westwing 发表于 2010-11-25 10:52:50


1. 网站上流行的PPM处理方式是通过一个单片机将接收机的8通道串行组成为一个通道,再输出给FC。我的问题是,为什么不直接通过I2C的方式?省得FC还得再次检测PPM。
2. 今天上MikroKopter网站看了一些资料,德国人的四轴好像没有“PPM板”。是不是德国人直接从接收机上取得的串行控制信号,无需并转串?

westwing 发表于 2010-11-26 13:33:14


PPM input
Here we connect the receiver. Two wires for the supply voltage and one for the receiver’s R/C sum signal. Compared to a normal servo PPM signal the sum signal contains all the channels sent by the R/C transmitter before they are decoded by the receiver. This signal is available in every receiver but there are only a few where this signal is directly accessible from outside (e.g. the RX3 Multi by ACT). ( --> RC receiver )

zhu1982lin 发表于 2011-3-4 11:56:44

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