sky5566 发表于 2013-11-28 23:40:06

Logic 1.1.18 Beta

We've just released the latest beta software, Logic 1.1.18 Beta. If you are just joining us now, this is the third beta we've released since the 1.1.15 production version.

This beta focuses primarily on bug fixes - some long standing, some introduced in earlier betas. This release is most relevant to Linux and OSX users, as it contains a number of bug fixes specific to those platforms.

Most importantly, we think that this beta is a strong candidate for the next production release! It is actually the base branch for our new features (currently still in development) and it really needs some good testing before we can release a new production version, or our next major features.

We would absolutely love to hear what you have to say about the beta, good or bad. You can shoot us your thoughts here. Enjoy!

-Mark, Aparna, Chris, and the rest of the Saleae team. Happy debugging!
Logic 1.1.18 Beta Download Links

    Logic 1.1.18 Beta - Windows 32 bit
    Logic 1.1.18 Beta - Windows 64 bit

    Logic 1.1.18 Beta - OSX 10.6+

    Logic 1.1.18 Beta - Ubuntu 32 bit
    Logic 1.1.18 Beta - Ubuntu 64 bit

Notes for Linux Users

If you are using Ubuntu 12+, or a similarly new version of Linux, we strongly recommend that you use this beta version as an alternative to the production software. A number of bugs were discovered when Ubuntu 12 was first released, which are fixed in this beta.

We are currently also debugging issues with Logic and Logic16 when used with USB 3.0 host controllers. If you experience any issues with the USB performance of Logic or Logic16, please let us know.
A Note on Saved Files

The logic software can save captures (*.logicdata) and setups (*.logicsettings). These saved files are forward compatible, but not backwards.

Files saved using the Logic 1.1.18 beta software will not be openable in older versions of the software, but they will be openable in future releases. Please keep this in mind when you save your work.
Change Log

    On Linux, error uploader failed to upload large core dumps. Now it informs the user of this issue. (and will be fixed for good in the next beta)
    Software would crash when it failed to open a file. Now it pops up a dialog with information.
    On Linux x64, clicking more details on the error report would cause a crash. Fixed.
    When starting a capture with a sample rate slower than that required by the analyzers, the software could go into an invalid state and crash. Fixed. (introduced in previous beta)
    If the software was put into a state where all channels on the display were hidden, it would crash. Now it resets visibility.
    Raw export over specific time range had issues recognizing the beginning and ending of the capture. Fixed.
    When exporting raw data, if the software did not have write access to the destination, it would crash. Now it informs the user. (Linux)
    On Linux x32, fixed floating point optimization bug affecting the timing display when zoomed to 1E-7 or smaller.
    CAN: fixed issue where the software would not recognized stuffed bits between the CRC and the ACK.
    MDIO: fixed issue when data was set up before rising edge of the clock.
    Fixed issue where the current zoom location was not saved if directed to the end of the capture.
    Manchester: fixed issue with words longer than 32 bits.
    Manchester: fixed issue with bit rates higher than 600kbps
    Fixed issues with debugging dump files.
    Fixed XP compatibility issue. (from previous beta)
    Added newest Apple signing system to build system, now gatekeeper compliant.
    Fixed simulation of Logic16 on Linux
    Fixed Analyzer crash issues caused by stack size. (Linux and OSX)
    Restored Ubuntu 12 support (10 support restored in next beta)
    Created Matlab raw export option.
    Complete refresh of our entire build system.

tsb0574 发表于 2013-11-28 23:44:53


Excellence 发表于 2013-11-29 09:28:02



68336016 发表于 2013-11-29 09:31:31

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