dela2000 发表于 2014-3-14 13:32:33

AVR STUDIO6 eeprom文件编译后没有

我写了一个汇编程序,在eseg写了八个字节,怎么编译后没有.eep文件?我使用的是AVRSTUDIO 6,程序如下:

;LED Patterns: Illustrate reading of EEPROM data to control LED's

;This program uses pushbuttons (PORT D) to select an address
;in EEPROM. The byte at this address is displayed on the LED's (PORT B).

;PORTB must be connected to the LEDS
;PORTD must be connected to the SWITCHES

;Programmer: ZJ
;Device: ATmega16A

;This include file has all of the I/O addresses already defined via appropriate equ directives.
;already defined via appropriate equ directives.
;.include "",this is already include by AVRSTUDIO6, it's name is

.cseg                ;select current segment as code
.org        0        ;begin assembling at address 0

.def leds                = r16        ;current led state
.def switches        = r17        ;switch values just read
.def temp                = r18        ;used as a temporary register

        ldi temp, 0xFF        ;configure PORTB as output
        out DDRB, temp        ;
        clr temp                ;configure PORTD as input
        out DDRD, temp

        ldi leds, 0xFF        ;Initialize LED's all off
        out PORTB, leds        ;Display initial LED'S

        ;wait for switch to be pressed
        ;this will occur when one or more switches are depressed
                in        switches, PIND
                cpi switches, 0xFF        ;0xFF means none pressed
                breq waitpress

        ;one or more switches are pressed (0's)
        ;use this as an address into EEPROM (but flip bits first)
                com switches
                clr        temp
                out EEARH, temp                ;high bit of address is 0
                out EEARL, switches        ;low byte of address is in switches

                sbi EECR, EERE                ;request a read of EEPROM
                in        leds, EEDR                ;data is returned in EEDR

                out        PORTB, leds                ;(Re) display LED's

                ;wait for all switches to be released
                        in                switches, PIND
                        cpi                switches, 0xFF        ;0xFF means none pressed
                        brne        waitrelease

                        rjmp waitpress ;repeat(forever)

        ;Define EEPROM data
        ;set origin (address) then define byte
        .org 1<<0                ;for switch 0
        .db 0b00001111

        ;set origin (address) then define byte
        .org 1<<1                ;switch 1
        .db 0b11110000

        .org 1<<2                ;switch 2
        .db 0b10101010

        .org 1<<3                ;switch 3
        .db 0b01010101

        .org 1<<4                ;switch 4
        .db 0b10000001

        .org 1<<5                ;switch 5
        .db 0b00011000

        .org 1<<6                ;switch 6
        .db 0b11100111

        .org 1<<7                ;switch 7
        .db 0b01111111

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