sunmy 发表于 2010-7-23 08:47:14

转帖:印度 警惕 过度 依靠 CAD 软件 将 导致 基础设计 人才 缺失! ------我们呢?

在网上看到的,前几天去了一个培训学校,培训 机械设计 讲师是 研究生毕业 讲 UG |solidworks |ProE,只会操作软件就会机械设计了?




最近,这个话题刺激了在LinkedIn上机械设计工程师论坛小组成员们的神经,当惠而浦公司(Whirlpool)的一位的高级设计工程师Deepak Sharma,质疑年轻的工程师们是否更关心软件的学习而不是核心原理的时候。

“我们可以找到一个会用这个软件的工程师。但他却不了解标准和GD&T[几何尺寸与公差]。他能够仅仅模拟出一个三维模型,并表示设计已经完成”,这是Abeeraj R.在LinkedIn上的回帖。

“我已经很少很少碰到了解牛顿运动定律的人了。这似乎是对物理工程完全缺乏兴趣。此外,我们的工程技术课程的内容从来没有超出梁的弯曲。” Abhijit Amdekar在贴中指出。

其它回贴表示赞同——将直接责任归咎于印度的教育体系,并指出大多数工程教学计划重点关于教会软件工具,而不是基本原理。有些人提出,许多高等教育学校从未有过任何实际的机械设计,甚至没有资格去教这门课。 “就像一个解剖学教授去教人如何做外科手术”,其中有一条评论这样嘲讽到。


“只懂得CAD软件的新手工程师永远不可能成为优秀的设计工程师。他们需要正确的训练、正确的经验并且更重要的是正确的态度和进入这一行业的能力。”C H Kewswani在帖子中指出,在如今的快速发展经济环境里,正确的训练和经验并是不那么容易取得的。

Rahul Dhinakaran是一名机械设计工程师,他有自己的公司——Kalki机械原型私人有限公司,一家位于印度泰米尔纳德邦马杜赖的生产特殊用途的机器制造商。 “我们在学校的时候从来没有上过深入机械设计的课。从学校出来之后,现实情况完全不同,我们用到的只是在学校学到的一小部分内容。其余的则是靠经验。所有机械设计工程师应该开始从车间学徒开始,在开始学习CAD软件之前要了解行业”。

Dhinakaran告诉EE Times记者,他很幸运有自己的初创公司,从而能早一点启动项目,这样使得他能做一些实际的设计工作。“对于处在早期阶段的初创公司而言,首批项目通常是CAD转换或2D到3D建模。”他说, “这是很无聊的东西,尽管用它们支付了公司的账单。我不想被卡在那里,因为做为一家工程设计公司,我认为它会限制我们的成长”。


位于印度浦那的Neubauplan机器设计公司,其老板Harshwardhan Gupta是一位拥有超过30年经验的复杂机械设计工程师,他也热切希望事情能这样发展。他相信,强大的机械设计能力对于印度的制造经济而言是必可少的,他担心如果没有出色的机械设计工程师,印度将会落后且没办法和韩国这类小国及台湾进行竞争,后者一直以来都致力于改善这一领域的技能。然而,如今印度没有下层结构来鼓励对机械设计有兴趣和才能的学生。



Where are all the good machine designers?

by Karen Field

Engineers in India fret that younger colleagues are too focused on software, lacking the basic engineering knowledge required to be good designers

Blame it on India's focus on IT and software outsourcing. Blame it on the education system. Blame it on the high salaries for CAD designers, or even on the software vendors themselves. Whatever the cause, some machine designers in India are troubled by what they say is a shortage of young people coming into the field with the necessary skills to be good machine designers.

The topic struck a nerve recently among members of the Machine Designers Forum Group on LinkedIn, when Deepak Sharma, a Senior Design Engineer at Whirlpool, questioned whether young engineers were concentrating more on learning software than the core principles.

"We can find an engineer who knows the software. But he is not aware of the standards and GD&T . He can simulate just a 3D model and say the design is completed," Abeeraj R. posted in his response on LinkedIn.

"I have met very, very few who have understood Newton's Laws of Motion. There seems to be total apathy towards physical engineering. Besides, our engineering curriculum has never gone beyond bending of beams," posted Abhijit Amdekar.

Other respondents agreed--putting the squarely blame on India's educational system and pointing out that many of the engineering programs focus on teaching software tools, not first principles. Some suggested that many academics, having never actually designed any machinery, weren't even qualified to teach the subject. "Like a professor of anatomy teaching someone how to do surgery," was one scoffing comment.

Others blamed the software sellers themselves, suggesting that the marketers try to make it seem as though by learning the software, you magically become a design engineer.

"Fresh engineers can never be good design engineers with knowledge of only CAD software. They need the right training, right experience and more important the right attitude and aptitude to enter this profession," posted C H Kewswani, noting that the right training and experience are not so easy to acquire in today's fast-moving economy.

Rahul Dhinakaran, a mechanical engineer who owns his own company, Kalki Mechanical Prototypes Private Limited, a maker of special-purpose machines in Madurai, Tamilnadu,India, agreed. "We are never taught anything close to machine design in Institutes. After coming out the reality is totally different and only a small percentage of what we learnt is used. The rest is left to experience…all mechanical engineers should start as apprentices in workshops and learn the trade before they learn CAD packages."

Dhinakaran told EE Times that he was lucky with his own startup company to get projects early on that allowed him to do some actual design work. "For early-stage startups, first projects are usually CAD conversion or 2D to 3D modeling," he says. "This is seriously boring stuff, although it pays the bills. I did not want to get stuck there as I believed it would limit us from growing as an engineering design company."

Dhinakaran believes that young engineers today are enamored by software. But he thinks that the love affair will change. "I think it's true that young engineers are more interested in software tools, such as ProE, than good old-fashioned engineering. But this is mainly because they can get a higher salary doing CAD than working in proper engineering workshops," he says. "But that doesn't mean that India is suddenly going to lose all its engineers and become a place overrun by CAD specialists. The difference in pay scale is bound to even out in a few years, and then we'll see some really excellent quality engineers doing quality work."

Harshwardhan Gupta, owner of the machine design company Neubauplan, in Pune, India, and a designer of complex machines for over 30 years, fervently hopes so. He believes that strong machine design capabilities are essential to India's manufacturing economy, and worries that without them, India will fall behind, unable to compete with small countries like Taiwan and Korea, which have been focusing on improving their own skill sets in this area. Yet no infrastructure exists in India today to encourage students with an interest in and aptitude for machine design.

In his article titled "Machine-Design: India's Blind Spot," Gupta notes that a handful of good machine-designers exist in India, but the number may be too insignificant for the health of the industry-based economy of a huge country like India.

His vision is to expand the reach and influence of the Machine Designer's Forum on LinkedIn, ultimately working hand-in-hand with Indian policymakers and industry leaders to invest more heavily in creating a skilled pool of machine designers. Judging by the animated discussion on LinkedIn, machine designers in India are motivated to help make that happen.

ghosthd 发表于 2010-7-23 08:50:37


sunmy 发表于 2010-7-23 08:53:43


Ziooo 发表于 2010-7-23 08:59:33

我们有楼市 不怕

sunmy 发表于 2010-7-23 09:03:13


ghosthd 发表于 2010-7-23 09:18:02


zcllom 发表于 2010-7-23 09:18:44


sunmy 发表于 2010-7-23 09:31:44



xiaolei0428 发表于 2010-7-23 12:37:12


qwerttt 发表于 2010-7-23 16:16:51


steel 发表于 2010-7-23 20:52:10

Auto CAD只是件工具,ProE只是件工具,UG只是件工具,一件吃饭的工具,一件开发的利器,但是仅仅这样是不够的,高手都无招胜有招,随心发挥。

sddp001 发表于 2010-7-23 20:58:41


sunmy 发表于 2010-7-24 13:41:02


pcrack 发表于 2010-7-25 20:21:09


liangyurongde 发表于 2010-7-25 21:29:08


edaworld 发表于 2010-7-25 21:51:15


format 发表于 2010-7-25 22:07:13



lamus 发表于 2010-7-25 23:19:20

<Design Engineering>,<draftsman>工资相差十倍,八倍,不等...
要求会SW,Pro Eng,AutoCAD,两千元能随时在一般技校找到.

wkman 发表于 2010-7-25 23:31:27


rainyss 发表于 2010-7-25 23:34:05



sunmy 发表于 2012-6-16 21:07:54

rainyss 发表于 2010-7-25 23:34 static/image/common/back.gif
按照这说法,阿莫应将加工中心拆掉,用锉刀来生产雕刻机.当然,造出来的雕刻机只供观赏和研究,不应拿来作实际 ...


D.lovers 发表于 2012-6-16 22:58:13

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