jgy420 发表于 2012-12-4 17:45:24



.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6266E: RWPI Section anon$$obj.o(PDT$$ptr) cannot be assigned to non-PI Exec region ER_RW.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6266E: RWPI Section system_stm32f10x.o(.data) cannot be assigned to non-PI Exec region ER_RW.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6266E: RWPI Section stm32f10x_rcc.o(.data) cannot be assigned to non-PI Exec region ER_RW.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6266E: RWPI Section main.o(.data) cannot be assigned to non-PI Exec region ER_RW.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6266E: RWPI Section gsm.o(.data) cannot be assigned to non-PI Exec region ER_RW.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6266E: RWPI Section usart_io.o(.data) cannot be assigned to non-PI Exec region ER_RW.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6266E: RWPI Section stm_i2c.o(.data) cannot be assigned to non-PI Exec region ER_RW.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6266E: RWPI Section stm32f10x_it.o(.data) cannot be assigned to non-PI Exec region ER_RW.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6266E: RWPI Section gsm.o(.bss) cannot be assigned to non-PI Exec region ER_ZI.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6266E: RWPI Section stm_i2c.o(.bss) cannot be assigned to non-PI Exec region ER_ZI.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function NMI_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function HardFault_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function MemManage_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function BusFault_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function UsageFault_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function SVC_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function DebugMon_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function PendSV_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function EXTI0_IRQHandler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function EXTI1_IRQHandler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function TIM2_IRQHandler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function USART1_IRQHandler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function USART2_IRQHandler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f10x_md.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function USART3_IRQHandler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6241E: entry7.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000007) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function main as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
.\object\GPRS.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f10x_md.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function SystemInit as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
Target not created
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查看完整版本: STM32固件库2.0升3.4的问题