xiaojiong886 发表于 2012-5-15 12:20:56

CVAVR中的heap size设置

软件版本 CVAVR2.03.4
目前全局变量所占空间为 422KB
Chip: ATmega128
Clock frequency: 11.059200 MHz
Program type: Application
Memory model: Small
Optimize for: Size
(s)printf features: int, width
(s)scanf features: int, width
Promote char to int: No
char is unsigned: Yes
global const stored in FLASH: Yes
8 bit enums: No
Enhanced core instructions: On
Automatic register allocation: On

6273 line(s) compiled
No errors
12 warning(s)

Bit variables area: 2h to 2h
Bit variables size: 1 byte(s)

Data Stack area: 100h to 4FFh
Data Stack size: 1024 byte(s)
Estimated Data Stack usage: 85 byte(s)

RAM Global variables area: 500h to 658h
RAM Global variables size: 345 byte(s)

Hardware Stack area: 659h to 10FFh
Hardware Stack size: 2727 byte(s)

Heap size: 0 byte(s)

EEPROM usage: 0 byte(s), 0.0% of EEPROM
Program size: 11182 words (22364 bytes), 17.1% of FLASH

data stack size 1024
heap size 0
程序现在能正常运行,但是我不确定如果 heap size 不设置的话,程序在长时间运行后会不会出问题?

xiaojiong886 发表于 2012-5-16 09:33:54


shjw 发表于 2012-5-16 09:47:54

heap size 不设置不能长时间运行,没有这么夸张吧

xiaojiong886 发表于 2012-5-18 12:17:16

shjw 发表于 2012-5-16 09:47 static/image/common/back.gif
heap size 不设置不能长时间运行,没有这么夸张吧


benhaha 发表于 2014-10-31 10:30:51


liuzhen526 发表于 2014-11-3 20:56:35

堆和栈的问题 heap就是堆嘛。
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