cafppla 发表于 2010-5-21 19:27:09

dsp builder遇到的错误

做FPGA开发时,先在DSP Builser下仿真通过,用Signal Compiler生成了相应的文件,接着在Modelsim下运行.tcl文件报错,其情况如下
# invalid command name "set_global_assignment"
#     while executing
# "set_global_assignment -name "QIP_FILE" "
不知道是什么原因。是生成的.tcl文件错误,但是在Simulink下的算法级仿真通过了tcl文件如下set mdldir ]

puts "Adding DSP Builder System sin to project\n"

set_global_assignment -name "QIP_FILE"

if { ] } {

# Add an index file for the Librarian
set ipDir "/ip/sin/";
if { ! } {
        file mkdir $ipDir;
# Reference the file by relative path if possible
if { == "relative" } {
        set mdlIPX "../../$mdldir/sin.ipx"
} else {
        set mdlIPX "${mdldir}/sin.ipx"
set ipxFP
puts $ipxFP "<library><index file='$mdlIPX'/></library>"
close $ipxFP
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