xiaojia0812 发表于 2011-8-5 23:03:15


1、cy68013中的端点应该如何理解呢?fifo slave模式下的传输过程是怎么样的?端点的不同大小又是什么意思,这个设成512和1024有什么区别,分别用在哪些情况呢?

2、datasheet 中有这么一句话The SLOE pin enables the FD outputs.By default, SLOE and SLRD are active-low; their polarities can be changed via the FIFOPINPOLAR register。
那么当SLOE为High 时,FD的状是怎么样的呢?是高阻,还是高电平或者是低电平


4、The FIFOADR pins select which of the four FIFOs is connected to the FD bus (and, if the
FIFO flags are operating in Indexed mode, they select which FIFO’s flags are presented on the
FLAGx pins
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