bowangpo 发表于 2012-10-29 09:24:55


本帖最后由 bowangpo 于 2012-10-29 09:55 编辑
- config eeprom has a new QUICK mode. (xmega only)
- $hwstack,$swstack and $framesize used with comment like $hwstack=40 '500resulted in wrong values.
- rc5 background option only worked for 8 Mhz
- config COM , IRDA baud rate calculation fixed.               
- version() with parameter 3 will return file name : Print Version(3)                               
- xmega autoprog will set lock bit last now.                               
- RS485 (config print) support added to printbin also changed                               
- rc5.lib added, sponsored by Lumicon, , see config rc5, mode=background                               
- improved usb read handling for quicker flash programming.                               
- eeprom programming xmega/PDI mode fixed.                               
- $stackdump added. See also stackdump.bas. Based on code from MWS.                               
- history.txt is shown once for each new version of the IDE                               
- ERR is set to 1 when there is not enough frame space. you use frame space when using locals and
passing parameter byval. also a test like : if left(string,3)="value" will use temp space.               
- added link to the bascom-avr.xml file location in the Help, About window.                               
- boot loader samples improved : bblocklocal incremented after a valid block.                               
- huge memory on Xmega bug fixed : rampX and r12 inside an ISR were not preserved.                               
- config xram for xmega, fixed bug for sram mode. also, baseadr changed, see help.                               
- $timeout help updated (it works for SW UART too), and INPUT with $timeout added to SW UART.                               
- spiinit, will set only miso to output when slave mode is selected.                               
- w5200 support added.                               
- W5100 tcp/ip support added.                               
- w5300 tcp/ip support added.                               
- xmega : saving watchdog cause in r0 was not implemented. also, the flags were not cleared at start up.                               
- an updated version of bascomp.exe was not included in the release.                               
- sample files are now located in users\USER\Documents\MCS Electronics\BASCOM-AVR\Samples                               
- split screen editor fixed.                               
- added CAN support. See CONFIG CANBUS, CANMOB, CANBAUD,CANRESET, CANSEND, CANRECEIVE,etc.                               
- removed backspace from INPUT.                               
- added M8U2 and M16U2 support                               
- fixed RTC32 and added new sample from MAK3. See XM256A3BU-RTC32.bas                       
- STCHECK checking framesize (error 3) did not work. So you could get error 3 while there was no error.                               
- DTMFOUT did not saved r23 which could lead to erratic behavior for chips with TIMSK in high IO regs.                       
- documented LCDCMD and LCDDATA                               
- When adding files in Project Mode, you can select multiple files using CTRL/SHIFT.                               
- Adding a CONSTANT _CHECKVAL with a value <>0 will test for illegal chars in VAL()
Const _CHECKVAL =1 : Dim S as string * 10 : s = "1234a" : w = val(s) : print ERR                               
- config clock, gosub=sectic option was sensitive to position.                               
- user sub/functions calls are protected against interrupts. See $noframeprotect                               
- xmega config event_system : portA and portB were reversed. ADCB_CH0/ADCB_CH3 would result in a wrong setting too.                               
- config servos has a new mode to use servos with less system load. this mode works on xmega as well.                               
- using an overlay array with config base=0, would result in the wrong overlay address.                               
- full version can run updatewiz from the IDE
- fixed varptr() error
- updated dat files to reflect new atmel web location
- added $xteakey to encrypt the binary file with a 128 bit key. (see help) BETA

- SSD1325 lib updated. fonts were not shown properly (there was a pixel between each line)
- AVR-DOS SDHC driver updated for Xmega and included.
- oled sample included
- modbus slave included
- right margin line can be adjusted.
- DCF77 support added for Xmega                               
- internal numeric conversion routine will report non-numerical trailing data that was previously ignored (spaces, etc.)
- added support for xmega big memory(8MB), this is still considered a BETA feature.
- added Find in Files option to the IDE.
- changed HWMUL=1 into HWMUL=0 for usb162,usb82,m32u2def
- STOP TIMER1 did not stop timer for tiny25/45/85
- attiny25 adc noise canceler.bas sample added from MAK3
- attiny13A.dat file powermode section corrected.
- .align worked with word address instead of byte address as intended.
- A = &H6000 Or &H8000 resulted in error 51.
- using select case with a string function would only work for the first case.
- RTC32 support added for Xmega       
- atmega128RFA1 dat file added.       
- attiny85 as SPI SLAVE using USI sample added from MAK3
- data line would not convert a const correct for single/double : const x=12.34 : data x! would fail
- the following code is no longer required for the xmega:
$lib "xmega.lib" : $external _xmegafix_clear : $external _xmegafix_rol_r1014
- CTRL+J will show templates.       
- XTEAENCODE and XTEADECODE statements added to encrypt/decrypt using XTEA algo       
- added hexval.lib from user MWS. This is an alternative lib for HEXVAL that removes spaces and sets ERR if illegal characters are found
- string() and space() when used with a string array with a variable index : var(varx)=space(x) will result in a memory overwrite, depending on the index and address of the array.
- attiny261/461/861 have one shared interrupt flag for PCINT but 2 individual enable flags. Added to the dat files.
- added BANDGAP=ENABLED|DISABLED to CONFIG ACI. It will only work for chips that support this option(most new chips)
- for external programmer, {CHIP} can be used to specify the device/chip.
- m32M1 missed PCICR register in dat file. The prescale value for timer0 was not correct loaded for config timer0
- section updated. Some chips have combined flag/normal in extended IO space. For example USISR in the M169
These regs need special handling to reset a bit.
- waitus improved. normally an internal sub routine is called but for some xtal values and delays, this is not possible.
in such a case, NOPS are generated. But this can be as much as 14 nops. In such cases a small single byte loop delay is generated.               
- INP/OUT support Xmega huge memory                       
- added Arduino V2 progammer (uses stk500v2 protocol) for M2560 R3                               
- CONFIG XPIN added for xmega pin setup.               
- print bin() used with a long/dword would overflow the internal string buffer. the frame is used now.                       
- array with negative offset like : ar(constant - var) pointed to the wrong memory. var-constant was no problem.       
- added project mode option with explorer. you might need to reset the docking to make it visible.                               
- ON interrupts accepts SAVE and SAVEALL too. SAVE is the default and used when no parameter is provided.       
- 2074 requires an update of the bascomp.exe command line utility

xsh2005105326 发表于 2012-10-29 12:32:01


bowangpo 发表于 2012-10-29 18:09:13

Patch For Bascom

高鼻子 发表于 2012-10-29 20:16:31




maxims 发表于 2012-10-29 22:55:17


maxims 发表于 2012-10-29 22:55:57


hzxiaobao 发表于 2012-10-30 08:06:37

Patch For Bascom_AVR v2.0.7.5.rar 报有病毒

bowangpo 发表于 2012-10-30 11:49:29


cooleaf 发表于 2012-10-30 13:27:17


xinhoujue 发表于 2012-10-30 15:20:27


feixiang1990 发表于 2012-10-30 17:01:41


maxims 发表于 2012-10-30 23:45:23


maxims 发表于 2012-11-10 17:48:14


jun427 发表于 2012-11-10 19:49:16


Lu_JR 发表于 2012-11-11 09:27:05


xumadc 发表于 2012-11-23 21:41:51


神舟九号 发表于 2012-11-26 16:06:25


plaman801123 发表于 2012-12-19 09:54:04


XTXB 发表于 2012-12-23 16:30:16


lsy5110 发表于 2013-2-22 13:29:03


灯光下的蚂蚁 发表于 2013-3-24 15:25:33


dong7758 发表于 2013-3-24 21:24:24


xuzhao 发表于 2013-3-27 08:29:04


wblqx 发表于 2013-3-27 09:09:23


ZXL1969 发表于 2013-3-29 13:36:22


dgyuteng 发表于 2013-5-18 16:51:16


zxttgg 发表于 2013-7-12 03:45:33

谁有库文件? twi slave的?

Joyje 发表于 2013-8-2 08:59:52


liming_nefu 发表于 2013-9-28 22:58:06

本来想下载个bascom 8051的,没找到,看看介个!

xujf 发表于 2013-12-20 13:20:18


GunGun 发表于 2014-2-4 18:40:17

BASCOM AVR changes in Version

popvip 发表于 2014-4-15 23:07:41

真心喜欢bascom avr呀

英子04802 发表于 2014-4-17 10:44:07


xuanfong1 发表于 2014-4-27 20:53:51

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