dxylove 发表于 2011-6-15 09:56:20



dxylove 发表于 2011-6-15 10:05:47

Specification of the DDS function generator

Main ICs
MCU: ATmega64 (ATMEL)
PLD: ispLSI1016E (Lattice)
DAC: μPD63210 (NEC)

DDS function
Number of channels: 2
Sampling rate: 102.4ksps
Vertical resolution: 16bit
Wave table length: 8192pts/ch

Analog output Zo=50Ω, 2ch

Frequency range
(Ch1/Ch2 individually) 0.01Hz - 45,000.00Hz (0.01Hz step)

Voltage range
(Ch1/Ch2 in common) 0.001 - 20.000VRMS (0.001VRMS step)
0.001 - 20.000VP-P (0.001VP-P step)
-60.00 - +20.00dBV (0.01dBV step)
-60.00 - +20.00dBm (0.01dBm step)
(All units are in EMF and peak level is <= ±7.5V)

Ch2 phase -180° - +179°
(Ch1 referenced, 1° step, wrap-around)

User interface Character type LCD module (20C,4R),
four buttons, a rotary encoder
and click sound for button/dial operations

Waveform recording media MMC or SDC

Power supply AC line
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