baffin1130 发表于 2011-9-21 16:28:52


1. First ensure that your target configuration is set up properly for your device.
2. Go to "Target-> Launch TI Debugger"
3. In Debug view, go to "Tools->On-chip Flash"
4. Configure Flash settings – you can erase Flash from here as well.
5. Then you can either: Click on the Debug “bug” icon, or Go to "Target->Debug Active Project", OR Go to
"Target->Load program" and select the .out file you want to program. The CCSv4 IDE will automatically
program/load the code to the appropriate memory locations in flash and/or RAM, similar to how code is
automatically loaded to RAM for RAM-based projects.
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查看完整版本: 请问CCS4.0如何将程序烧录到F2812上,现在只能FLASH调试一断电就没了,请懂的朋友赐教