baojiaqi 发表于 2014-9-8 21:28:22


向大虾们请教一下Cyclone® IV LE中所说的 “寄存器套包”是什么意思,没能理解

uindex 发表于 2014-9-8 22:34:59


Each LE has three outputs that drive the local, row, and column routing resources. The
LUT or register output independently drives these three outputs. Two LE outputs
drive the column or row and direct link routing connections, while one LE drives the
local interconnect resources. This allows the LUT to drive one output while the
register drives another output. This feature, called register packing, improves device
utilization because the device can use the register and the LUT for unrelated
functions. The LAB-wide synchronous load control signal is not available when using
register packing. For more information about the synchronous load control signal,
refer to “LAB Control Signals” on page 2–6.

uindex 发表于 2014-9-8 22:37:48


baojiaqi 发表于 2014-9-12 12:48:29

uindex 发表于 2014-9-8 22:37

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 想请教下FPGA学习遇到的关于LE的问题