slzm40 发表于 2012-8-2 19:39:04


最近在用一个DS18B20,这个我设定了温度的上,下限,当执行告警搜索命令后,只有温度超过设定值上限或下限的芯片才作出响应, 但是这个响应是什么,没有说。

Alarm Search
The flowchart of this command is identical to the Search ROM command. However, the DS18B20X will
respond to this command only if an alarm condition has been encountered at the last temperature
measurement. An alarm condition is defined as a temperature higher than TH or lower than TL. The
alarm condition remains set as long as the DS18B20X is powered up, or until another temperature
measurement reveals a non-alarming value. For alarming, the trigger values stored in EEPROM are taken
into account. If an alarm condition exists and the TH or TL settings are changed, another temperature
conversion should be done to validate any alarm conditions.



slzm40 发表于 2012-8-3 00:18:29

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