wujianl 发表于 2010-8-13 17:28:13

USBee AXpro 示波器的BUFFER SIZE修改以后报错退出,进步了程序了是怎么回事?

USBee AXpro 示波器的BUFFER SIZE修改以后报错退出,进步了程序了是怎么回事?
今天第一次试用,很好奇,把BUFFER SIZE 修改成最大,结果程序就报错退出了,然后怎么都打不开示波器程序了,卸载重装,重启电脑都试过了,都进不了程序,双击程序就报错退出。望大侠们指教,这种情况怎么解决?

hansolo 发表于 2010-8-17 17:14:25

Q: I have corrupted my installation of the USBee DX PC software. The following error msg popped up during the splash screen: "Run-time error '11':Division by zero". How do I fix this?
A: You can completely reset the DX software by clearing out all of the registry keys in the following location:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\usbeedxmso\Startup
There are actual sections for each of the DX applications.


wujianl 发表于 2010-8-21 12:14:54


lvhaian 发表于 2011-7-1 21:21:03

我也碰到了 多谢 多谢
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