alex1202 发表于 2010-6-10 03:46:56

Eagle 转 PADS

请问哪位有eagle 转pads的ulp文件啊

huayuliang 发表于 2010-6-10 11:07:43


或者用 diptrace 中转。

simhfc 发表于 2010-6-10 14:46:29



alex1202 发表于 2010-6-11 01:02:27


另外, 谢谢花生。我先试一下

alex1202 发表于 2010-6-11 01:10:44


huayuliang 发表于 2010-6-11 01:15:20


tmlee 发表于 2010-6-11 01:38:52

用 diptrace 中转。

diptrace 有 eagle to diptrace pcbulp

转入 diptrace pcb再转出 pads pcb就可以。

Version 2.1 (February 10, 2010)

New high-class shape-based auto-router.
Dimensions in PCB Layout and Pattern Editor (horizontal, vertical, free, radius, pointer).
Saving all settings with project file.
Placing board cutout, copper objects and route obstacles in Pattern Editor.
Changing shape line width in pattern editor.
Placing polylines and polygons in pattern editor.
Converting polygons to pads and back in pattern editor.
DXF import was improved in pattern editor ("all layers" and "fill closed areas").
TrueType for pin names/pin numbers/net names in Schematic (option).
Removing similar holes in drill files.
Searching and displaying holes by size.
Rectangle with rounded corners board outline in board points dialog box.
View/Objects tab on the design manager panel. "Copper Pours" item has been added.
Redesigned Print Preview in PCB Layout.
Resizable pin manager and attached pattern dialog boxes in component editor.
Quick buttons on component properties panel in component editor.
Changing font of pin names in component editor or schematic.
Pin Properties dialog box in Schematic.
Changing grid size with "Ctrl+" and "Ctrl-". "+" and "-" are used for scale in all programs. "R" or Space for rotating in all programs.
"IC - 4 sides" component type in component editor.
Only x position of horizontal pins is changed when you change width, and y position of vertical pins if change height of IC. Other properties are not changed.
Rectangle and Zig-Zag pattern types in pattern editor.
Lock properties button in component and pattern editors.
Displaying library of component and "Place into Current Position" button in Search window of Component and Pattern editors.
Block Delete (select several components and delete) and Block Insert (right click/Insert Components from library) components/patterns in Component and Pattern Editors.
Library verification features in Component and Pattern Editors.
Finding component in active/opened library (all programs).
Sorting pins in pin manager by name, number and position.
Repositioning pins by name or number in component editor.
Group Rotate and Flip features in Component Editor (pin submenu; Shift+R, Shift+F hot-keys).
Internal connections are red and can be removed by repeated creation - in Component Editor/Attached Pattern
Displaying pad numbers in Pattern Editor, Pcb and Component Editor.
Default Net Width check while updating pcb from schematic, saving net properties from pcb (route mode, hidden connections, etc.).
Data and document files were moved to AppData and MyDocuments. Does not write anything to Program Files (Vista/Win 7 compatibility).
P-CAD ASCII, PADS Import/Export Improved
P-CAD ASCII, Eagle Script libraries import improved   **********************************************************************************
OrCAD MIN Interchange Import/Export in PCB Layout
Origin can be placed by object key-points.
"Change Symbol Type" feature in Component Editor (automatic making 2sided/4sided symbol from existing one).
Making busses by pin names in Component Editor.
"No thermal for vias" and separate thermal settings for SMD in copper pour properties (no need to use pad/via custom thermal settings).
Printer calibration in PCB Layout.
Exclude some objects from panelizing, saving panelizing settings with layout file.
Dimensions are displayed for pattern types in pattern editor.
It is possible to change type properties for rotated pattern in Pattern Editor.
RefDes numeration for hierarchy changed (U1_1, U1_2, etc.).
Additional check if attached patterns are correct for multipart components while exporting net-list or saving file.
ArcMode is turned off automatically after placing arc in board outline.
Placing pattern markings over pads/vias/traces.
Graphics speed in PCB Layout, Component and Pattern Editors was optimized.
Recovery options (number of steps between auto-savings and enabling/disabling recovery).
Text type (RefDes, Name. Value) in Pattern Editor.
Copper pour fill counts internal copper pours.
UI polishing.
16000+ new components, existing libraries were redesigned by new standards.

simhfc 发表于 2010-6-11 15:42:11


simhfc 发表于 2010-6-11 15:53:25

用 diptrace 中转。


tmlee 发表于 2010-6-11 16:39:39


huayuliang 发表于 2010-6-11 17:43:36

哦?? tmlee 受挫了。。也是好事。找个好点的女孩子就是了。

tmlee 发表于 2010-6-11 18:47:46


alex1202 发表于 2010-6-16 10:20:30


huayuliang 发表于 2010-6-16 11:58:43



yulri 发表于 2010-9-18 08:32:03


mzj180 发表于 2011-3-13 23:35:03


41208994 发表于 2018-1-8 15:58:56

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