luzhengmao 发表于 2010-2-22 16:47:08

Mk 新版本有人分析过了吗?

Mk 新版本有人分析过了吗?

pitolan 发表于 2010-2-23 16:20:59

What's new?
FC: Output of Current values of the Bl-Controllers; Display of Current, Power and current consumption
FC/MK-Tool: now with 12 Channels / 8 Potis
FC/MK-Tool: Mapping (assignment) of Servo-Outputs 3-5 (if using FC ME)
MK-Tool: Joystick-support for serial Channels
FC/MK-Tool: Receiver selection (ACT (DSL-Protocol), Spektrum, Jeti)
FC: JetiBox supported
MK-Tool: Multi Language support
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