machao 发表于 2014-9-27 16:22:26

usb-isp for win7 的驱动

本帖最后由 machao 于 2014-9-27 17:14 编辑

根据德国人的USB-ISP制作的AVR下载线,其上位机下载使用官方的AVRSTUDIO平台。驱动是用MAG8接USB口,模拟一个串口工作的。开始的驱动是FOR XP的,现在都是WIN7了。

原来提供的一个FOR WIN7(2008年的)的驱动,可是很多人反映安装还是有问题。我到看了一下,下载了一个新板的驱动(2010年的),适合XP、WIN7版。提供大家使用。

该驱动在我女儿的手提上测试通过(win7旗舰版,AVRSTUDIO 4.18),在我的XP环境下也通过。

注意,使用这个驱动,如果是XP系统,必须升级到SP3。也就是 XP+SP3。(微软从XP+SP3开始,更新了USB的低层协议,所以原来for xp的驱动不能用了,具体可到理解更多的技术细节)


早期的帖子在这里:。“如何在win7下安装USB-ISP驱动” (三年前的帖子)。供有兴趣的参考。



    This is the Readme file about patch drivers for using low-speed CDC
    (Communication Device Class) protocol on Windows. For more information
    please visit

    The lowcdc.sys are developed by Osamu Tamura.

    The "avrcdc.inf" and "lowcdc.inf" are INF files to load Windows' pre-
    installed driver "usbser.sys", which performs virtual COM ports over the
    CDC protocol.

    The "lowcdc.sys" performs the "Low-speed" CDC connection between Windows
    XP/Vista and the USB devices. This tiny filter driver resides between
    "usbser.sys" and the USB port driver, and configures pipes for the
    low-speed devices.

    The "lowcdc.vbs" switches its transfer modes. The bulk transfer is fast,
    but is not allowed by the USB 1.1 standard. The interrupt transfer is slow
    (<=1KB/Sec, or <=9600bps), but meets the standard and reduces system load.
    The low-speed bulk transfer fails when a USB 2.0 High-speed Hub connected
    to a PC's USB 2.0 port, because of the transaction translator.

    This patch works as follows:
      Step 1. Configures the interrupt pipes instead of bulk pipes.
      Step 2. Reforms the interrupt pipes to the bulk after the endpoints
            were generated.
      Step 3. Reports the created pipes as the bulk to the upper layer.
      Step 4. Ignores the interface pipe request.

    Platform:   Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7.
    Function:   Configures the CDC endpoints for the low-speed devices.
    Structure:Kernel mode driver
    Size:       6,400 bytes

    These drivers are designed for AVR-CDC, and may not work properly on other
    "low-speed CDC" devices. Use this driver at your own risk.

            -- Readme.txt            <= This file
            -- License.txt

            -- lowcdc.vbs            <= Switch bulk/interrupt modes

               -- avrcdc.inf       <= (Windows 2000/XP)

               -- lowcdc.inf       <= Windows 2000 (bulk mode only)
               -- lowcdc.sys

               -- lowcdc.inf       <= Windows XP/Vista/7 x32
               -- lowcdc.sys

               -- Readme64.txt
               -- lowcdc.inf       <= Windows Vista x64
               -- lowcdc.sys

            /src                     <= Source code

      1. Connect AVR-CDC device to the system. Windows launches the
         New HardwareWizard.
      2. Specify the folder in which "lowcdc.inf" exists, without
         connecting to "Windows Update" nor searching automatically.
         On Windows 2000, use "avrcdc.inf".
         Ignore the warning that the driver is not certified.
      3. Check the virtual COM port number in the Ports section of
         the Device Manager.
      4. Double click "lowcdc.vbs" to switch transfer modes (XP/Vista/7).

      1. Connect AVR-CDC device.
      2. Within the Device Manager window, right click the "Virtual
         Communications Port" on the list, and delete the driver.
         On Vista, check the box to remove the driver completely,
         and skip the step 3.
      3. Remove the "avrcdc.inf/lowcdc.inf"-corresponded "oemX.inf/pnf"
         pair from the "/windows/inf/" folder. (X is a decimal number)
         Search for "AVR-CDC" string in all the oem*.inf files to find

    This driver has been developed on WinDDK 6001.18002/7600.16385
    and was based on the sample (src/general/toaster/filter/devlower).
    Copy the source code into /src and build it under the WinDDK environment.

USING lowbulk.sys FOR FREE
    The lowcdc.sys is published under an Open Source compliant license.
    See the file "License.txt" for details.

    Osamu Tamura @ Recursion Co., Ltd.

    15 July 2008
    02 February 2009
    20 March 2009
    30 March 2009        -- fixed a shutdown problem.
    06 June 2009   -- combined bulk/interrupt modes.
    24 August 2009   -- fixed to support Win 2000 (bulk mode).
    21 March 2010   -- fixed lowcdc.vbs for comma-decimal point problem (by Jan Chochola).

sbk100 发表于 2014-9-27 19:30:14

马老师还在玩avr吗 studio都出到6了 您老还用4呢?

askme 发表于 2014-9-27 21:14:50

马老师,USB ISP 在windows 7 x64 SP1下老是断开需要重新插拔一下才能用,有什么好的办法可以解决,比如D+D-,3.6V加电平转换,后级3.3v,5v转换,会不会更好点

wcl_0308 发表于 2014-9-27 21:17:24


zhifeng 发表于 2014-9-27 21:59:51


panhai0101 发表于 2014-10-23 08:25:24


panhai0101 发表于 2014-10-23 08:32:16

sbk100 发表于 2014-9-27 19:30
马老师还在玩avr吗 studio都出到6了 您老还用4呢?


qqkanshijie 发表于 2014-10-23 08:35:14

你们还在研究历史,现在Win7   Win8    Win10       都是免安装的了          (你们都是院士了)
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