cunlingwang 发表于 2011-4-20 10:57:57



void touch_timeout(void* parameter)
    struct rtgui_event_mouse emouse;

    static struct _touch_previous
      rt_uint32_t x;
      rt_uint32_t y;
    } touch_previous;
    if (SPI2_Touch_temp < 30)//无触摸操作
      int tmer = RT_TICK_PER_SECOND/100 ;
      if (flag == 1)
      emouse.parent.type = RTGUI_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON;

      /* use old value */
      emouse.x = touch->x;
      emouse.y = touch->y;

      /* stop timer */
       // rt_kprintf("touch up: (%d, %d)\n", emouse.x, emouse.y);
      flag = 0;
      if ((touch->calibrating == RT_TRUE) && (touch->calibration_func != RT_NULL))
            /* callback function */
            touch->calibration_func(emouse.x, emouse.y);
      rt_timer_control(touch->poll_timer , RT_TIMER_CTRL_SET_TIME , &tmer);
    else      //有触摸
      if(flag == 0)
            int tmer = RT_TICK_PER_SECOND/100 ;
            /* calculation */

            /* send mouse event */
            emouse.parent.type = RTGUI_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON;
            emouse.parent.sender = RT_NULL;

            emouse.x = touch->x;
            emouse.y = touch->y;

            touch_previous.x = touch->x;
            touch_previous.y = touch->y;

            /* init mouse button */

            //rt_kprintf("touch down: (%d, %d)\n", emouse.x, emouse.y);
            flag = 1;
            rt_timer_control(touch->poll_timer , RT_TIMER_CTRL_SET_TIME , &tmer);
      else    //flag =1

            /* calculation */
#define previous_keep      8
                (touch_previous.x < touch->x + previous_keep)
                && (touch_previous.x > touch->x - previous_keep )
                && (touch_previous.y < touch->y + previous_keep)
                && (touch_previous.y> touch->y - previous_keep))

            touch_previous.x = touch->x;
            touch_previous.y = touch->y;

            /* send mouse event */
            emouse.parent.type = RTGUI_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON ;
            emouse.parent.sender = RT_NULL;

            emouse.x = touch->x;
            emouse.y = touch->y;

            /* init mouse button */
            //emouse.button = (RTGUI_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT |RTGUI_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN);
         emouse.button = 0;
//             rt_kprintf("touch motion: (%d, %d)\n", emouse.x, emouse.y);

    /* send event to server */
    if (touch->calibrating != RT_TRUE)
       rtgui_server_post_event(&emouse.parent, sizeof(struct rtgui_event_mouse));

cunlingwang 发表于 2011-4-21 09:36:53


static unsigned int flag = 0;
void touch_timeout(void* parameter)
    struct rtgui_event_mouse emouse;
   static struct _touch_previous
      rt_uint32_t x;
      rt_uint32_t y;
    } touch_previous;
    if (SPI2_Touch_temp < 30)//无触摸操作
      int tmer = RT_TICK_PER_SECOND/100 ;
      emouse.parent.type = RTGUI_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON;

      emouse.x = touch_previous.x ;
      emouse.y = touch_previous.y ;
      touch_previous.x = 0;
      touch_previous.y = 0;
      /* stop timer */
      flag = 0;
      rt_timer_control(touch->poll_timer , RT_TIMER_CTRL_SET_TIME , &tmer);
    else      //有触摸
      if(flag == 0)
            int tmer = RT_TICK_PER_SECOND/20 ;
            /* calculation */

            /* send mouse event */
            emouse.parent.type = RTGUI_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON;
            emouse.parent.sender = RT_NULL;

            emouse.x = touch->x;
            emouse.y = touch->y;
            touch_previous.x = touch->x;
            touch_previous.y = touch->y;
            /* init mouse button */

            flag = 1;
            rt_timer_control(touch->poll_timer , RT_TIMER_CTRL_SET_TIME , &tmer);
      else    //flag =1此时保持按住状态
            /* calculation */

            /* send mouse event */
            emouse.parent.type = RTGUI_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON ;
            emouse.parent.sender = RT_NULL;
            emouse.x = touch->x;
            emouse.y = touch->y;

            /* init mouse button */
            //emouse.button = (RTGUI_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT | RTGUI_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN);
         emouse.button = 0;
    /* send event to server */
    if (touch->calibrating != RT_TRUE)
       rtgui_server_post_event(&emouse.parent, sizeof(struct rtgui_event_mouse));

cunlingwang 发表于 2011-4-21 14:57:24

通过修改,下面的可以很完美的解决通过查询进行触摸的操作,下拉菜单也不会出现由于多次发送坐标值而导致 send event to wb failed 的情况。
按下后就不必一直发送right/down ,保持住就默认一个值,离开就是up。

static unsigned int touch_flag = 0;
void touch_timeout(void* parameter)
    struct rtgui_event_mouse emouse;
   static struct _touch_previous
      rt_uint32_t x;
      rt_uint32_t y;
    } touch_previous;
    if (SPI2_Touch_temp < 100)//无触摸操作
      int tmer = RT_TICK_PER_SECOND/100 ;
      if (1 == touch_flag)
          emouse.parent.type = RTGUI_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON;
          emouse.x = touch_previous.x ;
          emouse.y = touch_previous.y ;
          /* send event to server */
          if (touch->calibrating != RT_TRUE)
          rtgui_server_post_event(&emouse.parent, sizeof(struct rtgui_event_mouse));
          touch_flag = 0;
      /* stop timer */
      rt_timer_control(touch->poll_timer , RT_TIMER_CTRL_SET_TIME , &tmer);
    else      //有触摸
      if(0 == touch_flag)
            int tmer = RT_TICK_PER_SECOND/20 ;
            /* calculation */

            /* send mouse event */
            emouse.parent.type = RTGUI_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON;
            emouse.parent.sender = RT_NULL;

            emouse.x = touch->x;
            emouse.y = touch->y;

            touch_previous.x = touch->x;
            touch_previous.y = touch->y;
            /* init mouse button */

            touch_flag = 1;
            rt_timer_control(touch->poll_timer , RT_TIMER_CTRL_SET_TIME , &tmer);
            /* send event to server */
            if (touch->calibrating != RT_TRUE)
            rtgui_server_post_event(&emouse.parent, sizeof(struct rtgui_event_mouse));
      else    //touch_flag =1

gavin_li 发表于 2011-4-25 11:27:13


fgcx 发表于 2012-1-7 16:43:04

写得好, 感觉感谢 。

marrylilili 发表于 2012-2-10 16:37:07


xuzhenglim 发表于 2012-2-11 10:09:47


gosman 发表于 2013-3-26 15:13:36


cunlingwang 发表于 2013-4-24 09:41:00

gosman 发表于 2013-3-26 15:13 static/image/common/back.gif


cjt5132 发表于 2013-5-7 21:06:19

mark aaaaaaa
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查看完整版本: RTT触摸按键,为何无法释放,一直是按下的状态【自己已解决】。