yanjiesh 发表于 2012-7-18 09:47:07



pocker5200 发表于 2012-7-18 10:10:54


yanjiesh 发表于 2012-7-18 10:22:26

老大? {:smile:} 用的是啥啊?

yanjiesh 发表于 2012-7-18 10:23:36


< >从好用来说,肯定是Xilinx的好用,不过Altera的便宜<BR>他们的特点,Xilinx的短线资源非常丰富,这样在实现的时候,布线的成功率很高,尤其是逻辑做得比较满的时候。<BR>Altera的FPGA的短线资源经常不够用,经常要占用LE来充当布线资源(这也是为什么Altera的FPGA可以便宜的原因,资源少些当然便宜),但是如果你是高手,也能把他的性能发挥得很好。<BR>另外就是关于块RAM,Xilinx的双口RAM是真的,Altera的没有双口RAM,如果你要实现真正的双口RAM,只能用两块RAM来背靠背地实现,这样你的RAM资源就少了一半,如果你的应用对片内双口RAM的需求很重要,用Altera的就划不来<o:p></o:p></P>
< ><o:p> </o:p></P>
< >Xilnx是全球最大的FPGA生产和设计公司,在研究机构和高端应用一般都选用Xilnx,但是Xilinx的东西一般价格比较高,并且xilinx的大学计划做得很烂!<BR>Altera是第二大FPGA生产和设计公司,其大学计划做得很好,给学校很多免费的东西,包括软件和开发板,所以学校都在用。<BR>不过现在两个公司的东西不论在价格还是性能上都各有利弊,不能一概而论<o:p></o:p></P>
< ><o:p> </o:p></P>
< ><o:p> </o:p></P>
< >对两家的软件工具体会较深:<BR>感觉CPLD和小规模的FPGA是Altera的好用,MaxplusII的波形仿真速度非常快,波形编辑也超常的方便,xilinx的工具相比之下难用。<BR>但是大规模的FPGA就反过来了,xilinx工具对第三方仿真、综合工具结合的很好,有超强劲的仿真功能,而Altera的工具在这方面很显不足。</P>

yanjiesh 发表于 2012-7-18 10:45:58


korgo 发表于 2012-7-18 11:16:23


yanjiesh 发表于 2012-7-18 11:21:36

EDN搜到了一篇 大家看看 日期较近的

Difference Between Altera & Xilinx
By Darla Ferrara, eHow Contributor, last updated February 08, 2012

Altera and Xilinx are both companies competing for a spot in the digital logic microchips marketplace. Specifically, each has a reputation for the field-programmable gate array, or FPGA, circuit. Each business has built a name for themselves in this arena. To understand the differences between the two products, you must know more about FPGAs.

FPGA Circuits
A field-programmable gate array, FPGA, circuit is the microchip version of a blank canvas. Customers can purchase these chips and decide how to use them later when integrating them onto a board. The designer programs the chip for a specific logical function. You can think of a logical function as a switch that turns things on and off on an electronic device. The advantage of the FPGA over other chips is the programmable option. Designers do not always know what they need until they are building the unit. Having FPGA elements gives them more options as they create.

Xilinx is the grandfather of FPGA circuitry. This is the company that started it all by developing the first chip of this kind. It offers multiple types of FPGAs, each with its own specifications. As of February 2012, Xilinx has six different families of FPGAs available. The tools available from Xilinx include the ML401 development kit, a board that allows you to design and implement the features of the FPGA. The board works as a testing ground as you program the chip. Xilinx is known for FPGAs, but the company does offer other types of digital logic microchips.

Altera created the first programmable logic device, or PDL, in 1984. Modern-day Altera produces a number of programmable chips, including the FPGA varieties. As of February 2012, the company has three separate families of FPGA available, each with distinctive specification. The design properties include a friendly graphical user interface (GUI) that makes programming simpler for novice designers. Altera is known for a wide range of programmable chips. Its product line is more expansive than that of Xilinx.

It is impossible to list specific differences among the products offered by these two companies. Because of the variety of chips each offers, there are too many variables. Seasoned designers may prefer Xilinx chips over Altera's because they are more controllable. Those creating their first boards may want the friendly programming tools available from Altera. Ultimately, you should review all the products from both companies and select the right chip based on your needs and budget.

yanjiesh 发表于 2012-7-18 11:33:24

Altera and Xilinx are both companies competing for a spot in the digital logic microchips marketplace. Specifically, each has a reputation for the field-programmable gate array, or FPGA, circuit. Each business has built a name for themselves in this arena. To understand the differences between the two products, you must know more about FPGAs.

chinabn 发表于 2012-7-18 11:35:45


yanjiesh 发表于 2012-7-18 11:47:18

FPGA Circuits
A field-programmable gate array, FPGA, circuit is the microchip version of a blank canvas. Customers can purchase these chips and decide how to use them later when integrating them onto a board. The designer programs the chip for a specific logical function. You can think of a logical function as a switch that turns things on and off on an electronic device. The advantage of the FPGA over other chips is the programmable option. Designers do not always know what they need until they are building the unit. Having FPGA elements gives them more options as they create.

yanjiesh 发表于 2012-7-18 11:48:42

如果我想明白了 会对公司的产品研发有个参考路线 呵呵

yanjiesh 发表于 2012-7-18 11:49:23

换句话说 公司还没开始用FPGA :)

pulan 发表于 2012-7-18 11:52:06

yanjiesh 发表于 2012-7-18 11:49 static/image/common/back.gif
换句话说 公司还没开始用FPGA :)


usingavr 发表于 2012-7-18 12:29:59


yanjiesh 发表于 2012-7-18 16:44:16

Xilinx is the grandfather of FPGA circuitry. This is the company that started it all by developing the first chip of this kind. It offers multiple types of FPGAs, each with its own specifications. As of February 2012, Xilinx has six different families of FPGAs available. The tools available from Xilinx include the ML401 development kit, a board that allows you to design and implement the features of the FPGA. The board works as a testing ground as you program the chip. Xilinx is known for FPGAs, but the company does offer other types of digital logic microchips.
Xilinx 是FPGA电路的始祖。就是它在第一块此类芯片基础上推进发展了FPGA。该公司提供了多种类的FPGA芯片,每一种有它自己的规格。于2012年2月计,Xilinx有6种不同种类的FPGA产品线在售。由Xilinx提供的工具包括ML401开发工具,它是一块提供我们设计和开发FPGA能力的电路板。该板在我们为芯片编程时可以作为一块试验田。Xilinx公司由FPGA芯片而出名,但是它也确实提供其他种类的数字逻辑微芯片。

zgxcom123 发表于 2012-7-18 16:53:55



yanjiesh 发表于 2012-7-18 17:12:43

Altera created the first programmable logic device, or PDL, in 1984. Modern-day Altera produces a number of programmable chips, including the FPGA varieties. As of February 2012, the company has three separate families of FPGA available, each with distinctive specification. The design properties include a friendly graphical user interface (GUI) that makes programming simpler for novice designers. Altera is known for a wide range of programmable chips. Its product line is more expansive than that of Xilinx.
本段末尾提及Altera公司的product line 是否比Xilinx公司的 来的贵,我不得而知,如果有大侠知道,请纠正下。

yanjiesh 发表于 2012-7-18 17:26:06

It is impossible to list specific differences among the products offered by these two companies. Because of the variety of chips each offers, there are too many variables. Seasoned designers may prefer Xilinx chips over Altera's because they are more controllable. Those creating their first boards may want the friendly programming tools available from Altera. Ultimately, you should review all the products from both companies and select the right chip based on your needs and budget.

yanjiesh 发表于 2012-7-18 17:31:30



Nuker 发表于 2012-7-18 17:41:31

expansive != expensive

zhanshenguilai 发表于 2012-7-18 20:07:47


ifuleu 发表于 2012-7-19 21:00:19


yanjiesh 发表于 2012-7-20 11:23:56

谢谢 Nuker失误了 呵呵 原文(Its product line is more expansive than that of Xilinx) 应该译为Altera的产品线要比Xilinx的来得宽。

zl_diy 发表于 2012-7-22 23:05:31


rx_78gp02a 发表于 2012-7-23 01:06:25


rclong 发表于 2012-7-23 02:49:48


orange-208 发表于 2012-7-23 14:36:59


yiwei0397 发表于 2012-7-23 23:21:05


Elec_Ramble 发表于 2012-7-25 20:16:45


苹果520 发表于 2012-7-28 11:02:21

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查看完整版本: 准备正式学习FPGA,但究竟选哪家公司的芯片入手呢?