zjianb 发表于 2014-2-4 20:00:05


本帖最后由 zjianb 于 2014-2-5 01:02 编辑

Device: DS2xxxA. No need to open it and buy any other stuff.

1) Flash DS2xxxA with patched FW (license key dumping, from zombie28: https://mega.co.nz/#!FFk10SCY!UuWPXyqZwmca00pa2clOth1ryh1Z-AAgJg2yibfoUw0).
2) Connect DS2xxxA to a PC.
3) In "Rigol Ultra Sigma" open "SCPI Control Panel" and "Send&Read" string "*IDN?"
4) Copy answer to text file.
5) Copy string from comma after serial # of your DS2xxxA to the end ("02008400...").
6) Open HEX editor and paste string as HEX (not ASCII).
7) Copy serial # of your DS2xxxA.
8) Append serial # as ASCII to the data in HEX editor.
9) Append "00" as HEX.
10) Save file as "keyfile.bin" to folder with "rigup" (from tirulerbach: https://mega.co.nz/#!qAkUkTZB!XG12bUKhIz4CmQt6DbBnGRMvEe5AvUjEaBxi4R03tw8).
11) Open command line and navigate to folder with "rigup".
12) Execute "rigup scan keyfile.bin" and get some keys:

RC5KEY1:      88359067012Exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
RC5KEY2:      3D44CD4EC48Fxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
XXTEAKEY:       95F6CC12864Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PUBKEY:         006CE7F7xxxxxxxx
PRIVKEY:      008ABBC4xxxxxxxx
SERIAL:         DS2D154xxxxxx

13) Copy them to another text file "keyfile.txt" in "rigup" folder.
14) Execute "rigup license keyfile.txt NSxx", where:

NSEH (0x1C087) - All options
NSER (0x1C08F) - 100 MHz + all options
NSEQ (0x1C097) - 200 MHz + all options
NS8H (0x1C0C7) - 300 MHz + all options

15) Copy license key.
16) In "Rigol Ultra Sigma" "Send&Read" ":SYSTem:OPTion:INSTall YOUR-LICENSE-KEY-WITHOUT-DASHES".

kunc 发表于 2014-2-4 22:10:52


kunc 发表于 2014-2-5 04:17:54

1 - 从DS2000(DSP)update_00. (license keys dump) zip文件复制DS2000Update.GEL到FAT 32随身碟。
2 - 按电源按钮仪器的前面板上。 所有的按钮会亮起。 同时按下两个或三个次面板上Help键。 所有按钮将熄灭
3 - 插入USB记忆棒插入前面板。
4 - 等待固件更新结束
5 - 所有前面板上的按钮将被点亮。 关的范围内。 取出随身碟
6 - 检查新固件版本
7 - 连接USB电缆到PC,并打开了Ultra Sigma软件
8 - 发送* IDN? 命令。 并拿到钥匙回来。
9 - 写的钥匙HXD编辑器,得到最终的串行输入上DS2072a

tjzhky 发表于 2014-2-6 15:35:14


tjzhky 发表于 2014-3-18 10:37:05

页: [1]
查看完整版本: ds2000a不需要开机的破解方法放出