idterminator 发表于 2010-8-8 21:06:49

请教:PDU模式发送短信出错CMS ERROR 515,PS BUSY(sim300c模块)

以PDU模式发送短信总是返回515的错误:PS BUSY,(以text模式发送短信是正常的)


idterminator 发表于 2010-8-9 06:59:12

The 'CMS ERROR 515' is received in the following cases:

Sending a SMS when the SIM initialization is going on (after rebooting the module).
Reading a SMS immediately after booting the module when SIM initialization is not yet over.
Writing a SMS to the memory before SIM initialization is complete.
Sending more than one SMS at a time or sending a SMS when the response (OK or ERROR) for a previously sent SMS has not been received.



shibeizhe 发表于 2012-8-4 20:34:18

本帖最后由 shibeizhe 于 2012-8-4 20:35 编辑

{:2_26:} idterminator 发表于 2010-8-9 06:59 static/image/common/back.gif
The 'CMS ERROR 515' is received in the following cases:

Sending a SMS when the SIM initialization...

    我在网上看到了您的帖子,我也遇到了您的问题,SIM300能在TEXT模式下发送英文字符,却不能发送中文字符,也不能在PDU模式下发送中英文,总提醒"PS busy",只有现在TEXT模式下发送英文成功后,修改配置后才能在TEXT模式下发送中文与PDU模式下的中英文,不知道为什么。您的问题解决了没有,还望指教!谢谢~
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查看完整版本: 请教:PDU模式发送短信出错CMS ERROR 515,PS BUSY(sim300c模块)