405;         // for 12 Bit
const float C3=-0.0000028;      // for 12 Bit
const float T1=+0.01;             // for 14 Bit @ 5V
const float T2=+0.00008;         // for 14 Bit @ 5V       

float rh=*p_humidity;             // rh:      Humidity 12 Bit
float t=*p_temperature;         // t:       Temperature 14 Bit
float rh_lin;                     // rh_lin:Humidity linear
float rh_true;                  // rh_true: Temperature compensated humidity
float t_C;                        // t_C   :Temperature [℃]

t_C=t*0.01 - 40;                  //calc. temperature from ticks to [℃]
rh_lin=C3*rh*rh + C2*rh + C1;   //calc. humidity from ticks to [%RH]
rh_true=(t_C-25)*(T1+T2*rh)+rh_lin;   //calc. temperature compensated humidity [%RH]
if(rh_true>100)rh_true=100;       //cut if the value is outside of
if(rh_true<0.1)rh_true=0.1;       //the physical possible range

*p_temperature=t_C;               //return temperature [℃]
*p_humidity=rh_true;            //return humidity[%RH]

float calc_dewpoint(float h,float t)
// calculates dew point
// input:   humidity [%RH], temperature [℃]
// output:dew point [℃]
{ float logEx,dew_point;
dew_point = (logEx - 0.66077)*237.3/(0.66077+7.5-logEx);
return dew_point;

void sht10_run( void )
float dew_point;
unsigned char error,checksum;
        //char buffer;
    error+=s_measure((unsigned char*) &humi_val.i,&checksum,HUMI);//measure humidity
    error+=s_measure((unsigned char*) &temp_val.i,&checksum,TEMP);//measure temperature
    if(error!=0) s_connectionreset();               //in case of an error: connection reset
            humi_val.f=(float)humi_val.i;                   //converts integer to float
              temp_val.f=(float)temp_val.i;                   //converts integer to float
              calc_sth11(&humi_val.f,&temp_val.f);            //calculate humidity, temperature
              dew_point=calc_dewpoint(humi_val.f,temp_val.f); //calculate dew point
//              sprintf(buffer, "T%5.1f H:%5.1f%% D%5.1f℃\n",temp_val.f,humi_val.f,dew_point);
//                        uart_sendstring(buffer);

uint8_t sht10_getdata( sht10_data_t* pdat)
        pdat->temp = temp_val.f;
        pdat->humi = humi_val.f;

//uint8_t sht10_getdata( sht10_data_t* pdat)
//        if ( temp_val.f > 0 )
//                {
//                        pdat->temp_sign = 0;
//                }
//        else
//                {
//                        pdat->temp_sign = 1;
//                }

//        pdat->temp_integer = (uint8_t)(temp_val.f);
//        pdat->temp_decimal = (uint8_t)(temp_val.f*10)%10;

//        pdat->humi_integer = (uint8_t)(humi_val.f);
//        pdat->humi_decimal = (uint8_t)(humi_val.f*10)%10;

//        return 1;

18636251886 发表于 2015-2-12 13:58:08

hyhstephen 发表于 2015-2-12 00:00

非常感谢你的分享 我去看看

18636251886 发表于 2015-2-12 13:58:29

hustsolo 发表于 2015-2-12 08:06

#include "reg51.h"


zhousun 发表于 2015-2-12 20:56:54


cock 发表于 2015-2-13 03:11:12


18636251886 发表于 2015-2-13 11:55:33


justdomyself 发表于 2015-2-13 14:31:56


18636251886 发表于 2015-2-14 11:21:43

芯片的话20左右 模块的话30左右吧

liude2006 发表于 2015-5-8 11:59:51

hustsolo 发表于 2015-2-12 08:06

#include "reg51.h"


liude2006 发表于 2015-5-8 12:01:04

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查看完整版本: SHT10 使用过程中遇到问题,有没有高手指点一下