Cortex_M3 发表于 2014-6-17 17:45:19

求助xmega ADC 无符号转换结果偏大

本帖最后由 Cortex_M3 于 2014-6-17 17:47 编辑

再用xmega32a4 做ADC 无符号AD转换时,测量结果存在误差
void ADC_Port_Configuration_Init(void)
struct adc_config          adc_conf;
struct adc_channel_configadcch_conf;

        // Clear the configuration structures.
        // 清除配置结构
        memset(&adc_conf, 0, sizeof(struct adc_config));
        memset(&adcch_conf, 0, sizeof(struct adc_channel_config));

/* Configure the ADC module:
        * - unsigned, 12-bit results
        * - VCC/1.6 voltage reference
        * - 200 kHz maximum clock rate
        * - manual conversion triggering
        adc_set_conversion_parameters(&adc_conf, ADC_SIGN_OFF, ADC_RES_12, ADC_REF_VCC);
        adc_set_clock_rate(&adc_conf, 200000UL);
        adc_set_conversion_trigger(&adc_conf, ADC_TRIG_MANUAL, 3, 0);
        adc_write_configuration(&ADCA, &adc_conf);

        /* Configure ADC channel 0, 1 and 2:
        * - single-ended measurement from configured input pin
        * - interrupt flag set on completed conversion
        adcch_set_input(&adcch_conf, ADCCH_POS_PIN0, ADCCH_NEG_NONE, 1); // PA0VU_L
        adcch_set_interrupt_mode(&adcch_conf, ADCCH_MODE_COMPLETE);
        adcch_write_configuration(&ADCA, 0, &adcch_conf);    // 配置到通道0
        adcch_set_input(&adcch_conf, ADCCH_POS_PIN1, ADCCH_NEG_NONE, 1); // PA1VU_R
        adcch_write_configuration(&ADCA, 1, &adcch_conf);    // 配置到通道1

        adcch_set_input(&adcch_conf, ADCCH_POS_PIN7, ADCCH_NEG_NONE, 1); // PA7Temp
        adcch_write_configuration(&ADCA, 2, &adcch_conf);    // 配置到通道2

        // Enable the ADC and do one dummy conversion.

uint16_t Get_ADC_Vol(uint8_t ch)
        unt16_t value=0;
        adc_start_conversion(&ADCA, ch);
        adc_wait_for_interrupt_flag(&ADCA, ch);
        value = adcch_get_result(&ADCA, ch);
        return (uint16_t) value ;

PS:开发环境AVR studio


hell-prototypes 发表于 2014-6-18 09:43:16

In unsigned mode, the negative input is connected to half of the voltage reference (VREF) voltage minus a fixed offset.
The nominal value for the offset is:
_V = Vref x 0.05


Cortex_M3 发表于 2014-6-18 10:48:46

hell-prototypes 发表于 2014-6-18 09:43
In unsigned mode, the negative input is connected to half of the voltage reference (VREF) voltage mi ...

Vref = VCC/1.6 =2.06V
换算过去为RES = 204

直接减去会出现负的情况,因为我对地 大概是输出RES = 150

会有50 res 偏差
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查看完整版本: 求助xmega ADC 无符号转换结果偏大