hetiger 发表于 2010-11-6 02:12:08


我用的delphi7是lite Edition v7.3.3.5 (build 8 .1)

yesful 发表于 2010-11-6 11:58:37

6. Installation
Remove all previously installed files of ComPort Library (TComPort
component). Create a new folder under Delphi directory and extract
Sources zip file into new folder. Set Library Path to new ComPort
folder (Tools-Environment Options-Library-Library Path).

For Delphi 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & C++ Builder 4, 5, 6:
(C++ Builder users also need to read the C++ Builder notes)

Use "File/Open" menu item in Delphi/C++ Builder IDE to open
ComPort run-time package source file (see above). Click "Compile"
button in Package window to compile the library. Now move run-time
package library file or files (see above) from ComPort folder to a
folder that is accessible through the search PATH (e.g. WinNT\System32).

Now you have to install design-time package. Use File/Open menu item
to open design-time package source file (see above). Click "Compile"
button in Package window to compile the package and "Install" button
to register ComPort into the IDE. ComPort components appear in
"CPortLib" page of component pallete.If it complains that it
can't install it because it can't find a library, you probably
did not put the run-time package in the search path. You might
not get this error until the next time you try to start
Delphi/C++ Builder.

5. Package names
        Design-Time Source                 Run-Time Source
          ----------------                 ---------------
Delphi 3        DsgnCPort3.dpk                CPortLib3.dpk
Delphi 4        DsgnCPort4.dpk                CPortLib4.dpk
Delphi 5        DsgnCPort5.dpk                CPortLib5.dpk
Delphi 6        DsgnCPort6.dpk                CPortLib6.dpk
Delphi 7        DsgnCPort7.dpk                CPortLib7.dpk

damoplus 发表于 2010-11-6 12:31:18

“Lite 安装控件的一些必须文件”装了?

hetiger 发表于 2010-11-6 13:36:25

哦~~<br><font color=red>“Lite 安装控件的一些必须文件”是啥呀?


hetiger 发表于 2010-11-6 16:53:46


hekun559 发表于 2010-11-23 16:55:43

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查看完整版本: 求助:请教一下delphi7如何安装comport