sme 发表于 2013-5-22 14:40:00


本帖最后由 sme 于 2013-5-22 14:41 编辑

一项目,使用了XILINX FPGA,DCM做倍频用。原来使用Spartan 3S400时没有问题。
现改用Spartan6 LX45,使用ISE P&R时出错:
ERROR:Place:1355 - Component < u_clock/hf_clk_iso > is driven by DCM or PLL
   component < dcm_pll48m/DCM_SP > placed at < DCM_X0Y1 >. This requires the
   load component to be range constrained to CLOCKREGION_X0Y0 or
   CLOCKREGION_X1Y0. Placer was not able to apply this range constraint because
   component < u_clock/hf_clk_iso > has a LOC constraint or area group in a
   different clock region. Please check whether the user constraints and remove
   any conflicting LOCs or area groups. Note that the loads of a DCM/PLL must be
   constrained to the two adjacent clock regions to the DCM/PLL.



请高手指点一下,Spartan 6中使用DCM有什么注意的地方?上述问题要怎样解决?

hell-prototypes 发表于 2013-5-22 16:27:38


eaglefanxp 发表于 2013-5-23 10:23:50

ERROR:Place:1355 - Component < u_clock/hf_clk_iso > is driven by DCM or PLL
   component < dcm_pll48m/DCM_SP > placed at < DCM_X0Y1 >. This requires the
   load component to be range constrained to CLOCKREGION_X0Y0 or
   CLOCKREGION_X1Y0. Placer was not able to apply this range constraint because
   component < u_clock/hf_clk_iso > has a LOC constraint or area group in a
   different clock region. Please check whether the user constraints and remove
   any conflicting LOCs or area groups. Note that the loads of a DCM/PLL must be
   constrained to the two adjacent clock regions to the DCM/PLL.

两个级联的DCM要在相邻区域,你的时钟输入管脚分配已经把一个DCM(< u_clock/hf_clk_iso >)限制在一个时钟区域了;
< dcm_pll48m/DCM_SP >你是不是限制在< DCM_X0Y1 >了?

sme 发表于 2013-5-23 13:15:54

eaglefanxp 发表于 2013-5-23 10:23 static/image/common/back.gif
ERROR:Place:1355 - Component < u_clock/hf_clk_iso > is driven by DCM or PLL
   component < dcm_pll48 ...




sme 发表于 2013-5-23 13:16:32

hell-prototypes 发表于 2013-5-22 16:27 static/image/common/back.gif



hell-prototypes 发表于 2013-5-23 20:52:18

sme 发表于 2013-5-23 13:16 static/image/common/back.gif


如果要串联用两个DCM,有个方法是用 Core Generator 生成 Cascading in Series with Two DCM_SP.

Core type: Cascading in Series with Two DCM_SP
Core Summary:
    This Wizard allows the configuration of two instances of the Digital Clock Manager (DCM_SP) cascaded in series.
    The Cascading in Series With Two DCM_SPs configuration can help produce clock frequency and phase shift which are not possible with a single DCM_SP.

sme 发表于 2013-5-24 09:04:34

{:handshake:} 谢谢,记下了,下次这么干{:lol:}

fengjinwei1986 发表于 2013-12-9 16:48:30

hell-prototypes 发表于 2013-5-22 16:27

页: [1]
查看完整版本: Spartan6使用DCM不能通过MAP