zhhzm 发表于 2014-1-24 15:27:24

IAR AVR 6.301发布

Version 6.30
Compiler optimizations
Improved optimizations will give faster execution of target code and smaller code size.

#pragma default_variable_attributes and #pragma default_function_attributes
Two new pragma directives have been added to set default placement and attributes for variable/function declarations and definitions. This means that you can override multiple declarations and definitions by using a single pragma directive.

New devices
Support has been added for the following devices: ATA5781, ATA5782, and ATA5783.

Updated user guides
The C-SPY Debugging Guide and C/C++ Compiler Reference Guide have been updated.

EDBG support
The AVR JTAGICE3 driver now supports the Atmel Embedded Debugger (EDBG) debugger interface (introduced in version 6.21.3).
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